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... ?? .1 * SO N N:B ai t \ 'N 9 c The heavens repose in beauty-not a cloud a Stains the pure azure of the ethereal way: Earth wears her choicest smile: and sweetly loud P From bower and grove the birds salute the day. it Gentle and clear the winding waters stray O'er the fair plain, where varied flow'rets crowd, And blend their hues without distinction proud, P And fiix their breath, to bless the ...


... ?? - ? -- -- - ?? -- -1 ?? -I . 0 , ja?#?o A. ? ?! .E4dLYN-TORTAD T WAWR - Eureid liw draw ar vvybr dloo-pur imnl i- b lhsrpio'r etrc hirnon; Heitdd vweqau,' ?? fidunt.e, 4 LIun coron ?ur yn lyngecu'r no&g ?? ~~DwIM HAYEUS0. '7 ; A BRLIODAS MISS 'fai9r papur heddy1n d'*eyd yn uidwr, d - wedi priodi g*r; A ?? ei bod abi wedi mentro, A - 'D 'obes dimnond gwrneud y goren o hono. 7 I gi~dwniI ...


... ?? , ot, R I )#t THE FIRST OF MAY. tit sia 'Tie the firnt of l'ay, and the birds are singing6, ch And the beautiful flowera in the fields are springing, And the village girls are their garlands bringing ' T On the first of May. at And the crows are building their nests on high, tig And the Youisfu i fi, cit! ih f My t .4 ,. ?? . l 'T~tt 3 tito M But fine qay days will not always last, of And ...


... .-i. I 77 ? ., ?e, SPRING.- : Grs c> £ j > 1171.; ?? * - -wh Stern winter's gone, and gentle spring appear3, I a Sweet are her smiles, andjoyful are her tear. ; She smiles to hear the winds have ceased their str fo, me She weepo with joy to call the world to life. Delightful season i breath'd upon by thee, am Bursts into beauty every bush and tree SUl, A thousand usinstrels meet within the ...


... Ar flut .k Young'-Dobb ariedfa Miss DOw, ?? B. many little Dows, but, ahl -no-dower. A.':6'sook ehould have an eye toher pots; a Writer to his 'Single Blessedness, like A' man's fist, becomes stronger t. by being doubled.. kc Unless military officers: are accomplished, their: work X. will not be., Le Mixed liquors are said, to be unhealthy, but every- 3f one's cup of life is filled with them. ...


... CONCERT.-On Whit-Noonday, the annual concert in aid of the British Schools established in the parish, was, held in the school-room at 1Roe-Nven, and we rejoice in being able to report that it was, in every respect, a com- plete success. A liberal programme had been issued, comprising some of the most admired pieces of Welsh composition, interspersed with good old English ballads, glees, ...


... Rottrm, 4- twvi0 ! a. ?? t h el . e a ~ ' oortewlivae h rm yhro ~ itt~' X h h6 b v V.:: :--r YH t o must leahe thee, my grove mear, anr e Io other regions my bark m u6t steer a re Oft in the night watch on the ?? Wil Hy heart will throb with fond eaotion. 0 For my dear island-gem of the sea- J Beautiful Mona, howE love theo. hiwm I love thy green hill and valleys dear- Crol I love thy meadows ...

Our Library Table

... (Our gibraig aiw. - BL&sci~wooD, for May, opens with an able review of a o workrecently published, and entitled Prehistoric Man; d researches into the origin of Civilisation in the Old and e the Nesw World. The author is Daniel Nelson, LL.D., t' Professor-of History and English Literature in. Univer- I sity ?? Toronto. He has produced a work of con- siderable merit, upon 'a subject that has ...


... Iko , ?? ?? .- ?? I: - ?. I I , ru t ? I. ?? ?? ?? P I N , d S PR IN1G. Stemr winter's gone, and gentle spring appears, Sweet are her emiles. and joyful are her tears She smiles to hear the winds have ceased their strife,- She weeps with joy to call the world to life. Delightful season I breath'd upon by thee, Berate into beauty ever~~ ~~y b chand tree; ?? Aehs intn ?? , !. Spread theirigay ...

Our Library Table

... - (oltr, worarit zalt. ? B BLAOKWOOD, for, May, opens with an able review of a ° ?? published, and entitled Prehistoric Man; d researches into the origin of Civilisation in the Old and ej .the.New World. The author is Daniel Nelson, LL.D., th 'Piofessor pof History and English Literature in Univer- p, dot'College' Toronto. He has produced a work of con- Pe asiderable merit, upon a subject ...


... - .. T -. - A - - - - , ?? cr. CotF.nT AT TWE LUNATIC ASYLUNI.-Of Wednes- ve day evening last a private concert wasgiven by the Den. as bigh Harmonic Union, Llew Llwyvo conductor, at the *e-new Recreation-room of the above institution, for the at entertainment of the inmates. The first part of the ag programumecousistedof the following :-I. Chorus, Pob' le, rhyw seren, (a sereiiade); 2. Q ...


... PATHOU149% EBEN VARDD. s Aeth Eben yn gerub uwch byd o ofidlau, Gadawodd y ddaear, diangodd i'r nef; r Ar ddfyrchfa dragwyddol, rase'n codi ei hwyliau . Uwch Gabriel, c'i foliant fydd byth, Iddo Ef. i Atb Eben'n chy nebel i fyw ar y ddaear,. Fe'i cariwyd gan engyl i gadair y Nef, r Ha I si awen fan yma gyffyrddai £'r trydar, i A'i delyn a boetha y gan- Iddo Ef. 'R wy'n credu fod engyl y ...