... GUILDHALL. Charles Roberts, a carmnn in the employ of Messrs. a Carter, Paterson, and Co., carriers, of George-yard, Alder- 2 manbury, was charged before Alderman Gibbons with I forging and uttering a certain document with intent to de- a fraud his employers of sixpence.2 .Win Bruxby, clerk to the prosecutors, produced a do-E cument called a delivery bill of the 25th of April last, in E which ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Joseph Walters was brought before tir Robert Carden, who was sitting for the Lord Mayor, in the custody of de- tective officer Hancock, charged with stealing eight parasols from the warehouse of Messrs. Meyers, of New Earl-street, warehousemen, his employers. The prisoner was in the service of Messrs Meyers as 1 porter and packer, and on Tuesday, at about twelve o'clock, ] ...

Law Intelligence

... Ia-l .ntc.igmt. I I'~~OTICES.-THIS DAY. I COURT OF CHAINCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. AT10I.-BEFORE THE LOssD CHANCELLOR.-Appeal: Has-ding -, a1 Martin, part heard. By order: St. Sepulchre, Westminater, Esate. Appeal Nic kisson v. Cockell. AT 3ENO-1 RE THE LORDS JUSTICES.-For judgment: Re Appeal 'p petition: Coates ?? Hart. Lnnatic petitions: toLewis, Slck tayton, Walcot and Walsalt v. Graham, - Shesis ...


... One of the most shocking and tragic occurrences which r. Nottingham has experienced for some years past happened ho on Wednesday evening in the low and populous district of Narrow-marsh. The principal actor in this fearful tragedy ed is John Wheeldon, a Derbyshire man, about fifty years of age. ed He was a pensioner, and it receipt of 9d. per day for good conduct in the Sikh war. He was ...


... I LAW COURTS-YESTERDAY. CHANCERY APPEAL COURT. (bff ore the Lord Chancellor.) Mracken v. l1opah and Otimv.-.This wes an appeal from a ruling of the Master of the Rollt. The peti- tioner, as next friend of certain minors, soughtto charge respendents with losees, alleged to have arisen from breaches of trust On the marriage of the minors' parents, a settlement was executed, vesting in trustees a ...


... I)NA ACTIO)N F(IZ FALSE1 Lm pkl'R1S -NMlNT. . 1 - ?? l - -I OStr i,'J> N -,A 5 *. V a if -;i~ s lIoneL on Tuesday, au actor, -;o Colon el Gibion, Ii.E ior astolt anti false inhlinstiuelit. Tile case arose ftl -t 1 ?? ;iv marrieed in Is7S to lis present teds, anti i; ?? they ?? the azcquaintanlce of MIr. Bouci- f-.llt tii-, -s--ii-tnlsvn totaiter ?? b'eate r.ather ?? .it}l Ii,* l i Zu: titfl', ...


... TEE S:UPPLEMENTAY EVIDENCE IN THRE SAN DYFORD MURDER CASE. -. We have received a copy of the evidence in the above ease, led before Mr Young, in the private Cham-- bers of the Sheriff in Glasgow, ordered to be printed by Parlianment, on the motion of Mr Stirling, 'ahd pub. litsbed yesterday -morninsg.- We mean to give this' evidence at length, and begin to-day with that of Mr Wilson, one of ...


... L1 ?? COUNNTY PETTY SESSIONS, Weaiay, Idali3.-+Bes fore W. D. W. Griffith, Esq.j and W. 'Oritt, Esq, .lJohn-Jones, Of Rutbin, an. old. -olffender, nwas fiued i;4. .and costs for setting night lines on the ive O6 wyd jiu. the parish of LlIAerhaiadr. In defaultof payInerit, Ohe .waIS committed to prison for bweomonths, hardilabonr.1 c Ishrmieel Jones summoned John Evaans, both 4esidifig in ...


... I - SUDDEN DEATH, AND A coRONER'S INQUEST.-On Saturday morning, the 16th instant, Mr. Win. Wright, the Governor of Ruthin Gaol, died very suddenly. On' Monday an inquest was held on the' body by the' coro- ner, E. IPierce, Esq., M.D., and a respectable jury, Mr. C. Jones, Market-place, being foreman. In addressing the jury, the Coroner shewed the 'im- possibility of arriving at a verdict ...


... I . cOURT Of E9CREQH E- SATuHDA. s;. i emlITTyGS ASvr3ll Tg~tUI. i, (Before Baron Vitzgerald',nfd a special jury.) THEt ?? RViCTIONS. ' i ''Atael Caoanoghk v, ?? a R4,' JdMq8 FoW!r.-Mr. * Beytagh (with 'whom was': Mr. 'Buike, Q C., and Mr. Morris, QO.). opened tbe plei'dings.' It was an action ?? written libel;' damu es viere laid it i001. The de- fendabt pldadedi amongst other defences,' that ...


... 0-4 IwosNsnorUs.z7W-Wiian ?? and Georg Spires, who pleaded guilty last session to an indiotment charging them with attemping to set fire to a hayrick, the property of Mr. George William Miller, of Wormholt Farm at Shepherd's bush, were brought up for judgment. It transpired from the inquiries made by Lookyer, the prison officer from tbe House of Correction, Cold- bath-fields, 'that the ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEICE. DOW-STREET. &sUMM BlUrrIANLY BESTIALITY.-Oa Monday, a -wi-resOd man, who gave the name of Juanes Smith, ;Mt who said he had been an offdoer holding the Queen's ,003flssion, was uharged with Bseaulting several young wie. He wa3 detext(1v .bd Mr. (Qcorg6 ' wsiv, jon., of 1 iplao. Inspector Ma-keezie, of the F division, re- taded the magistrate (Mr. Renry) of the numerous ap ...