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... OPENING OF THE ROYAL ACADEIMY EXHIBITION. {FROM . COA. tEPR'NDr&T.). London, May 1, 1863. The private view of this Exhibition is always looked forward to with interest, and generally enjoyed with something akin to enthusiapsa Tickets are so difficult to obtain, and the London world of notables so large, that with every effort to keep dlown the crowd of grandees, the large rooms of the Royal ...


... GCRIN OL,,,NA M -- - 11 ~ ~ .~ ,,I~ (Perom Bjackwood'q Atagazie let JUDl You ask me, gentle cousin mnine, To praise the beauty of your eyes An, t*rust me, they are fair and fie As are the stars of Paradise: Bright ,cintilltijnis of the soul That stirs my ilost being, svweet. Pain would I lay, without control My heart and LoImage at thy feet. One thing alone rtte Lds the sign- Forgive me -t. ...


... ?? 1.'rr 4 1l' U i.I - ba-, .: Kstr Or-: StIfewig, i t) en ti a Putf. Nit thit' * ?? so :t :1i vse d i tiens t flitli liggs a' 0 vs tat; fillS' ',i~sl Ilitle t lb itflzl~ be tile'nz nlto' It(t p lhlafi of i ilittt L liln aenits. attilhi.tsithmsas'e ih ii i it of'' ?? ti''tt nti make his vi hlaesel m t''t ~tit a iti 'I s~w sg~t. ,rsifs thuer pies, o' ?? te ilt ' InT~iy tu a it i h be~n tou ...


... BYTE -A1EE.S' SO(iE'I'Y'S CATTLE SHOW. This show took place oci Thursday, in a field opposite the ?? A:use, Iothesay . Tles weather, although threateling, heldL uip well till the business of the day was over, and the 'od of spectators upon the ground was unusually large, as.hesides many of our influential townsmen, we observed ~lenienl p cl~eset from the neighbourhood of Glasgow, * webire, and ...

Literary Notices

... ly, I altuarg .11.0tifts. 1fMV lSrfilAL EXP9RmxNCxS. By the Rev. Dr PUCHSEL, Berlin. London and Edinburgh: Strahan & Co. TEE chief merit of this volume is that it presents in an English dress the various ministerial experi- ences of a Prussian pastor, together with his matured opinions regarding many of those qaes- tion3 in Church government which of late years Lave agitated the Churches of ...

Literary Notices

... x1tuarg X-10fitts. CERONICLES OF CAR1LINCFORD. SALEM CHAPEL. Edinburgh: Win. Blackwood and Sons. CARLINGFORD is situated, if we are to rely upon the author of these Chronicles, within amoderate railway distance from London. Salem Chapel was not erected in one of its most fashionable quarters, as it occupied a back street, with lofty, command- 'ing houses in front, which stood between it and ...


... THF, NORTH. BRITISHSHREVIEWFOR MAY. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. OF the eight papers which make up the May number of THE NORTH BaiTisE RVIEvw, the I first and' the last-both political-are likely, from the ability they display and the interest attaching to the subjects discussed in them, to attract most attention. The first, The Disin- tegration of Empires, by, ve take it for granted, Isaac ...


... p O E T R Y. KING FRODE'S FEAST. King Frode sat at banqnet-board, ming Frodl stern to view; NVith foalming muoad and song of Scalds Tho monarch milder grow. And tell mo now, ye warriors brave, Which one among you all Has shown himself my trnest friend At deadly dauger's call I For ho who moct has helped his king, This goblet deop and wide Shall drain,-I swear my Thor !-and sit Hero highest at ...


... T-EILSTON OPEN CATTLE SEOW;. The annual competition in connection with the above society took plave yesterday, in a most snitable field kindly grallted to the society by Mr. W'illiam Wilson, of Neilston, The day was one of the ve-ry finest, but the attendance of spectators was scarcely so nulsserous as we have seen. On the whole, though a little deficient in numbers, the stock that was bcougbt ...


... COTTON AND COTTON GOODS IN THE TURd(ISHXHIBITION. (from the Ievant Herald.) The Egyptian samples, of course, take priority in class, and afford a striking evidence of the immense advantages which have resulted from the continuous care which has been devoted to the improvement of the culture. A comr. parisol of this with the other varieties exhibited make its great superiority manifest to the ...


... IWe had a repetition of Hamlet without the Dane last night, in the production of Lurline without the chief performers in the cast that thrce years ago made the opera abidingly popular. Neither Miss Pyne nor Mr Harrison appeared; and then we wanted George Honey as the fussy Baron Truenfels, and that modest contralto for whose vocal range Troubadour Enchaut- ,ing seemed composed. The ...


... L I T E R AT LT R L. 2 ?? h e 1IC Eti ,t ?? I r i i 1 c ~y and JruC ?? i lii Jir Eluiiargh. ByteAo i: idA. ~ *t N-wabbe- ?? a Set,- ~i-nw 'ant Jealnt)ion Pu. i'13 y ha' - mom, Dtes than tns' it elt,~ lt-s B4i si)f.ritit -w tna ' * -ut. , i lt tlO 5'neaAt u-erdlltt en late. Itl ith tr tc of '5 ve i ...