Advertisements & Notices

... -I GREAT FAILURES IN TIM BOOT AND SHOE TRADE. BANKRUPT STOCKS, 60.000 PAMRS BOOTS AND SHOES, ,cddou within the last aix weeks, and Manufactured S8O0 IC j R. NEVILLE, Oxford-treet, Lomdon; Messm M ig BALL & 0CO, Now Weaton-etreet Bermondsay, W gr.C, G. P. CH H, 15 and 16, daitapur-etree t ,r.A. HALKEET, Coleman-atreet, London; an .cw, E. CHATEAU, 65 AND 6t, BEDFORD-STREET NORTE. HI OSOOND ElUS~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vf lIE NORTHERN ASSURANCE JL COMPANY: Established in 1836~be inc'orporated by feetof Iarliament. Head Ollires: A rden, 3, King-street; Dunde. 6. t. Adre-plce; las~w,19,St. Vincent- ?? 20,St. ndre squre; donn, 1, Moor- EXTACT frm te EPOT o th DRECTORS for theyea 182, shmttd t th Twntycoenth General MeeingofProrieor co Plicholer, hldatAberdeen, FIRE D)E PARtTMENT. RCEVENIUE AND) EXION DITUR OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AC ,at the Alblon-odfiee, a PllE;DER.-Aspply to w lie OVcrOser, S.noDo, ~Castls-street-. 29inyjol ^.NTED, a PWATCH ENXAMIN -Appb to Mr. W QuIi~lhlr' Eliabeth-Street. osmyjel 51V ?? Sanderson Brothere, Ecleshall. IiTD, e APPIIENTICES to the Confectlonery B g1i6e55, froms to 20 years of ?? to Miss Parill 69, IuBD 0ye jj Tl: a SECOND HAND MILLINER One with WahSnowlede pr Mantles ?? James St He 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. ThlrDay ITuisidsy), the 23rd.inr~t omt tcourt, at thle tho lidl Sloou TOMP t ocl TisDatoCommsrC ai3UTTFR and BACG)N. American LARPD. OALLHNDER & CSO., Brokers. Apply to ANDREI ThisDay Tuesay),tisr,_5rd cait., sitU Alf-paset Ono oclocic, T is thy (T osciaesia IdSac-room), Tenkple-rOurt, Tile ft`1l0w;l'g good Americaln BUT ltEJBfiAc, N, HAMS, and ZE . App'y to ORCV ADENACl 80 FON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OT I C E. Dnrig the re-buling ?? our premies t o bnainesE of tie Journal and Daily Pool ;iil ie transacted' 'at' io. 6, Canlon Street, WherO advertisement. and orders vill be received. efJIN OOP THR ,WATm CO ?? usual wsee ?? anmih'., elyig dsi', at the Palia Ofce, Thaq;Oli J (Al,1e rum Smith) presided and there were also presant, the Mayror (Iar. 0. B l~..&~rlermen. ]i;tO mer, Gamason, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DISTIN &: CO.'S BR.;ASS BAND I JL} INTX8TUllENTS. DISTTN and CO. have been awarded the Prize Modal of the 1uternational Exhibition for the excellence of their Musical Instruments. viz.. Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, Baritones, Xupho- alone, Veatil-Ilorns, ansd Moaster Contrabasses,Wvitch are 0ha, easy toplay, and perfedtlylntulone. Manulactory:9itand 10, (ireat Vlewport-street. St. Mlartiu's-lane, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1\[ ONEY TO LEND.-£1,400 TO LEND, ON approved Security, in1 one or more Sums. .pply to Mr. IV. M. COLLINS, Solicitor, 30, Arthur Street, Belfast. SO80 EXTRAORDiNARY AND TRUTHFUL. DELINEATION OF CHARACTER BY GRAPHIOLOGY. nl F Rl S 0 N S DESIROUS TO KNOW THE Jr Component Parts of their Characte (or of their Friends) can have same correctly delineated by sending full specimens of their writing, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yfALYERN IMPERIAL HOTEL.-' IL The new establisobrent at Great ?? contains upwards of 100 bed-rooms, has all the Improvements of the modern joint-stock Hot-], is 'suirreurded Isy ornamental gardens, and commands unequalled views of Worcester- shire and the adjoining counties. The proprietors receive lady or gentlemen boarders at tire rate rrft3 lOs. per wleek. A Table d'liote daily. ibe Hotel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ESALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL OVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. wss HR SMIsiTA and SON now SELL the DAILY N.EWS It all the Railway Stations at THIOEEPEN CE per SINGLE COPY, an will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS- AGE ',TS on such terms5 as will enable them also to SELL the DAILY ~NEWS at the marked price of THREEPENCE per SIKIG~LE corY. 148, Strand. t4 L tTTA, ?? at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOXNE-NIQON. xICUOOALM,&T%13D W'AiVTED. ?? Hlonrd of Guardians of this Union vill, at their 1 1%ecting. to hle Itelt onil Monday, the 22nd dav of June jllst., proceed to thle election of a person (auhject to til apl-roval of thle Poor Law Board) to the offire of Schooltwiistcr of thc Union Workhouse, at Strmdbrokc. He litust be betwveeu the ages of 20 minl 50, %without incumbranit'C. and will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IZVERPOOL AND NOSTA WALES IN ONE HOUR I1 rnEIE splendid fast aailina Stemmer PRIN0T1 1 OBF WALEfS (built by Todd & McGregor, in their well known style), 100'HOrse Power-Capt&uI ROBeMT DAVIES- will ply punctually between LIVERPOOL AND) MOSTEV Weather permitiing ; steamer will Brut be held responsible for non-salling), as under : JUNES 1863. FOIDrSY FROM LINERPOOLL FROM MOSTYN. 24 Wedneeday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIS YT FANER. II phris ydyw 2g. i dderbyzwyr a dalant am dan i wrth ei derbyn, nen cyn dechreii y chwarter. El phris am chwarter yw 2s. 2g. ond tauymlen; nen 2a. 6ch. os nB wnelr hyDy. Anfonir dwy, neu unrhyw gyfulfer (equal numkier) drwy y post gan y cyhoeddwr am y prisiau hyn. Ei phris wedi ei stamplo ydyw 3c.;2-3s. ;3, y chwarter, a thalu yn mlaen; nen 3s. 6¢. eom na wneir hyny. T mae y ...