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... - -.-t -,Tr 14 DIED, ltlDAJY, .AUGUST 14. BTprjLED, SATURiDAY, ALUGOST 22, 1, . (From Pencn.) Anrother great, rgrey-headel, chieftain gone To join his brethren on the silelnt shore Another link with a proud past undone! Another stress of life-long warfare u'er 1 Iew months have passed since that ?? headl *-e saw Bending above the vault Where Ontratm slent; Lingtering as if reluctant to ...


... p o0E TRY. TH IN THlE GARDEN.ha Green grille benecath, green leaves above, to That rustle lilec a r~iidtimg streamn, Ly An1d sunobhiet that with tenslor gleam fe 'rouohca tho little heads I love- bet The little beads, tho dewy eyes, me ThAt shide end smilke through san nsed shower, eac Tlitaot my portion ae l my dower, ed- bly sumn ot wealth beneat tho skies. the Thle white dloves flutter on ...


... I. I T E 1x A T C it E. chorte tb- ti Tb'Riches of E fillr & Cu. linr 'ar-tprin the world, Cha-rles I L 'reLI' hl -albi~ct NVIhte C ?? fartm, ?? he 1 in~ t-v'c'thb' 'i ' -NO ' I 1% C,%t~110Lys OP. the~ men and ei,1jiv ia'ined thnt he hasz 7~~~ifl it, anrn' therefore, lie is j~ o-t r iz 11' tlarhe is sri- 11ielit .nd pens iidlspti -'''Ii 'viti l nt be entitled ofte'raest of I' t Ilid Igret ...


... I qa attrg. SUMMER VOICES. !Y JANSET HANILTOI. Beneath the shining, trembling leaves that drape the bowers of June I sit and list with raptured ear to sweetly-varied tune Of Nature'sthousand mclbdies-above, below, around- Sweet sights, sweet scents, but sweeter far the ming- ling charms of sound- The silvery lapse of twinkling streams, the river's rnslhing voice, The lucent waves that lap the ...


... (FROM THlE NONCONFORMIST.) Beautiful, unquestionably, some of our readers may respond-but why gravely call attention to whatmostmen mayseewithoutleaviog home, and what all may look upon, if they will, in any bye- street along whichthey may choose to pass? Why 9 Think again, and you will scarcely venture to re- peat the question. Is it not worth while, even if it can only be done by a sort of ...

Literary Notices

... 114 giterarv 'Agtias. METHODIShD AS IT SHOuLD BE; OR, OPINION ON. VIE CONSTITUTION OF A CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DmINER SCRXTTURFSs AIJD)DF.SED TO TEEPEOPLE CALL ED METHODISTS. By ELIHU. London: George Philip and Son. REFORDM, in greater or less measure, in all sections of the Christian Church, is far from being unnedes- mary. . None of our Churches are perfect in doc- trine, ...


... ,;LASUU)\W SC'HO0L OF ART. GLASU tNGiW S6ti(l. WU Alit. Ai ini, lf al.t uiamle has taken place in the policy hitherto c a octuii di bv tie Government with respect to our School ci Art. The headl master of that Institution has been paid Iv a rimt frmom Parliament. It has, however, for some time i,t, the aim vf Governiment to render all such Institutions s !`srpliorting and the number of head ...


... (FROM rE FOLLEr.) Mohair, foulard, and alpaca will be the materials most in request for September. Gaze de Chambery, mousseline de sole, and grenadines will be kept for warm days and toilettes babilees. As to colour, the new turtle dove is the last introduced, but we do not think it will be very long in favour, as our Parisian models seem to have a decided penchant for decided hues, no very ...


... A communication from Wilna in the C(ss Qi Cracow has the following:- Oat of derision, Mouravieff orders the gibbet to be unusually high, and at the foot a large hole is dug to receive priests and nobles. In spite of his revolting cynicism the executioner oi Lithuania has met with a master who has made him recoil in alarm. A rich proprietor of Wier- supa, a suburb of this place, had refused ...


... P 0B TRY. ------0 A WELCOME, TO THiE PRINCESS OF WALES. DNA'S ALExAtNoDftA-VelOOme to ul golitly flowing Deoe, fier breozy Sills, andl leafy valos, And 5suliy scenery. SjNver PRINCcESs-Wcl1ome for the sake Of our beloved Queen- Victoris-who has to us So good mod graolous been. PXIcorsCS OF WALES-Wo wish you health, Long life, prosperity- Your Albeit's love, and the love of A smiling progeny. ...


... SOMETHING LUCE A SENSATION NOVEL. The Athenweum places before its readers the following out- line of a book called Inside Out, by one Dr. S. W. Francis, an American:-In a large and spacious roomy begins the first chapter of the doctor's Iove tale, huntr round with mystic thoughts and permeated by a goftenex light, reclined a man enmploying, in his elegant ease, three articles of ...


... A &SAD STORY. A poor man' in great apparent d istress, applied at the Mansion House, Londont,- on'' Thursday, to Alderman .,Sir Robert Carden,' who sat for the Lord Mayor, for some relief.; On being asked, he gave the namne of John Crowe, and said he had for some tifne ield the office of; Professor of the Celt-I;iai)'gu'ages and Literature in the Queen's College, qaiway, until the Ist of ...