Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. his DAy (Tbhursday), the 26th inst.. at Twelve o'clock, it the Bkr Office, SWeetiu0-treet, SevendCoke Arn GTx StAL, jest arrie RN 7'o o at-A t BokD GutT~, CO. A rke 24 te26 O Co,, B okers l eis Day (Thursday), the 26th instant, at Twlve o'elouk, at the Brokers' Office, SWeetinrg-btrect, IAbout go Tens Chilian GUANO. 4f- Apply to ARNOLD, LETTE, ROSCOE, & 0O., Broker. Th'vis fay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. Al lhia Day ('Tuadl the 10th instant, at Teve o'lock at - thhs Day kes Office 18 Chapel-street, 00Coaks of L5HALE OIL, Ame Apply to ALEX. S. MACRAE, Broker. Also 'Pbs Day (Theday), the 10th inst., at wlve O'clock at the BE Brokers' Office, 10, Exchange-buildlugs 14 Tiere}J~erica LARDT OML Itf ?? pticulars__ . H..o JONlEf8 & CO., Brokers. this Day (Tuesday)1 othie 0th Inaelnt, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TtH(ENIX PERMANENT BENEFIT I BULDIN SOIETY AND SAVINOS lUND. SharesI£1 ?? Entrance Fee, Is. Der share, ShreIIDOENDI PAID HALF-YEA.HLY. JTAMES JOHNSN.JEsq, 15~94Ilotn JAMES IB COOPER EB s., 4 , Shaw-atreet. J. A BARTLETT Esq., , Pembroke-plaoe. it, JAMES DENTONE, REq., 30 Browflow-etreet. JOHN DEAR, Esq., 24, `Nf43gtoi. The NEXT MONTHLY MEETING will take place on THuISDAY, the 12th Instant, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... public %MnRnmentto. THEATRE ROYAL. BIRMINGItAM. (Under the Management of Mr. M. SL Siprson. TW~ HIS EVENING (Tueday), Fobruairy l0th, T. the entestainmente will commenee with ',THIRTY YEARS OF A. GA)IBLE11'S LIFR ; After which the nev Comic Christmas rANTOMIMAi, entitled P II S S-I N. B 00 T S. Lower Bloxes. 3s: Upper Boxom, 2s. Pit, Is, ; Galiory, Hd Hatl. price toBoxoS as near ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE SHILLING ADVERI'SEMENTS, Tn E charge for Advortisenents cominm under the general bead of Wlanted, is ONE ISHILLING for twanty-four words, and SlxramecE for every adaitional~ ten words. These rates are strictly confined to such Advertise meets as are prepaid. Remittancea may be made in roataog St-amps. rartlea answring AdvertlseOments in the Daily rest, rmnsl do, so int the following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE SHI'LLING ADVERTISEMENTS. THE charge for Advertisements coning under the general head of Wanted, is OND SHILLING for twanty-four words, and SIXPENlOz for every additiounl toni words. Thcse rates are strictly confined to suoh Advertisements as are prepaid. Remittances may ba maAJ ill ?? Stamps. lsuta3. ardties answeoring Advertlserosnts in ~ u~vt p eiee. tosobt do so in th following ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I NTONI FORRER, Hair Jewellertothe Queen, t ?? llANOVER-STREET, IHANOVER-SQUARE. t (Roenoved from Regent-street and Baker-street). t ALKER'S CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES, t V ' for which a prize medal seas awarded. Second in C utility only to the pettily postage stamp.' See opinions ol the i p 6,, CORNlIlLL. anti 230. REGENT-STREET. I ENT, CHRONOMETER, WATCH, and t D CLOCK MAKER to the QUEEN, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEGRO EMANOIP.ATION,A MEETIipljnGSoftt N the Frtiends antd SupportersOof the ImniitfiSitl will tee held lin St. Toancs shbati TOIAIOREONV EVENNG DC hear addresses frimn Irre~li~or . II'W Neoet1ilefl M.A. R~ev. Win. 1 Lanel, Itet'piti k Chapel, anld George' RIitiinf.Ri. ?? .pvcial notice o h rehrcnlieieeli2r a 2fasoti, comm~sissioner froti the Confederate S't at, and author of ti the Fegitive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OVEER ENIGL.UiDlOidiat the rAlLWAY STATIONS. Afessrs. WI. II. MI ?? and SON now SELL the DAILY -NEWS at all the Rtailway stations3 lt TH RtEEi'E\ CE Per SINGLE COPY, and will st'ILY all tTL BOOKsELLERS; and NFWS- AGE fNTS ( i 'wI' telrIII sa will enable tliilm also to SELL the DAL NEiWS, at tie iosi-kedt price of TI1IIEEFENCE per SING;LE COPY. 1inc . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J6 cobp Z~adiofl-oo,-flNVED- SALE Tots Dat ,, ?? MinRT, OP A% COLLECTIONj OF, CABIANET OIL PAINTINGS, AND A COLLECTION FRAMED ENGRAVINGS. 111 UCHISN & I)xON have Ijeen instructed to JR Sell, ?? above, th~e Callery of OIL PAINTINGS and ENG RAVINGS, ?? fi0111 a. AWeStEiid -Mansion, within The Marl,? W~Av Nile treet, TO-Da£(WedinesdalM) at Twelve Noon, A ;gost many of the Pictures were ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I a 1 Obil, Ili Ca~,ton or S~tock~oi Stroet, a LUNICH ofN jgJAA X -A: ?? tly at UL-eorgelit 31tc, eore %mrae. j@1 E sAY ~ ' nt ?? Clyde Place, o n1 S rC' ~tIiti. Y RDOGi, seven r ni at7 EW.ELLERS. ?? ,XS)lRUN at 2 Ucx' P1I!cet rn Alutu tile 4th Dec., SIii;od to t~Y.\ ;ApR-' 45 a':tlrgs ?? EOT NC \- the~ C'alo i:%ni7i * P iwi-y SatonL P1. OIN~fIRi BFtt it. LUr.' -,'mrn I itlil:o 4ix PayC tt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ffialto ?? &tuiOll-CONTINVED TH .S2OREAGE OF F`RuNlTURE, PLATE, OR PICTURES, 11 ESSBfS Jf)jN & JAMES MORRISON desire } `:te ttaiim6on of Thrties proposingto STORE their FUR- NITUR E pl.-AtwE, or PICTURES, to the Large Dry Stores, 162 B1 Benf*.'ll Shtrt';',, GlasgOw, specially erected by them for this _O. It I.w(uSA),IT EB A aO7. LNeFIELfD STREET, TlO-MIORt0w (TUEOSSAT), 10TH . PUBLIC SALE OF- ...