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... sr IRI'T OF PUNCH. lA-D L1BOUR IN HIGH10 LIE. lHO%-- dln the eve busy Pain IE 'ploY ?? leisure hour I a je -i reyilug from town to town, lil., I ee ?? flsaer to dlower ! Ile-; cleverly bis tile he'll tell Wliee'er a spcicli he Inlkes, ir; En:;In d lie mut excel Wh|!e his advi-e she takes ! WhlL Others .asItc their leialreholers, tir i,!ly siseiief bhewv, Palm artjvely tlle coulntry scours, r ...


... LITERATURE, .llecds fromu 'S'coisA History. By 3YORVAL CLYNE. Edin- burgh: Edmonstone & Douglass. Tinu title of this volume tells the nature of its contents very plainly; of course it cannot tell the merits of the con- tents equally plainly, but we do not think that any one who opens the book will be disappointed. He will find the ballads very pleasant illustrations of the most striking points ...


... THP LAY O' THE TOLLS. ?? Te ?? ' lutteus:; MAGISTILATLS, iSD ThWN; '(Qt'tNClt 0l' GiLASGiOW. I ?? Liiti Pt It(ixO.! .. 4-. rinv all gitaticin ias isitnrherl tthis ancient natter ict' tl' rLa+Eti' trt wOr, breeches and (Uscnvered they had l~i . ts C errs prodigiuus, *Vt vi tld nlsuix n- raised .; 'Pike.' and '5, tnt. At01 nvlictot - xxi vii-. . plas-ain 's a stteptl, xv ''x*if aid thvr ...


... I , G S OF THE MONTH. I I - MAGZI~SI [SECOND NOTICE.I e Current number of the DuBLImi UTyivER- 'leG ZIE is a remarkably good one. There 0cellcnt opening paper on Macaroni it l e some careful writing, though rather 1e51reading, in that on George Stephenson;'' ble but not very brilliant article on Mo- a i s au(a Romances; and three slight but derns>05ketches of sGresset, La Brnyere, and ...


... PIJULIC DINNER IN THE MUSIC HALL. ad At six o'clock, Lord Palmerston w to a public dinner in the Music Hei t pany comprised 784 noblemen a The body of the hall and orch r tirely devoted to the accom ' ing tables; and the galleries rt by about 230 ladies. The olaborately decorated by Mr Scryegeo George Street. The front of the platform bore the arms and coronet of Lord Palmerston, from which ...

Literary Notices

... IterarU JO'dtites. I THE PLAN Or HISTORY. Two Lectures. By the Rev. W. MILLAR, A.M., Missionary to Mad- ras. Edinburgh: JohnMenzies. THAT the rise, development, and progress-the wars, victories, defeats, and fortunes of the vari- ous races of men, have all been parts of one mighty plan by which Providence has been preparing them for their future destinies-is the great truth which Mr Millar has ...

Literary Notices

... Wfituarg 1, jrlofitm ExPosTrrfo0 OF THE EPISTLE OF JOME, by the Rev. WILLIAM JENKYN; and of the EPISTLE TO TliE PHIILIIPPIANS AND COLOSSrANs, by the R1V. JEAN DAILLE. Edited by the Rev. JAMES S'ul2aeIAN, &c. Edinburgh: James Nichol. W*F have here another of Mr Nichol's marvellous reprints of some of the writings of the divines of the Puritan age. For beauty of typography and elegance of ...


... EXHIBE1TIN OF PAINTINGS AT MR HILL'S GALLERY. The six pictures now on exhibition at Mr Hill' ?? Gallery, Princes Street, form a collection remark- pik able in many respects. Not only is it so because 1s the names which are affixed to them are those of sit men who hold a recognised, and in' most cases a high, position in British Art, or that the titles ml which they bear are sufficient to ...


... 1.1-1.1 11 11 j-. . , - , , - 'T SATUIZD.A.? ?? ?? CONCTI, S. I Lit 0II'--I The~~ m 1ib~ (-aaflo theseum e-i1ei e ilie u''adi * -ei. li4.I anid N., eL idimot Ibut ?? tile~ dirict~w or f the- \J~ahi ?? onther l~itiie('tee orQ br-ught their ?? t'tijI~I 'I a very euosud'L: ,I 15dm l'l I ol~ai'ilti ?? ~ ?? --v-I ul tbi2:,Mr. Siini V_'ocvetl, with Mr. I ( t.1' p-'-st, andi Mr. laneiirtl as ' ...

Original Poetry

... IA - . Molltal gogtry. WINTER. Winter again his icy sceptre wields, And sends his storms abroad o'er all the land His breath has swept the daisies from the fields- The streamlets, shivering, freeze beneath his hand; And through the dun woods speeds the sweeping gale, Bearing the brown leaves on its scentless wings, And in low moans, or fitful plaintive wail, Departed Summer's requiem sadly ...


... The original of the following verses was found in the pocket of a Confederate Volunteer wvho died in camp on the Potomac r 0 1. t 'All quiet along tbe Potomac,' they say, 1 ' Except now and then a stray picket 'Is shot, as he walks on his beat to and fro, By a% rifleman bid in the thicket.' 4''i nothing,-a private or two now and then Will not count in the tale of the battle; 3 Not ...


... KILMALNOCX FAAIiERS' CLUB CATTLE SHOW. The annual cattle show in connection with this club took place in the Cattle Market, on Friday. There was a large - turn-out of comnpeting stock. The judges for the various de- partments were :--Fvr C(atie ?? Hyslop, i :sq of Bank, Cumnock: David Tweedie, Esq.. Glaspiu; ' Douglas and James Saimond, Esqs., Benstone, Johnstone. 'FoeBidetc- ...