... THE FATAL PIT OUTR,.GE, AT BRADLEY. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE CORONER, YESTERDAY. The inquest on the bodies of the three men who were killed on the 30ih of January, at the Pagott's Croft Col- liery owing to the pit rope by which they were'descending down the sbaft having been cut, was re-opened yesterday, at the Crown and Cushion, Bradley (the house of the pro- prieter of the colliery, Mr, Arthur ...


... BI1VMINGIiAMTPOLICE COURT. YESTERDAY. Before Sir Jotin aei (f, Mesrs. P. 0. S. Kynnersley, and WeUley Rihawrds. STEALING AND RECHeviNO.-A yoath named George Horteon, a brass tap founder, residing in the Victoria Road, Aston, was brought up, charged with having stolen a nuber of brass taps from the premises of big naster, Mr. Smith, of Weraman Pow, and a man named Johae Wfifamo, I, braes tap ...


... BIRfMINGHAM BANKRUPTCY COURT. YESTERDAY. BEFOnR MR. RM u RRn WuvILSON. iti re T. Malls, TValsall, iron ?? was a meeting for last examination and dischargo, but as the bankrupt did not appear he was outlawed. e rc C. T. clover, .Tarborne ande DiminqTeamcs, draper.- Meeting for last examination and diseharge. The balanee shect ahowed: ?? owing to creditors unsecured, £000. 7s. lOd.; creditors to ...


... I BEFORE UR. COMMISSIONER PERRY. IN RE EDWARD WILLIAMS.-This was an adjourned application of the bankrupt, who described himself as an accountant and agent in Liverpool, for an order of discharge. Mr. M'Oubrey, instructed by Ar. Robert Anderson, appeared on his behalf, and Mr. Conway, in- structed by Mr. ldward Banner, for the assirnees. The bankrupt passed his last examination osi the 31st ...


... I SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. BEFORE MESSRS. J. B. JtFFERY iAND W. PRESTON. CHARGE OF BREAKING INTO WAREHOUSES.- Patrick M'Grath, James M'Creave, John Martin, all young fellows, and Ellen Meran, were charged with breaking into the warehouse of Messrs. Joseph Donnel and Co., No. 1, Rainford-s uare, Temple- court, and the warehouse of Mr. James D. M'Murtrie, No. 6, Plumb-street, Highfield-street, and ...

Law Intelligence

... 4 n* cjt l~iqitice. COURT OF SESSION-THuRsDAY. SECOND DIVISION. P;T.-DENNSY. This is the petition in regard to the enistouly of the ?? of MIrN il Macnish. TheCeert ordered the petitioners to lodge a scheme for the residence, maintenance, and edacation of the child. ren. The following scheme accordingly was lodged | The petitioners propose the following schemne for the residence, maintenance, ...

Law Intelligence

... I Raf bIntiffguct. I NOTICES-THIS DAY. JUJDICIAL COMMI TEEOTHAL PRIVY COUNCIL, WBHITEHALL; AT 101.-Wise v. Bhoobun Moyee WLebla and another. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. AT 10J.-BEFOE TTHE LORDS JUsTICEs.-Appeals : Warner v. Smith-Price v. Salusbury-Watkins v. Weston. ROLLS COURT, CHANCERRY-L&NE. At 10.-For judgment: Mackenzie's Settlement. By order: ReSydney. Causes, &c.: Lock v. ...


... LAW AND POLICE| - - BAIL COURT. T911ATICAL COPYBIOHT.-LAOY v. RHYs. - ThiS was an action brought last Tuesday by the plaintiff, a theatrical publisher inthe Strand, against the defendant, Captain Horton Rhys, who Sas the Lessee of the Sadler's Wells Theatre, to recover the sum of g12, being six penalties of 40s. each for representing a piece entitled The Roll of the Drum, without the consent ...

Published: Sunday 15 February 1863
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1691 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... TRIAL OF THE ILLUMINATIONS. A MEETeNG of the Illumination Commkibtte-Bajilie T2 IM'HARDY, Convener-Was held. on Friday evening, to wit- g neSS some experiif leflte in illuminating the Town House and al Cross. A cluster of variegated lamps had been bung out at S one of the windows of the Town House, and another cluster it of four round one of the lamp-posts of the Cross. b Baillie M'HAEDY ...


... GLASG OW BANKRUPTCY COURT-YESTEFDkY (Before Sheriff BELL.) EXAXINATION 01 JAMES GOULD &C CO. The bankrupts were tea merchants in Pitt Street, Glas- gow. There were present-Mr. Archibald Polloek. accounlt- Iant, trustee; Mr. Richard M'Cuiloch, writer, agent in the sequestration; and Mr. Robert Duldop, writer, for a creditor. I The banklrlpt. James Gould, deponed-I begoan uc-utes in 183;9. I ...


... THE LAW OF SEIzURR In the Court of Queen's Bench, on Monday, Was case Edwards v. Hollingsworth. Mr. hibtla a a Lasxton were counsel for the pleintif; Mr. T. And \{ and Mr. T. Salter for the defendant. 41144 The plaintiff w*a a person who stated that he independently, his friends adding to his icoe li7ed defendant was an auctioneer in Holborn. The kI was brought for a wrongful conversion and de ...


... On Saturday afternoon, a horrible wife-murder was deliberately perpetrated in a beer-house in Edge- street, near Shudehill-market. The murderer, who is now in custody, is a young man named Levi Tay- lor, and he is scarcely eighteen years of age. Two months ago Taylor, a labourer in the employ of Mr. John Day, ironfounder, of Failsworth, married a woman of the class generally known as unfortu ...