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Advertisements & Notices

... T HE NATIONAL BANK OF LIVERPOOI T (LIMITED). INcOnPOrtEAT UNDER THE COMIPANIMB AcT, 1862. Capital, £1,000,000, in 10,000 Shares of £100 each laith polcer to increase to £2,000,000- Deposlt on Application, XI per Share; on Allotment £1 per Share. Soon after Allotment a, first Call of £3 per Share will be made; Calls ate not to exceed £5 per Share. and are not to be made at intervals of less ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r10 ENGLAND via LIVERPOOL. MARCH, 1863. The bELFALT STEAM-SHIP COMPANY'S Fleet of New First-Class Iron Steam-Ships, of large ca- aacit t 9ad power, EL LE CTRIC, ' MAGNETIC,' im ' i SC.11AP lRE, r other Firat-Class Steamers, will Sail from Bielfast and Liverpool every MONDAY, T(JSpESDY, TIURSDAY, and SATURDAY (unless prereeted by some. nnforeseen occurrence), with Extra Sailiflt5 When ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CEEP OHRNAMENTS. We have a few Setts of handsome ORNAMENTS, both In Chlina and Bohemian Glaes, very slightly damaged or rubbed ilt the Gliding, which will be sold this week at VERY REDUCED PRICES. Tlose requirlng Such will profit by an Inspection.f GREGG AND SON, ti 10, UPPER SACKVILLE-STREET. R 5U&t 'iAND LANDS. tc RTBUR JONES AND SON, A HOUSE AGENTS AND FURNISHERS, ti iesvo Several Furnished ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Engagement for a limited period of TEIE SISTERS NELSON (from the St. James's Theatre, London), daugaters of the late Mr. S. Nelson, the popular Composer.-Tt113 EVENING (Monday), March Oth, will be performed the ad- mired Dramn of THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION ?? Sbelly, 3r Huntley; James Greenflell, Mr Nanton; Union Jock, lrt11 iarfoot; i Rachel Ryland, Miss S Thorne; Fanny ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ij HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T SW This Evening (Tuesday). there will ba no par- formane ?? for a limited periodof TBiE SISTE RS NELSON (from the St. James's Theatre, London), datghtere of the late Mr. S. Nelson, the popular Composer.-TO-MOR. POW EVENING (Wednesday), March 11th, will be performed Ible admbid Comnedy of SPEED TilE PLOUGH; or, Tue Farmers Glory.-Sir Abel Raudy, Mr Granby; Sir Philip ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST HARTLEPOOL S TEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S kn First-class Steamships, Ward Jackson,1 Gipsy Queen, tGitana, Shell-tkeo, Fairy Queen, Normanby, Osqprey, Zingari, IAdmiral Cator, Prompt, and Loipsig, Will Sail with Goods and Passengers from WEST HARTLEPOOL TO HAMBURG AND ROTTERDAM, Every WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY, j s loon after the arrival of the 9.95 P.M. Train as the Tide permits; from 43IBURG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S OCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL. IiluT ANNUAL BAR 0AR, for the Poor of Dublin, of all religions persunslones, visited and relioved by the above boclety, %will be held il the ROTUNDO, On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, tihe 6th and Gth May. Donatioen of any articles lit for Prizes will be tihesakrlly received nl the Cotmmittce-rcoms. 16, Ilenrietta-stroet L EFT-OFF CLOTHES.-Wanted, for ex-' L portatlon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE MARRIAGE OF THE PRINCE OF WALES. HE FOLLOWING IS THE PROGRAMME T of proceedings to be observed in the Ulster Hall this day at tho -eremnnnial in honor of the mar- riage of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales:- The Mayor and Corporation, witil the public bodies and functionaries who have been invited to the plat- form, 'will meet, dressed in their offlcinl costume, in the committee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f) L D C H A I N S. G Ey rlOY ?? ANt) WORKiMANSIIIP, Ar MANUFACrURERS' PRICES. 7i.o G at .be ?? (uarsiat'ed, and purchased bask at priree charged. WM, ACHESON and Ci., fi ., lInAFON-STREET, DIJUVIN, A ii oz fit qP ?? ?? S,£ 0 0 . 10 0 do azlU it sray time be given for the Chain. 'NE\ 'SPRING FASHIONS AND iN ~~~FABRICS. BROWN, MCONHEY, and CO. respectfully announue the arrival of ?? Spring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE I NOTICE ! NOTICE I CHINA, GLASS, AND DELP WAREHOUSE, o1, Victoria Street, BlDfast. ?? SMITH, PROPtI ETOR. E STABLISHED FOR THE CHEAP SALE Eof the best quality of Goods, wvhich are Sold for CASH 20 per Cent. lower than any other House in Town. FLUTED TUMBLERS, from 2s por Dozen. CUT WINE GLASSES, from is ,, Please observe the Address-51, V I C T 0 R I A STRE ET._ET. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HT HATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ?? Engagement for a limittd period of THE SISTERS NELSON (frone the St. Jamosi' Theatre, London), daughters of tie Inte Mr. S. Nelson, the popular Composer.-Ti13 EVENING (Wednesday), March 11th, will be performed the admiirtd Comedy of SPEED T}IE PLOUGH ; or, Tile Farmelsa Glory-Sir Abel Handy, Mr Granby ; Sir Philip Blanrford, Mr F luntley; Farmer Ashaeld, MrEShephard; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... itrlttn d:InrnnultitlRfirnY. jEEY'IY STEAM COMMUNIICATION TO NEW WEEKLYYORK DIRIECT. H, LIVRlPOOL, NEW YORR, AND PHIL- T *ADELPIIIA STEAMISHIP COMIPANY intend csutching their Full-poweredA Clycie-built Iron Screw p1031 lQUKENSTOWN (CORK) TO NEW YORK, .dlla . .. .. Thursday, 12th Mar. lh.tsL~t, V. .. ,, Thursday, 19th Mar. City of Waishington. .. Thursday. 26th Mar. And every succeeding ...