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Legal Intelligence

... grt-yal 'hfillipice. COURT OF CHANCERY. DUBLIN, TUESDAY, MAY 12. LUCAS AND OTHERS V. BOYD AND OTHERS. THE SoLIccron-GENERnAL, with whom were Messrs. Brewster, Q.C., and J. M'Mahon, applied, on behalf of the trustees of the will of the late Mr. Charles Leslie, for an injunction to restrain the respondents, Messrs. Boyd, Small, M'Geary, and others, fromn attending in the market for flax lately ...

Legal Intelligence

... Kegal .'Nftifigen ce. ROLLS COURT. DUDLIN, TUESDAY. [FroMl OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.] n THE 3IALLYCLARE CONGREGATION. i AREL V. rALT., TIHE ATTORNEY-GENERAL V. HALL. THE bearing O! these cases was resumed at a late period of the day. Mr. FITZGIBBON continued the reading of the To- later's proofs. Ile proposed to give in evidence a sermon preached on the death of the Rev. Mr. Aber- nethy, in which ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTEIUDA.Y. [Before EDws1nD On1ce, Esq., R.M.] ASSAULTS. John Crawford was charged with having committed nn assault on a pointsman on the Northern Counties Railway,named Win. Fife. It appeared that the prisoner had trespassed on the railway, and that he assaulted the complainant whea he was ordered off. A woman named Mary Cassidy deposed that the prisoner was of unsound ...


... BRUTAL MUBDER.- I lMlE BAY, SUNDAY..-Lost evening a brutal mur- der was perpetrated it a little village called Maypole, ituate in the parish of Hfeme,- a short distance from ?? Day. 'The raurdered man was a carrier between this place ad (anterb'ury, and a dealer In stock, named Biehard 9teed.' lt appearo' that' early in. the evening be was- drinlking a6 a pxublic house in Herne with a nunnber ...


... I7 -5 - ?? ?? ,- , ,w O S r# 2 ;whenw thei~:'lorddhp nip~gdie the' ?? gesentW fo thea.'--Telmor4 CxiefJuiticO d&th befBatB * . o s-EaT.- Juetiqe :.Hyes aad.Mr..B.rO, * NoRTUMWu5?. . JastiWc Fitzgeraildai4 Ms%.BAVOA . ..L aMrvJptstclOwBrgie1 aid.BarO o, agiemt. , Mwsus.L-Oh~efJualeB Mouaha'd r.s-hi .'Jatice, . Kegh., I ! i.: .. ?? CossuauOiTr.-li- Ja~ttidc Ball aqd ' 3*,: ?? ' On the eldnster'; ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-S.TURDn.m. [Before EDoW.nD Onwe, Esq., R.M.] CARRYING ARG5 IN A PROCLAIMED DISTRICT, James Byers, Hillsborough, was brought up in custody, charged with having carried arms in the pro- claimed district of Belfast. The prisoner said he was a servant, and that the gun found in his possession was his master's. He was carrying it through the town to a gunsmith, to have it ...


... I LAW COURTS9-YBSTEFDAY. -; COURT OF CHANCERY. Hioey v. Robiewom.-Ia this case, in which several witcessO s were exumined 'Viva oue before tia Lord Chancellor on Moliday, for which-it stood over from last terra, it was announced that the petitioner, who bid been in infirm health, bod died on this (Tnesday) morning. The cause was not further proceeded with, it belog now out of court for the ...


... I LAW COURTS-YESTERDAY. CHANCERY APPEAL COURT. (bff ore the Lord Chancellor.) Mracken v. l1opah and Otimv.-.This wes an appeal from a ruling of the Master of the Rollt. The peti- tioner, as next friend of certain minors, soughtto charge respendents with losees, alleged to have arisen from breaches of trust On the marriage of the minors' parents, a settlement was executed, vesting in trustees a ...


... I . cOURT Of E9CREQH E- SATuHDA. s;. i emlITTyGS ASvr3ll Tg~tUI. i, (Before Baron Vitzgerald',nfd a special jury.) THEt ?? RViCTIONS. ' i ''Atael Caoanoghk v, ?? a R4,' JdMq8 FoW!r.-Mr. * Beytagh (with 'whom was': Mr. 'Buike, Q C., and Mr. Morris, QO.). opened tbe plei'dings.' It was an action ?? written libel;' damu es viere laid it i001. The de- fendabt pldadedi amongst other defences,' that ...


... | LANDEIN . , T TS O__ y iTaDAY I (Before the Eon. Judge ijonguesu.) Ffais of ?? 'Earl of Kingstoa, OWs)r; Eivard San diford Power, petitianer.- The petitioner in this matter obaniped a conditional order, for the Wate of the life estate of the owner, and last week the case was argued on tbe ?? h own againO t making the order for sale absolute by the Hon. Mr. King, the certte of the ovwner, by ...


... | -. X - BANERUPI1. WliIam tafWord, of TalloFv, In tbe county of Wstarford draper, to surrender on Friday, the 16th of Nay, and On Frlday, tho 29th ofl May. .CERTIFICrTH ALL0WZD AND IGUBD. To be Delivered to Dankrupt, unlesa Appeal be Filed, within al days from underuienteoned date. Thowas Niholas Comerford, of Uenry-stree in thd c1ty of Dublin, jeweller. INSOLVENT DEBIOBS. . . ~~PETCTEON8 TO ...


... I LAWI COUjRTS -YSTEa@AY. ?? YThe (Bfetca&NcElY APPEAL Lor1'JnsTiO. f b- _(lfrsthe' Lori Chanellooan the of the Master ol'the Rollsof 27th May. ~ bym r~w b el he -granted an ?? to restrain the reap~le~dlt'_h from conitinuing to' work, certain coal pits, dear ~CAl *Island, county Tyrone, The prayer of the origlua&.¶i petition was for an account of the coal which had boon. 'wil raised by the ...