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Court and Fashion

... gourt an? )fashion. THE COURT. OSBOnNE, F.E. 7.-The Queen drove out yester- day morning, accompanied by Princess Louise, and attended by the Hon. Mrs. Bruce and Lord Alfred Paget. The Queen walked and drove in tho grounds with Princess Louis of Hesse. The Queen droveout this afternoon, accompanied by Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse and Princess Helena, and attended by Lieutenant-Colonel Du ...

Court and Fashion

... court allb fla4ilyn. THIE CO U R T. OSnOnXE, JAN. 29g-Tire Queen drove out yester- day mornigl. Prince and Princess Lonis of Hesse a lso took a drive, TIe Prince of Vales, attended by Captain Grey, arrived at Osborne yesterlay from London. Earl Russell also arrived yesterday, and had an audience of the Queen, OsnoiuiE, J. y, B0-The Queen, accompanied by Princess Helena, walked auld drove ...


... ji TnE PlnxNE OrWALES.-mis Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, attended by Lieutenant-General Knollys and Major Teesdale, visited Marlborough House on Monday, and afterwords honored the studio of Mr. Walton with a visit. The Duke of Cambridge paid a visit to his Royal Highness. The Prince of Wales, attended by Colonel the Hon. Sir C. B. Phipps and Major Teesdalo, went, at a quarter be- fore ...

Court and Fashion

... 601trt aab Ili G IT. THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, FPe. 10.-Baron Gros and Earl and Countess Russell arrived at the Castle yesterday. Lord Russell had an audience of the Queen. Banon Gros, French Ambassador, was presented to the Queen at an audlienco by Earl Russell, The Judge Advocate-General arrived at the Castle to-day, and had an audience of the Qieen. His Royal Highness the Prince of WVales, ...

Court and Fashion

... dolt' t , 0 fn TOM THE COURT. WINESon CASTLE, FEnB. 24.-The Queen, acom- panied by her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Prussia (Princess Royal), drove in the grounds yesterday afternoon. Their Royal Highnesses the Princess Helena and Princess Louise, attended by Lady Caroline Barrington and the Hon. Colonel Liddel, went to London last evening, and honored the performance at the Lyceum ...

Court and Fashion

... Court 4lnb Th ia*). THE CO URT. WINDSOR CASTLIO, Frm. 21.-The Queen, accom- panied by her Royal Highness the Princess Louis of Hesse, drove in the g'ounds this morning. The Viscount and Viscountess Sydney arrived at the b Castle yesterday, and returned to London to-day. d The Queen, accompanied by her Royal Highness tho b Princess Louis of Hesse, drove out in a carriage- and-four in the ...

Court and Fashion

... 6 Gurt ,Ilyb 'f! IT5 Jan. THE CO URT. WViNOaors CAsasix, Fps. 14,-The Queen, acGomI- pauied lby her Royal Highness the Princess Louis of Helasso, wvalked and drove in the grounds this IeOriDt. gI FEil. 15.-The Queen, the Prince and Princess j Louis of Hessa, Princess Helena., Princess Louise, ti and Prince Leopold, and the Ladies ard Gentlemen- a inl Waiting, attended Divine service this ...

Court and Fashion

... Gf-crurt aA $a5lgion. T H C oU R T. W\INDSon CASTLE, FenRaAnY 20.-The Queen and Princess Louis of Hesse walked and drove in the grounds this morning. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wnles left Windsor Castle to-day, attended by Major Tecsdale, to honor the Earl and Countess Spencer with a visit at Altborp Park, Northampton. The Hon. Lucy Kerr and the Hon. Victoria Wortley have succeeded the ...

Court and Fashion

... --Ccalrt alyb $jasbioly, TI H Co U R T. \lIENDSOi CA-slr,, Fan. 23.-Her Royal H1igh0ness tho Crown Princess of prussia (Princess Boyal) ar- rived at the Castlo to-day on a visit to the Queen. His Royal Highness Prince Louis of I-lasso wvent to London this morning to mnoot tle Princass at the a Brielila-evs' Arms station, and alccompanied her ,f Royal llighnees to Whinldsor. Their Royal High- ...

Court and Fashion

... gourf aub f THE COURT. OsnOa.Na, Faa. 4,-The Queen drove out yoster- dCy, sersinpa iisdby Princo and Princess Louis of o seasond Princess -lelona, end attended by I Lieutenuut-Colonel Du Plat. Sir Andrew Buclanana renmained at Osborne yesterday after the Council, and returned to London to-day. PARLIAMENTAR1Y ENTERTANMEXiNTi. Tar Earl of Derby gave a dhiner party on AVetnes- day evening, as is ...

Court and Fashion

... gourt alto fa5bijan. THE COURT. OseonNE, FuB. 1.-The Queen, Princess Helena, and Prince Leopold attended Divine service at Os- borne this morning, which was performed by the Rev. G. Prothero. The PrinceofWales, Princeand Princess Lonis of Hesse, and Princess Louiso at- tsaded the morning service at Whippinglham Church. VICEREGAL COURT. PaYn Comncmn.-A Council wias held on Monday in the ...

Court and Fashion

... IL__ Cour XRub $a5f a T IlIE co U'IR T.' t OsDonMr, FEB. 6. ' The Q'e6n drove ont yestef- day afternoon, aecompanied by Princess Louise and t Priueicss Beatrice. The Marchioness of Ely and Lieatrnaut-Colonel Da Platt were in attendance. The Prince of Wales, attended' by Major Teesdale, left this Inorning for London. OsnonP., Fan. 6.-Thre Queen drove ont yesterday, accompanied by the Prince and ...