Advertisements & Notices

... OEM rWAN HGAR HA 9, t am mberlnttI .Xnrenesta s 0ret, Belidr. towt t 2 H &l H HOD t aroW A-M T - oR a YoU a IDYthetoSorom-pl to Mr. Clelgvo 40, Boldetret.e d aNTrespertable, s art. t bsiness YOUNG MAN a D thorough knowlege of the Wine Trade.- - A ddress e 1B 9, Mercs uy-O oftO Sm25my10 ANT£D rn exp rewASSISTANT *orfor the Carpet logamand 5geeaaa, 35 3,19 ImglandrOtlad.o 2-mold W.~A~TD a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISES. he: Pnbuic ae respctfully Informed that the CHARGE for INSERTION in the DAILY MERCURY of small PRE-PAID ADVERTISEMENTS referring to SlMae- tione, Houses, and Persons Wanted, Property to be Sold or Let1 Apartments, and all the Misoellaneous Wants of the Community is SIXPENCE that the charge for THREE INSERT'IONS is ONE SHILLING -for SIX INSERTIONS (or an entire week) ONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEF & EXCHANGE BANK (LIMITED). In 20,000j ShiamO of £10 of whioh xo is intended, to be caled up. DTI5ECToP8. OhMmkaT. {lateof Leeob, Harrison, andi Deputy-chnrman (B. W. Ronald siid 0,M. IIIOWN, Haq. 50UB-UANAGmSC. W1ILLIAM MATHISOB', Easq. 511NAUStt IN LOuNDON-It. H. WILLIAMS, Elsq. PRIKSENT OFFICES5 Liverlp~ol.-17, BROWN.4-BVILDINGS. London,-41, MINOosco-LANS. TV ;nlthrough the medium of its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U Just vublthvd. third edition oX 2000), with Nap of olites I I 'riee la., of I BEN RHYDDING, the ASCLEPION of D) ENG!JAND. Bs' the Rov. K WVODROW THtONMi('' Bver tbieg o£ impoortanrce reluting to Ben Rh~I? 't be~ac fahl aroonuds aind Its extensive wa ke, Is In thl ar:lk 1(1117 desnribed. Tile inedircl treatmlent io also 0o - pla*. lodnio T. Ntlsn and Sons Pateraoster-rr'~ nd; to be lliley, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eENT: god 6lcsmforve rcoolwalton -Mold Ireen, Hudderafield. ImpmltorO-loWo I' yallN t cl upogw lpr i iepo )tene but t{ose who thorcuably unersodte rd n ?? aconnoection] rOedapp4l. Security requlest _AddrV94 ah, D. L,PtomeoManchester t~ou .oto X - , .m. fo. . dd. W ANTED, in the vicinity of the Ooru Exchangc, a smsall OiFICE or WARESOUSE. Address, statng rent and ether tienolars, 0 47, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LT7EA ESVXNG OO1NUTB SoOWlZRT HAT. WR lIO-TZ~ W~rPIENT EU30~N. ,Dy SATURDAY EVENIzN WzXTIKY 9, MISS EMMA STANLEY WILL orVE Bll ,,00RABT]O AND POPULAR EN ETA NMIENT ENTITLED TU1E SEVEN AGES OF WOMAN; In which she will, alone and unaided, vSAIAN EGSTEEN DISTINCT OIARACTE.S, El; In Begaot eand Appropriate leeetume. ?? Sd.; Sido Galler[e. f. Re0erled Seat, 6 .J. OAWglD WOOD. Seorety. RINCE OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rADVERTISEbMENT.1 ADULAERATION OF VLOUR. 2o the EDITOR of th DAILY OeRT., Sir,-Ilr. Barlow, in his letter which appeared in yours of the 20th, complains that in mine of the 6uth, i accused him of having denied that alum was used by his firm in the manufacturo of flour. Ifhehaed not plainly denied it, he had certainly been making use of your columns upon more than one occasion, for the purpose, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEWARE OF DANGEROUS IMITA'1IoNs. _ T~ARJ3EIM'S POISONED W'hAT III ' (11 Mis ~ce an d Sparrows ( only). In ld., 2d1, 4d1., arnd 8d1. .l'ackets. BARBER'S PIHEOSPHORt P ASTE. 16 Rats found dead from a Gd. Jar, at Mr. Thomas's Stay Factory, Ipswleh. Preference la lven to these articles beoause the dead vermin ?reereee s gvel to are found Sold by all Druggists. Grocers, &c.. in jars, adi., a(1, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Copjt cr;tc, cae J2IATTerUERNABTIONALEHBIIN HE INi LONDON, 188e2. This is to oertify That an MONO URABL MENTIONT039 t^SA AWZEDD3D TO JAMES MIDDLEMASS By the International Jury of' Class 27. (Signeed) GRANVILE, Chairman of her Majesty's Commissioners.- 3idy, 11862. LIST OF NOVELTIES3 EXXHIRITED- PULPIT ROBES. RO B} 3 ES DE CHAMR EES BLACK DRESS SUIT.. SCOTCH TWEEDD SUIT. CLERICAL OVERCOAT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3ELFAST AND BANGOR, EXTRA SAILI.GGS. N AN:YD AFTPR MONDAY, 13TU1 APRIL, 1 ;8G3, the Steamer HERO Wili ply between BELFAST AND BANGIOR, at the Unndsrmentioued hours, viK;.- F M B E L F A S T, At 7 A . 12 Noon and 5 rax. OM B A N G O R, At S--I A1M., 2-A0, and 7-0 p'7m. F A B E S:- ernowra, Cabin, ., ,.is Oa. St ee - *Os 0d. r o LNGJ1AND via FLE ETWOOD, from BELFAST EVERY ERENING, at 7-15 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH UNION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EDrNsURGH-47 GEORGE STREtT. LoZ;DoN-37 CORNHILL. DUBnis-52 DAME STREET . Invested Funds, upwards of . £800,000 : Annual Revenue from all Sources, £170,000 LIFE BUSINESS DONE IN 1862. The number o LUfe Pol cies issuctd was . 915 Sums i-nsu'rd there~by, . £427,330 Yie!dinX of New Premiums, £13,137 SPECIAL NOTICE. Trss BooKs FOR THE YEAR CLosE ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TilDYT ES O'CLi, AT 96 NORT11 HANOVEn STREET. CAP.ITAL HO-USEHOLD FURNITURE. At Balf.Ptt Twelve o'clock. at 497 St. Vincent Sreet, EADSO)?-, sPIRIT SI-OP FITTINGS AND) FURNITURE,- TIL ER ENGINE A254) SPIRIT FOUNT; Also, a few articles of ROUSE FURNITURE. Atc ?? Teoc'yclokat tle CitySale]eR rns, ?? Street, CAPITAL G2E IR,SUpERIOR SPRING VAN~, AND SET HARNESS. (Helorgigg to a Seqtpestrsted ...