... COURTS OF EQUITYZ-BATIRDY, JULY 11L * ,(Before tire L ordLChanoelor.) HARDING V. eTIaB'rtN. The further hearing of this case, (an appeal from Vice- Chancellor Stuart), was adjourned until to-day, when the * arguments were concluded, It will be recollected that the .chief question relates to aleged undue influences said to ,be exercieed by the defendant and his wife over an aged gentleman named ...


... BIRMINGHAM POLIE COURT. YESTERDAY. Before Air, 3d. C. S. Kynnersley. ANour.ER DisoRDnRn ' PAUPER.-A girl, an inmate of the Birmingham Workhouse, named Elizabeth Hill, was committed to the House of Oorrection, with hard labour, for having been disorderly at that establishment on the previous day, BoeninG & SIST'R.-A dirty, miserable-looking womian, named Haema/s Siviter, residing in Digbeth, ...


... BIRMINGHAM BANKRUPTCY COURr. YESTERDAY. llsie'osie Mn. CoM IrsSosNER SANDERS. - e1 re S. H. Vldicvnanae, Birmoiulehanm, ?? examina- tion and discharge. The balance-slheet showoed: Debts owing to creditors, unsecured, £654. Os. 3d.; assets in debts, £U1. l cs.; property given up to assignees, £48. 8s. 9d.; deficiency, 44.53. I4s od. Mr. Harris, on behalf of Mr. East, appeared for tine assigsee, ...


... THE ST. BRIATEL'S RE-MARRIAGE CASE, In 1855, the Rev. A. Lusb, curate of Greywell, Hants, prevailed upon a couple who had been inafried at an Inde- pendent chapel fourteen months before to be re-married by him; the parties beirg described in the banns and in the register as a bachelor and a spinster respectively. For this offence against the law he wag committel for trial at the Wiuchecter ...


... I I WEDNESDAY, JULY 22. BEFORE MR. RAFFLES. SERIOUS ASSAULT WITH AN UMBRELLA.-A young men, named John O'Donnell, was charged with unlaiw- fully wounding Peter Worthington, captain of the flat Winsford, now lying at the Duke's Dock coal-wharf. Between nine and ten o'clock en the previous night, the complainant was passing along Whigtchapel, when he was accosted by the prisoner, who asked him ...


... uUZORB MR. CONWAY, DlE5UTY-JUDOE. TUESDAY, JULY 7. ItlON'AGIIAN v. TyRiiR.-Inl this case, which was heard before the court on Friday, the 3rd instant, his honour delivered judgment tbis rorning. Mr. Gray appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Woodburn for the defence. His Honour ?? was an action brought to recover the SUM Of Is 55dmgsfrtedetention of two casks. It appears that the plaintiH' who ...


... kSANDYFORT). R zD C AS.- * THE SAND iFORD MRDERF@ CASE. IMPORTANT STATEMENT BY MRS M'LACHLASN8 AGl,?NT. The following singular commtunication appears in:the Glasgow Ilerald:- Jily 4, ]86.3. 145 West George Street, Glasgow. Slur,-As I have roceived an intimation that you are about to publish a hearsay version of a certain Statement marie by Mrs. M'Lachlan to mre, and vish, if it is to be ...

Law Intelligence

... I yaw JURY TRIALSThtrRsDar. FIRST DIVISION. (Before the Lord President.) . SNRY WELSH V. THE EDINBURGH AND GLASGOW RAILWAY COMPANY. This case, which came on to-day, is another action arising out of the late collision on the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway. The pursuer is Henry Welsh, clothier, residing in Frederick Street, Edinbnrgb, and the defenders are the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway ...


... TEE MEOW 03cou M BARTIzAL. The following is the copy of a memorandum of his Royal Highness the Vield Marshal Comnauding-in. Chif on the Khowcourtnmartial, eutpnit ely to Sir EL Rose and Sir W. Mansfield: H Horse Guards, February, 1863. The Field Marshal Commanding-In-Ohidf has had under his consideration the letter addressed b Gneral Bir Hugh Rose to the Adjutant-General, on the 20th ultimo, ...

Law Intelligence

... We' , Mdl.and. !. w, Co 1 o wtet . F..P $WM. %wed.r and Jcwpbs,tal p moth: Iorgan D*s v. -8 ts. ?? ~-Zudbvqok T, Le`W-tWll r. Bnw% -Norto I., Car- ?? bamnw, a 1 boatom A2.40J.-DRI 2n: SLess8 ?? = . Jeln v 14rli-Walnse=18y v. 1OxbWa.-, WZOh t :45I AS 10.-bmao V1M0 Moa am tll. :S. ROD n D tt onbY erdr nters Iatate-droke v- ATlO.-illioaak pe Tto ?? l . INGIL *Wi0J.h mo~v. part. ?? v.e La Min= ...

Assize Intelligence

... 1-5,5ip 3f;ltdllQmla. 1-:1 COUNTY OF DOWVN. FrROM our. OWN REPORTER.J DOWNPA!TRIC, FrclD. cRowN COUrT. TITs morning, at half-past ten o'clock, the IIon. hMr. Justice HlAY took his seat on the bench, and pro- ceded with the disposel of he crimniual business. Sir Thoma; Staples, Bart., Q C., and lMr: Thomas Macdonnell, Q.C., appeared as counsel for the Crow.iJ LARCEINY. James Whitelow pleaded ...

Law Intelligence

... / - 4- - -- 7 - NOTIOU-THIB DAY. JUDICIA COXICTTNII OF TUB PRIvy C0Ubojy WHI~TEHALL A210J.-The Iatooits, ?art hewrd. COURT OF C1 ANOBHtY. INUCOLW8INN AS IlI.-BMor MMN L4RD CELUCALWIR - Nor Davis T. Hgeric -Bankrup tpoa.s Wh tmore n ?? Pageand ?? Thin pRM~T. hesringtr A? 101.-Brania T . Btoa w-,- AT~ ~~OUT V( CHANc= k'fR'NE posed ouyadsho, &Caus,.: Causes,*. ~~ Beatrondv Va'eetonae v. Thoupe ...