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... -_-- C It I N OLINIAN A. (,n1CMA ]3LCKWvoODS tDINDURGU M&AGAZINEB) you aslk nme. gnutle cousin mine, To praiso the beauty of your eyes Ald, truot mo, they nra fdir and flue A., ara the stoirs of paradise: Bright scintillotisfel of the soul Thft stirs my inmost being, sweet. F1m weonil I lay, without control, My hcart and homage at thy feet. One thing alone retards the sign- - Forgive me I-'tis ...


... VISIT OF HER MAJESTY TO THE INTE I * NATIONAL EXHIBITION On Friday, as already noted by telegraph, her Majesty paid a visit to the International Exhibition Building at Kensington. Her Majesty arrived at precisely half-past ten, being accomn panied by the Princesses Helena and Louisa, and attended by the Marchioness of Ely, Larly Augusta Bruce, General Grey, General Hoodl, and Viscount ...


... FASHIONS FOR IJUNE. (sFROM Li FOLDm.) Inthe various new maitles for the season, we notice thre3 styles which appear: likely to have v the greatest Euccess. The rotondle, or round camail; the caseque; and the small paletot. The rotonde is usually male to match the dress. We I observe, en paisatnt, that the comnplete toilet en ?? is much worn. The bonnet of crape is even v made to match the ...


... EAST KILBEIDE CATTLE SOWV. This anmnal exhibition of stock, by no means the leust . noteworthy among the agricultural events of the district, r.- came off yesterday, in a field rented by Mr. James New Lt biggen, at the east side of the village. The show proved o0s r, the whole a highly satisfactory one. The number of entries 14 both of cattle and horsesvwas considerably in excese of th~at of ...


... iMNELROSJE FAIR. WEODNESDAY, JuNE 3, 1863. This large half-yearly fair, for, the sale of cattle, sheep, and horees, took place here to-day, when the stock brought forward was larger than for sorne years previous. The day was ex- ceedingly fine, and the attendance of district farmers and de ders was large. The late showers and wartn weather having brought away the grass well, the demand for ...


... TO CHLOE. Berate, Lit. I., Ode 23.) Dear Chloo, von fly from my love like n fawn In search of ier mother, along the wild lawn, When eacb rustling breeze makeos the fugitive start, And each falling loaf gives a wound to her heart. Young, timorous, innocent, Chloe, like you, She fancies the hounds have her always in view. But tell mo, oh, tell me, dear, beautiful maid I For what is my charmer of ...


... THE EXIIIBITION BUILDING. It appears from the correspondence that, in accepting the Government offer of £80,000 for the removable portion of the Exhibition building, Messrs Kelik and Lucas stated that they could have realihc. a larger sum from other offers, but, identifie;l as they have been with the Exhibition, they preferied taking a course more in harmony with their feelings than mnakiug it ...


... The following is a remarkable fragment of a letter addressed to our chief morning cotemporary by the Hon. Mrs Norton in reference to her recent work c Lost and Saved ?? The opera is unquestionably the favonrite amusement of the English aristocracy. Now, what are the plots of the principal operas ? The plot of 1 Don Giovanni is so well known that the name has passed into a byword for ...


... %! 0 e tr T. -, ?? v I 1? TIHINGS THAT NEVER DIE. The pure, the bright, the beautiful, That stirred our hearts in youth, The ?? to a ?? prayer, The dreams of love and truth; The loogings after something lost, The spiri's yearning cry, The strivings after better hopes- These things can never die. The timid hand stretched forth to aid A brother in his need, The kindly wordl in grief's dark hour ...


... L I T E R A T U R E. SronUcs iy DzCLAMATiOw, DRamTIC CnAPrrTes, AND MhscxrANn ous PiEoEs. By Silverloud, a Detective Officer, Glasgow. Glasgow: Thomas Murray & Son. 1863. (Pp. 135.) Ir this new author's hopes of earning some reputation by his book should escape disappointment, it will not be for want a of one of the worst-written dedications, and one of the worst- a conceived prefaces, that ...


... CATTILE SHO1VW AT HAMILTON OF TTE LANARKX SEIRE FARM' IS' SOCIETY. On Friday, the annual show of farm stock and dairy pro- duce of the above society took place at Hamilton, in the same fie~ld at the outskirts of the towvn where it was held in former years, The wNcather, though gloomy looking in the morning, wvas very- suitable throughout the whole day, and the attendance of agriculturists anti ...


... CATTLE SHONTIS. CAIMPSIE, STRATBBLANE, BALDERINOCK, & RILSYrHi. The Canepsie, Strathblanc, Bald,~rnock, and Kileyth (C attle Show was held at the Clachan of Campsie on Tuesda.y the 2d of June. The day being favourable, the attendance o J good. The judges of stock were-Mr. Alex. Murdocii, Hilton, Cadder; 'Mr. John M'Onie, Auchnbar, Drywoeu; and Mr. James Forrester, Kindarrocb, Gargunnock. For I ...