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Assize Intelligence

... 1-5,5ip 3f;ltdllQmla. 1-:1 COUNTY OF DOWVN. FrROM our. OWN REPORTER.J DOWNPA!TRIC, FrclD. cRowN COUrT. TITs morning, at half-past ten o'clock, the IIon. hMr. Justice HlAY took his seat on the bench, and pro- ceded with the disposel of he crimniual business. Sir Thoma; Staples, Bart., Q C., and lMr: Thomas Macdonnell, Q.C., appeared as counsel for the Crow.iJ LARCEINY. James Whitelow pleaded ...

Legal Intelligence

... iW I pyal ?Jqllfdfigalre. COURT OF CHANCERY. DuBaN, YESTERDAY. [FROMI OUR SPECIAL REPoRTERn. TILLY V. CORPORATION OF BELFAST. TaIs case, which was opened at a late hour yester- day evening, was resumed at the sitting of the Court this morning. It was a cause petition filed by Mr. Thomas Tilly, of Henrietta Street, Dublin, against the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Belfast, praying his ...


... HEAD POLICE OFFICE-DunLIN, SATE DAYS rot r - - r.. r [Before M.Ir. di'DEnIOTTr.J : ASsIULT AND APOLOGY- OrN Saturday, MrfS. Anne Jade and M~fr. Joseph Jude appeared to answer a summons at the suit of Mr. Lucius H. Leeringr, for an assaullt at the Antient Concert Rooms on the 21th of Janelast. Mr. feec- ing was the honorary secretary of the Grand Masonic banquet giren on that evening to tho ...


... THF A-iDUCTION AND MURDER OF A CHILD IN ISLINGTON. I ARRIEST AND ZXAMINATION OF A SUSPECTED PERSON. At the Clerkenwell Police-court, on Wednesday morn- ing, William Henry Clark, aged seventeen, a shabbily attired fellow, who described himself as a light porter, residing at 31, Lever-street, Goswell-street, wasbrought up in the custody of Inspector William Wiseman, of the N division, charged on ...


... I COUNTY DONEG&L (FR ouM t SPROIAL RcPORTFRL) THE MURDESR OF GlRIEMrio4. LurFonD, WteRssDAY.-After the close of the very able and forcible address of Sergeant Sullvan, ia reply for the crown, Mr. Justice Fitzgerald proceeded to charge the jury. He ?? of the jsry, we are now approaching the close of this most important trial, and it noev becomes my duty to ask you to rs-eonsider with me the ...

Assize Intelligence

... - ?-?Zsiy hfdligma. COUNTY OF ARIMAGH. (exon OUB OWN- LEP>OBTER.) . 0 ARMAGH, TUESDAY. Tiz IHon. Baron FiTzGEnrTD took his seat in the Crown Court, and continued the hearing of the CRIMINAL BUSINESS. THE NE WRY POISONING CASE. Mary Sleeth, indicted for the murder of her bus- band, David Sleeth, at Newry, on the 1st of May last, was placed at the bar. Sir Tfos. STAPLES, Q.C., onthe part of the ...

Assize Intelligence

... A,? 5?ip 4afillijunce. COUNTY OF FERMANAGH. [FROM OUR COERESPONDE?5T.l ENNISsILLmE, WEDNrSDnY, JULY 8. TEE Commission was opened here to-day at ten s o'clock, at which hour the Right Hon. Mr. Justice I FITZGEoRLn entered the Crown Conrt, accompanied 3 by Charles Barton, Esq., High-Sherifl. Mr. SMaRT, Deputy Clerk of the Crown, having read the Comnmission, the Grand Jury were re-sworn I for ...


... POLICE COURTS-YESTSICDAY. re HEuAD OVzCsrO. er Illegal Possession-Mary Anne Byrne was brought CO up, charged with the illegal possession of a gold watch eLO (ascertained to be the property of a man namerd Baird), lit which she offered in paivn at an establinhment in Cern- 03 market. The watch was stopped by the assistant, who aB sent for the police, and gave the prisoner into custody. St She ...


... COUNTY OF THE TOWN OF CARRICKFER- GUS ASSIZES. ON Saturday, at eleven n''ook, the ?? gentle- men were sworn on the Grand Jury for the County of the Town of Carrihfergns, before J. BonRTuwuCo, Esq, J.P, Ilih-Sheriff, by WArLTE. BOURNE, E&q., Clerk of the Crown:- GRAND JUTY. 1. RoBRer ToanuNq, Esq., M.P., Foreman. 2. Mai.rriott Rohert DAIway, ESq., J.P. 3. Andrew Forsythe. Esq.. J.P. 4. Jaea. ...

Assize Intelligence

... (CoLtined jant. ?our Fourth Parge.) I ha-e named, were anthoriscd to an address. Thei~se gentlemen discharged that duty, and had the add ess readv for tle acing on the 13th, and ac cordingly, the MDeyr supposing that it was a mnece matter of form, the first step was to propose the ad- dress. Well, gentlemen, the Mayor in his innocence thought that that could lead to no debate, because ...


... ?? t LI , TQN MU1HR I, 'The- eulo'rued inquest onth jmain5 qL the0 unop nae obile., Ejlza~betl lltintare w--ho.71il., 64040d to have wasO0 ied os Thuedr efor-e, ng 4' 001t ejryhvigafMGi~ tO therng BAiSMVakst ThXCrneiainha n h ?? tbey went And soe far into the Inquiry as toprove thiat thl~e boe'ds found ihil were tho~oli the deceastil Elizabeth fluater; but now he roosd to. go into the question ...

Assize Intelligence

... i -. ?? COUNTY Or ANTRIM. co RECORD COURT. CREIMINAL THE QUEEN AT THE PROSECUTION OF THE MAY02 OF BELFAST v. JORN ma REA,I the, Turc Ho.JJuge1HAYES t0ookhis seat on tho ?? b yesterday morning at ten o'clock, and the jury liar- ing answered to their names, the cross-examination tati of Mr. James Outhrine, Town Clerk, -which was be- I am guin on Saturday evening, -was proceeded ...