... BIRMINGRA COUNTY COURT. YESTERDAY. BEFORR MRe. W. NIoHOLS, JUDOP, AJTION`-AXdsi1ST A' RAILWAY COMPANY. - ock 3rothers and Taylor, v, The Great Western Railway Gomn- pany.-D'r. ?? T. Saunders appeared for the plaintiffs, Mehors. Stock Brothers and Taylor, the exterusivi glass manufaturerh of Birmingham, nd'Dfr. Moitteriam, of the Oxford Circuit, instructed bj Messrs. Whateley, for the ...


... I POLICE INTELLIGENC FRIDAY, IAY 8. UrNL&WFULLYWOUNDINO.-AntMurphY, adsiu ate looking onman, was brought up in custody ?? unlawfully ?? Hirste, the wife of an atiler milltiaman. It alpeared that the womst1 reside ie Thsurlow-street, and that about one o'clock that morning they quarrelled about some coipamtivelytriflg matter As the complainant stood with her back ?? he; Murphy struck her upon ...


... I POLIE INKTELLIENCE TUESDAY, MAY 6. BUROLAIOUSLY EiNTEBRIO A PUBLIC HOUSE Henry Jamea, an ill-favoured Individua apn tly about 40 years of ae, abrought up oa the chage of barglariously entering the ?? f Mrs. Ann Birchall corner of (rotonistreet, KIrkdalercad, It a peare from the evidence o the witnesses that an Monday eveningm raffe was being aared enin a large room over the sprit vault in ...


... I LAW COURTS9-YBSTEFDAY. -; COURT OF CHANCERY. Hioey v. Robiewom.-Ia this case, in which several witcessO s were exumined 'Viva oue before tia Lord Chancellor on Moliday, for which-it stood over from last terra, it was announced that the petitioner, who bid been in infirm health, bod died on this (Tnesday) morning. The cause was not further proceeded with, it belog now out of court for the ...


... C)uUPT L Fv SESSION-S.ATUID.\Y, MAY 16. FlItRST DIVISION. D nrz- u Lzsn:i CLiruY. - Vt dile 1-p~esis ota T BOLISlrowvn relidin I I , ':ik ti'ttagt. ansi th, groundl of suspension is the * rt!. Ilt i hat a loll for :, ti, tin which Iis name appears as i;. 1 f ! r a . 7rx. It ftell ue on ltth Septemlber, 1S62>. 5iC dra!w, v f the bill is T'fit'as Walker. of Philiphaugh l:Ii. anid a.Lt the latj' ...


... PETTY SESSIONS, Friday, May 23.-Before Dr. Turn- our, Mayor; Robt. Parry, Esq.,) Dr. Pierce, and R. Owen, Esq., Lleweni. Assuslt.-David Jones, Minffordd, was summoned for. assaulting Edwaird Saunders, Caerwys. He was also charged with being dr nk and riotous, at Deibigh, on the night: of the cattle fai da~y, held qn' the 14th inst. ar y Fined lOs. and 15s. costs, in default, one month's im- ...


... NEWCASTLE. 'MONDAY.-Before AId. BLACKIVCLL and CARR PICKING POCKETS.-JohD Patrick Trimmings a retfin ed convict, was charged with attempting to pick pockets in Dean Street, on Saturday evening. A witness, name ' Catherine Turnbull, stated that about nine o'clock that evening she was in MAr Baker's pork shop, making a fell purchases, when the prisoner came in and stood near her She shortly ...


... FPIDAY.-Befoile Henry Hoopsi, Esq. Mr. J. LINScoTT, pawnbroker, of St. John's Bow, - Exeter, appeared, by request, to answer the complaint of Ann Clark, who alleged having pawned a coat at Mr. Linecott's on the 15th of May, 1862, and that on application on the 6th of May, 1863, to redeem the same; she was told that it could not be found. Mr. Linscott proved by his books that the coat was taken ...


... SERIOUS CEEARGE 01? INTIMIDATION AGOINST PUDDLIILS. Attho lrierley Bill Petty Sessions, yesterday, before Ir. Isaac Spooner,ZHenry Thompson, puddler, Wras charged with having, with otheru, combined by threats and intimi daticn, to prevent one /Enoch Pearson, a puddler, from attendiin his work. The case arose out of the paddlers strike, and the offence charged was committed on the 12sh instant, ...


... I ATTEkiT`ED MURDER AND SUICIDE. Considerable citement provailed 'on Thursday, ,a) )Voolwich, in consequenoe of-the suicide of Mn Georgo 4ichard Roberts, a master bakedy for many. years residing in that town, the act having *beeh committed under cir- cumstances of a painful and extraordinary nature. It: ppears that a young woman named rancebs Eliza Paxton for some months servant at the ...


... BIMMINGEAM BANKRUPTCY COURT. YE8TERDAY. BEFORE hit. CoMrrsrIoroER SANnERS. In re C. Drilield, Bt ,ainslohani, late continiesson a gen.-Meet- Iiglfor last examination and discharge, attended by Air. Parry lor tho bankrupt. Tho bnlance sheet slowvd creditors unsecured, £10. Use. 2d. liabilities en bills discounted, PS24. and assets, 5.. Gi. 2d.: leaving a defilcency of £491. lse. 1r. Parry ...


... I THURSDAY, MAY 21. IBEFORE MR. RAFFLES AND MR. LAMPORT. E} THE MIlURDE IN OLD55ALL-STREETr-The Spanish seaman Jose Maria Alvarez, remanded on the charge of i having murdered James Harrison in OldhsllSstreet, was 2)brought up. Mr. Superintendent Kehoe, producing a s certi cate from the Northern Hospital, stated that Cohen, the man who was also stabbed by the prisoner, was getting better, and ...