Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death ca-n bo nserted luitels authenticated by tho cacao and address of the eeder Thewords No cards,'oranysimillar additiontothe siepl asnuoncement of a marriage or death, subjects it to i. necut as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. A%,FS-Oct. S. at 20, Dexter-street, Toxteth-pa-k, ille wife of Xr. A. Akers, of a son. BnLr.r-Aug. tO, at Llantrissant, South ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ANNOUNCEOMBNTS Op MARRIAGgS. The frequent publication of fabricated atnoun ocnts Of maores in spite Of all Precautions that we oaan adopt, has renderer it neeespry that we should assimilate our raule to that of the Landol jonruals, byiansinga charge for onch euloanceosents. We therefore i ntice tat a charge of as fid, will be rade to, the jpubctioe 20 thnstPostand.Jeural. ...

All Notices of BIRTH

... s, DXATIs, and MARsIAGE must be authenticated by the name and address of the sender. FTHS. M'Ewrx- -At 13 Riego Street, on the 26th inst., the wife of Thomas M'Ewen, sculptor, Lothian Road, of a son. M'GREGos.-At the Brunt, East-Lothian, on the 26th inst., Mrs M'Gregor, of a daughter. FINDLAY-At Baruton Place, Stirling, on the 26th inst., Mrs Dr Findlay, of a daughter. GORDON -At Moatbrae, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SUPOlUS DEATH AT LOWESTOFT. S , ! ?? l I-. . .1 . L - Af . ?? 11 ?? oilNitrin'.% inn Inque-st wa hield at thle Sufftolk Hotel, I On *. b' i'forc F. 1I. Marriott, Esq., tottching the RoetStrowiger, at veterinary surgeon. ~~Int~g o CrlttiColville, who was found drown~ted iiirit ?? of the prteviousi Saturday. Vram ten~iptnr III of thle body andl dret-. of the dIC- otocil ~Acctunoted for it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituary of Distinguished Persons. DEATH or LADY K&Tnanrci STIWART. -SeVeral noble families are placed in mourniog by the demise of the above lady, who expired on Friday (16th) at her residence in Bryanaton-8quare. The late Lady Katherine Stewart was the only surviving daughter of Francis Lord Elcho, eldest son of the sixth Earl of Wemyas, brother of the late Earl of Wemyss and March. She ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 14 Ablootsford Place, on the 26th instant, Mrs. J. Thomison Duncan; a son. At 10 (Oueen's Crescent, on the 20th instant, MIrs. Robert Marshall; a daughter. At 10 Montague Place, on the 26th instant, Mrs. Charles Gairdner; a daughter. At 1S Shaftesbury Terrace, on the 26th instant, MIrs. Alex. Brook; a Son. At 10 Hamilton Park Terrace, on the 26th instant, Mrs. Walter Easton ; a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... v No Notice of Birth, Mariage, or Death car. be Inserted unless antbenticated by tba nane and address of the sender. Thewords mNo cards,' nranysimlar addition to the siriple announcement of a marrage or death, subjcots it to pay .sut as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. ASDnRSON-Oct. 20, at Alma Villa, Higher Tranmero, MIrs. William Anderson, of a daughter. TAPE-Oct. 21, at Huyton Quarry, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... till t'tlS. Al iadnor ei', C - t tin the lit iustant, Mrs. Jobli MxlArtiner .a sM]. At .;;26 St. I trert I-sc, on ?? 1st instant, Mrs. James M1Gowa:1o, jil;L.; ai dion. ?? At 5'Itoutr Cr-'-tl. ILI tihe ist llstant, Mrs. Jallmas At . -i'eaul :Loan St - ;. o t ehe 1t inaiant, Ms's. William AIĀ¶~Iceo;ra sonz. At la ci>, - Strrt ,i -titlos, en t:e 1st instant, ri3. USorevra 7:1. PIltvfsr :- .. i-cr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF M. BILLAUIT. Intelligence from Paris announces the death, at nine o'c]ock on Tuesday morning, of B1. Billalt, the French minister. He was recently attacked with illness while in the country, it will be remembered, and in spite of semi-official statements to the con- trary in the Paris journals, it seemed pretty obvious that the case was not unattended with danger. The event has only ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Ibroxhnohm, Paisley U?.oad. on the id inst., Mrs. 3Jhn1 Buchanan; a daughter. At 9 Greenhill Street. on the 2a inustant. Mrs. George Anderson; a son. At 2 Gloucester Street, Kingston. on the :Oth uitimo. Mrs. JTames Scott; a daughter. At 8 George Street. Montrese. on the i`0th nit.. thirs. Alex. Burnett; I eon, At Sxvarainah, Georgia, on the 21st July. the wife of Major J. T. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXTRAORDINARY DEATH OP A CHILD. Mr. R. Raffles Waitltew, deputy-coroner, yea- terday resumed at the Pitnman's Arms T'avern, Pitman'-; buildings, St. Luke's, the inquiry respeethig the death of the infant child of respectable psrents, which occurred under the followieg circumistances: it appeared from the evidence taken on the previous oe- cadion that on Friday week Dr. Bruce was called in to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? s iP tsIAi.RIAtUBS. ihit freqiuent jsishfcetitto oif faserisated aanssunemernets of mjrtlagetrf In spite of all yieetaslttioid Clot we Can adopt, has rendered fti netcssary that Wvo Shiillld 00, In iltO 01o luie to that ot the Loudout joarea~la. by cuaking a eharye toe suchb anusosements. ?? thore tors give 5C05105 that a siharge ut Se. 64. will be made for ?? pubication . in ?? r / sd ...