Assize Intelligence

... 1-5,5ip 3f;ltdllQmla. 1-:1 COUNTY OF DOWVN. FrROM our. OWN REPORTER.J DOWNPA!TRIC, FrclD. cRowN COUrT. TITs morning, at half-past ten o'clock, the IIon. hMr. Justice HlAY took his seat on the bench, and pro- ceded with the disposel of he crimniual business. Sir Thoma; Staples, Bart., Q C., and lMr: Thomas Macdonnell, Q.C., appeared as counsel for the Crow.iJ LARCEINY. James Whitelow pleaded ...

Law Intelligence

... / - 4- - -- 7 - NOTIOU-THIB DAY. JUDICIA COXICTTNII OF TUB PRIvy C0Ubojy WHI~TEHALL A210J.-The Iatooits, ?art hewrd. COURT OF C1 ANOBHtY. INUCOLW8INN AS IlI.-BMor MMN L4RD CELUCALWIR - Nor Davis T. Hgeric -Bankrup tpoa.s Wh tmore n ?? Pageand ?? Thin pRM~T. hesringtr A? 101.-Brania T . Btoa w-,- AT~ ~~OUT V( CHANc= k'fR'NE posed ouyadsho, &Caus,.: Causes,*. ~~ Beatrondv Va'eetonae v. Thoupe ...


... THE RAILWVALY ENGINTE CHAtSE. - Si-Errema Cot a., Du-eFitEs. Before J. P. Trotter, Esq., on Monday, Jaces MIitchell v as cbarge:d with culpable and redkless neglect andvi-1 tion Of duty, in so far as, upon the morning of the pith day of FS'ebruary, 38GS, being then an engine-driver in the em- ploynr~ent Of the CaledolizCn Railway 6ompany, and acting as the driver of a locomotive engine on the ...


... BRISTOL BAunKUPTCY COURT. 'MONDAY. (EgJlsre Br. C0lmueiesieseer Hill.) Ra W. H. SHELLm~Au, Pontypool, Boot and Shocmaker.- The banktu pt, through illness1 not having filed the accounts ordered on the last o-ccsion, and not having answered the reqnsie~tons of Mr. J. G. Trenerry, solicitor to the assignees, Mlr.a. muskipfor the bankrupt,applied for a further adjourn- ment of the last examination ...

Assize Intelligence

... - ?-?Zsiy hfdligma. COUNTY OF ARIMAGH. (exon OUB OWN- LEP>OBTER.) . 0 ARMAGH, TUESDAY. Tiz IHon. Baron FiTzGEnrTD took his seat in the Crown Court, and continued the hearing of the CRIMINAL BUSINESS. THE NE WRY POISONING CASE. Mary Sleeth, indicted for the murder of her bus- band, David Sleeth, at Newry, on the 1st of May last, was placed at the bar. Sir Tfos. STAPLES, Q.C., onthe part of the ...


... At York assizes, on Monday, John Gair, aged 53 was tried on the charge of having murdered Alice Gair, at Leeds, in April. Mr. Middleton stated the case. The prisoner had been in the army, and was now a pensioner. For four or five years past, so far as the prosecu- tion had been able to trace, he had been living with the deceased, Alice Gair, as man and wife, and they were generally believed by ...


... WEDNESDAY, JULY 16. BEFORE MR. RAFFLES. DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT cOWARDS A WIrE. -John Riley, an anchorsmith who resided in No. 4 Court, Pitt-street, was brought up on the charge of having corn- mitted a brutal assault upon hiowile. It appeared from the evidence of the latter that ehe had for some years been subjected to ill-usage at the hands of the pisoner. On the previous night he kicked her ...


... COUNTY OF THE TOWN OF CARRICKFER- GUS ASSIZES. ON Saturday, at eleven n''ook, the ?? gentle- men were sworn on the Grand Jury for the County of the Town of Carrihfergns, before J. BonRTuwuCo, Esq, J.P, Ilih-Sheriff, by WArLTE. BOURNE, E&q., Clerk of the Crown:- GRAND JUTY. 1. RoBRer ToanuNq, Esq., M.P., Foreman. 2. Mai.rriott Rohert DAIway, ESq., J.P. 3. Andrew Forsythe. Esq.. J.P. 4. Jaea. ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CONFESSION oF A MURIDER. tI Tln -trai.. -v a+ Rant *6rot .ntr ?? The police are at present investigating the circumstnces of an extraordinary case of alleged murder that has been confessed by a soldier of the 50th Regiment, with a degree of detailed consistency that has led to the belief that the statement is onlytoo authentic. It appears that the soldier in question, a man named ...


... IPORWMADOO. \ S ?? : f ?? PETTY SESSIONs, Friday, July IC.-Before D. Wil- tai Eams, Esq., and 0. Grifflth Eisq. add The Po'br-rat&Aisesiient Books for the parishes of tale Criecieth, Penmoria, ?? were allowed and hop aigned; ?? the Stealing .Wreck.-Joseph Parry, mason, from Morf- Byohaoi, was charged by Mr. Morris, deputy-receiver of higl |wrieck for the Portmadoc district, with stealing two ...


... '5 -DIFF ICULTY OF SERVINO A SVMMONTS ;o UPON A PRIEST. ~- At the police court, on Saturda.', a respectably- 31attired, decent-loig rs gi, named Mary g M 'Avoy, -appeared before Messrs. B. Houghton b and Benn to renew an a~pp~eation for an affiliation Lt order againist Mr. William Oliver, a master joiner, carrying on businoess at the Old, Swan, who, she 'alleged, was the father of her ...