... ARMAGH PETTY SESSIONS-MAY 28. FBlefore JosrPXX KIDD and ANDREW CRAl, Esqrs.] ea -MISERIES Or DRINK. ; - Anne MIArdle summoned her husband for assault. f ing her, and threatening to take her life. The poor woman is the mother of four children. She was evi- e dently unwilling to prosecute, and tried to mitigate the offence by stating that the man was the best of r husbands and the most ...


... CLERKEN WELL. A respectably-attired young man applied to the sitting I magistracte for advice under the following circumstances. 'the applicant stated that be was a depositor io the post. i office savings bank and wishing to ply an account at the I latest on Wednesday morning last. he on Siturdav procured awithilriwal notice and posted itin the usual way. On Aled- I iesday, by the irst post, ...


... 1 (Siflnfriv bpfbre Lorda ChteIf flrol Pult1.A, tresticed Wl'iq{dnan, l1if/limng, and Keatiny, and Baron Jfarwin.) QUEE:Nr V. BURRELIL A~N ANOTIHER.-CURIOUS CASE OF ADITCTION'. This nsc was tried before 'Mr. Justice Williams, at Norwich, when Frederick Burrell, aged 21, (described as a clerk in the lloanl Arsenal, was indicted for baring, front motives of ltcre, fraudulently illured, taken ...


... poots v. LEwIS.-This was an action brought in the court of Exchequer by Mr. Poole, tailor, in SaviLle-row, to recover 301. 9s. 6d. from Al. C. WV. oewis, a barrister, for goods sold and delivered. - The case having been opened by Mr. Hawkins, the Sbopta5l proved the delivery of the articles, and ad- Mnitted on cross-examination that the usual terms which were printed on the invoices were ...


... The May sessions commenced on Monday at Clerkenwell-green. The calendar contained the names of eighty-nine prisoners committed for trial, sixty-eight being indicted for felony, and twenty-one for misdemeanour. INCENDIAEs. nM ,WilliaM Watkins and George Spiers, who pleaded guilty last session to an indict- ment charging them with attempting to set fire to a haysick, the property of Mr. George ...


... I COURT OF BANKRUPTCY, LONDON, Meay 11. (Before Mr. Regisorar Whislo I.) This was a dividend meeting, and for the proof of debts under the bankruptcy of Willinan Town, of P°.- stead, Suffolk, farmer and brewer, who petitioned this Court on tile 7th of April, 1862, and obtained his order of discharge from Mr. Commissioner Goulburn oH thc 4th of J3ne following. Air. Lnst (Cree and Last), Gray's ...


... f, 1. CAR ABY ?? PETT~YffSSaIONS!' Sauiay Atril 2 -Before Lar: ['Nebr.ubt W!Cuklyhihi,. Jl !Sippan, J: ;iMilli~~nlEisqrs, and Dr.Mil ! i :runkenne.i's.-John .PLrry, sCwinyglo, ple'aded guilty. Jfo being diruhik anid rit~torii.: : ?? u;! P.C. 27 relat4d the ednduot of ithe accusedi and he. :fii&1is. l-a 12Aqdd1 ?? d.!, i ' Joubn Owen Hughes, of the same place, pleaded guilty ttori asi'rilar ...


... IT u a T ItL Y, April 28th. Pt Before the Very Rev. the Dean, and' C.,J.,Sainpson, V Esq. mn Drtnenwines.-Richard Jones, a seafaring ?? from: g Hirael, was fined 5s., and 9s. costs, for being drunkin IE * High-street, Bangor, on the N9th alt. DI As an excuse defendant said he got drunk in conse- m quence of his wife's drunkenness. G Henry Rafferty was also fined, Is. and costs' fr a Eid t ...


... THE RIBCOESTER MURDER. EXECUTION OF DUNCAN 1c.PHAIL AND GEORGE WOODS, AT KIRKDALE. At noon on Saturday, Duncan Mc.Phail and George Woods were hanged in front of Kixkdale gaol, Liverpool, for the murder of Mrs. Ann Walne, at Ribohester, on the 11th of November last. The murder was perpetrated in a most diabolical man- ner, and under circumstances of peculiar horror. The old woman who was the ...


... BlIRMINGIHAM BANKRIPTOY COUIIT. YESTEflDAY, IBlcsrOE Alit. OMoI'lISIONkte SANDRIm I,, ri' C. Ohreer1, Carestefrbp,silk-5tit.AdIjoirterd last elassingtion aed discharge, attenuted by Mr. Collis l(1cm, Collis and Urel, for thle assignece, and by Mr. Petry for tir bankrupt. Mr. Collier reomlided tile Court that the case had been adjourned in order etheyl ioselngucet might take ?? opiinoase to ...


... COUNTY COURf. Of ,fBFOBE MR, sEiR'EANT WHEELERU, JUDf(; MONDAY, MAY 18. at THE ADELPHI LOAN COMPANY. on Thisycora yappeared by two of its clerks to is, support noless than 13 summonses which had been re,issued against persons who had borrowed money of end had become defanltera, and. also against those i. who had become sureties and were lable in the b- evet of nonpayment. Mr. Grocott appeared ...

Legal Intelligence

... 0fqqal ?qhlfdfigmym R 0 L LS CO UR T. DuBLixS, WEDNESDAY. FRioM 00U1 SPECIAL IREFORT.EIT THE ATTOHENY-OrNERAAL V. THE REV. JOHN HALL AND- OTIERS. Tiun MASTER Of the ROLLS stated yesterday that ho l would take up this case to-day after hearing the cause petitions on the list; hut these having occupied,. unexpectedly, the whole of the day, the case was not. called on, it is expected that it will ...