Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICEl TO ADVERTISHRS. gh Puabllc are rsetul InoMed that the CHARGE for INERTION in tbe DAILY MERO RY of small, IRISPAID ADVERTISEMENT referring to Situa- tions, Ifouse, and Persons Wanted, Poet oh Sold or Let Apartments an d all ?? Wafits '1of the Cofliuflln , is SiXEO'htte charg ofor THRI~ EER ITN1SNESW(fRToN s ONuS lLN SHILLING andi SIXPENCE and that on TEDY and TBiDAY9 Advertisers have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE T0 ADpV}TEI. 5he Publo p ?? ,that the (IHARGE ?? INSETION in the DAILY MEsRC3U0 R of Sit FRI-PAID ADVERTISEMSENTS referring to Situa- tions, Houis.s and Persons Wanted, Proprty to be Sold or Lekt Apartments, and all tfe MioellanoUs 4-Wints of the Community, i SIXPENCE: that the charge for THREE INSM ON is ONE SIflLLING -for SIX iNSERTIONS (ox an entire week) ONE SHII.LING and SIXPENCE: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (4OOD FRIkCNlE HALL V~dcNi' lbee ttredd~ MilaE~n, aRemaun, andi the birilest Wllis, Mabi Cahdr. Pee stn~asnteeebu GltulaODimfeel Jir ?? ltbeer n te w n-ttion ipau ?? the Prince of Walehe aoER AL.,LRDNLSO STRT, FAREWELL EXHIBITIONS. WILL SHORTLY CLOSE. TTAMILTON'S CONTINENTAL Ja axCURSIONS. IIJUMINATIO O . sllt AROS *s it Ye=e s on the Enini of the Pt emiten, I ?? thebe inabiotant for te tret ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIIRPMSI mnd IASSENGERS werlpetfulyinforro Uaat an and after flatlirday, Igts May. thle BIIITIIIH WNW ITORTlV AXI1OR1PA ROYAL MAIL COMPANY intends to depatebt firtk-clas full-posered. fiast Car-go Steamners fronA T1,lerpool to New York over alternate Saturday, with liberty tocel t n rihIot; ain I conetlon with the Corn- wsny'a Mal Steamers) a weekly salling for New York, anti Freigt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an aetkre ASMiTANT In ih Grosery W =a -n AD rb to B Jones, 210, Grea H astreef, sscn~tFFICEBOY. BIrMocmec 3 e W ;,k=-Addrms a l4 M erury-o @o0. a zTR8 and STRAW BON!IT TRINM a n. . , at Bvana's, London-road. ?? good MflITNERP,-Applye to &5 Bodstreet. . ~lAflTBD. as~ d FOREMAN SAKERI-Agply to N. v-street, Windsor. 9pmyl WAJNTED, a PE:R8ON who is experienced in finishin Phzotographs in Bepl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1F HtNCOCK, Jeweller and Silver- e 0 smito the Queen Iod IELH. 3he Drince Of t, begs respectfull to invite the nobi and his name- was5 vatrone to Inapect so100 v. 15 1 uhlque 5IIVWBOXES psby p -1mi th; sale WORDI,1Y AND CO., 56, jORDSTRBT, LVERPOLI Brn ?? ceebotedt colleetion in Pars; lo h ue lIY adIAMND pBARbm~TO tOdK, tbchO Ooipor Belan of Dondon. ?? ?? Work- Awardod tono. be ?? Tlz M1}NyS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !ro THE GOVERcNORS OF THE HULL AND SCULCOATES DISPENSARY. mrY LORDS, LADIES, and GENTLEMEN.-Mr M Walton having resigned the offioe of Surgeon to your valuable Charity, I beg most sespeotfuily to offes R rayself as a Candidate for the vacant appointment. Having been for several years connected with some of the largest Provincial Hospitals, as House Surgeon, &a.; and having had much experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGANT PERSONAL REQUISITES. E Under the Patronage of Royalty and the Ariato- cracy of Europe. ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL. This Elegant and Fragrant Oil possesses extraordinary pro. perties for promoting the growth, restoring, preserving, and beautifying the lluman Hair. Price is 6d, 7S, ?? dd (equst to four Asmall), and 21s per Bottle. ROWLANDS' KALYDORi This Oriental Botanical Preparation ?? a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4:abetbtefl' AbbrnoW,~ BABY LINEN AND CRINOLINE WAREHOUSE WALTER LAKIN WTD EOB reispectfully to call the attention of Pot L) chasaro W his superb STOCK of NEW SPRING GOODS, Wh a In variety aes hitherto subraftted, in L*tet OJOARS, COATS, PE ?? I4 APPFARELIntXDents end Juvenile U^>E OLOT~itNn rLA SM¶GS, FLtOV~OUGO, AC., &o. TflI ,oThD CRINOLINE HOUSE, 70, BULL STREET, BIBR INHA r. SOLE AGEET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE SHILLING ADVERLTISEMENT&. TnE charge kJ Aderlihemnents coming uinder tho general head of Wanted Is ONEC SHILLING for twenty-four words, anad S3ixr'EIIC for every additiona ten words. These rmtex axe strictly confined to suchb Advertiseneento ma are preplsd. R~emittances may be made In Postage Stamps. c~tu awrins Advsatleemeflt8 In the Dally Posat, must do so in the fuo~lowns manner:- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ rSSRS P{S RCLARh K CRAWFORD invite Gentle. mien to the inspection of the Four under- noted SHERRIES, bought previous to the late advance which has been effected in consequlence of the scarcity of Fine Old Wines °8s per Dozen. 3;s do. Dubosc's Royal Pale, Oes dco. 4Ss do. WINE MERCHANTS, RUTLAND PLACE. r 'JI HE T E A T R A D E. REDUOCTIO OF DUTY. For some months past, the Market Value of Fine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEFTINGS, A.MUSEM.ENTS, ho. XMosnhD, APRIL 6. Asnual Meeting of th ethe ?? Chamn- bers-2 P.Y. Opening of tbe Female Protestant Association School- Prooms-Adress by Dr Guthrie-2 yir W. S. Woodins Entertainment-Waterloo Rooms oF d Scottish Academy's Exhibition-National Gallery -9 A m. till 5 P.m., and from 7 P.m. till 10 p.m. Be4al .00een's Theatre-7.30 P.m. 11sgler'o Circus-Nicolson ...