... I.| About a twelvemouth since, N'lMen disaster every- where overtook the Union arms, and our gallant sons were falling fast under the marvellous sword of rebellion, a young lady scarce 19, just from an academy in a sister State, conceived the idea that she was destined by Providence to lead our armies to victory and our nation through successful war. It was at first thought by her parents-a ...


... POFULALR SCIENC4E. While scientific men have their special societies ant journals, which afford them ample means of intercom- ?? and discussion, it has often been felt that the public is virtually shut out from direct knowledge of the great questions which from time to time agitate or intereat the scientific world. To a great extent this exclusion is unavoidable, because long and special train ...


... FASHIONS; rF:OR OCTOBER.. ,. - Aqo* LEO roaLrT.): Now that the autumn has decidedly made ita appearT ance among us, all our toughts and energies must' be directed to the study' of~hemoi becoming and appro- priate styles of dresses and materials for the season.- Te'npw skirts are made from five and a-half to six and a-half yards round the bottom, and are trimmed with ribbon, braid, ornaments ...

Literary Notice

... siterarg - ? Reirt, ? ? TIrF PRINCIPLES OF CncssrfI- UnIoN As LAID k DOWN IS THE WORD OF GOD. By the Rev. v WILLIAM WHITFY Knox's Free Church, Had. s dington, author of Providence, Prophecy, ,,,I Popery, as Exhibited in the First Seven Chapters of DanieL. Edinburgh W. p, e Nenuedy. Tue contemoplated Union between the Free and It the Enjitel t'rcsbyterian Churches of Scotland is t, likely to ...


... A Lady's Visit to Manila and Japan. By AXI D'A. London: EHurst and Blackett. We have had several men's books upon Japan and the Philippine Islands. They have embraced the more material aspects of the two countries, and given the broad outlines of their government and municipal institutions. Here is a lady's book that gives colour to the masculine chiar'oscuro, aud.fills up with a thousand ...

Literary Notices

... p , Fifirarn MIMI. I , ?? LoNDoN SocIEYr for October. London: 49, Fleet Street. TUE current number of this periodical is of a re- markably entertaining character. There is an especial excellence about the illustrations, which are alone worth the whole cost of the number, and more and the letterpress is lively and always readable. ASILYSIS or THE HUMAx MI2D. By Ricucu.U PFEAR- sos. London : ...


... I (cBOes OUR cOiOB5P0oVDX-T) LIMfrCK, TIInUR8DAY, Oct. 29.-This day our annual great October fair opened under very unfavour- able eircumstarices so far as the weather was concerned. Between twelve and one o'clock this morning a sudden change took place from calm bright moon light to ex- ceedingly high wind, gloom, and heavy rain. The latter abated about seven o'cleck, but heavy showers fell ...


... iLIThBARY X16ELLANE& SvPoNGsrnui3tno A i-A.-tA favenrti eat, musb Petted by her mistress, was one day strabk by a servantL She resented the injury so much that she refused to 9st anything given to her by him. Day after day ho haied her. dinner to he r hutfibe eat 'APulOy 1f .°oH though: dh6 eageily ise the food as :oon asi l .thor .byay syotlier lnirldual.. .er rseeamkt eootianed ?? for ...


... LIFE AFTER DEATH. With dancing plumes they brought ino up here dead: Dead, and to lie until tho eld (if tilmo. They cursed tile crc the priest hacd shut his book, And cat a stono down for the clod of earth; And here they left to on this hill-side blcak, Faco unto face with mlly offended God. Day after dltv, umtil tho end of time, Herlo liust I lie within imy narrow bed, And ever gazing upwards ...


... . . , . . ?? ffagneot Storieas is the title of a series of stories penned in a vigorous style, and of the healthiest possible tone. Tho story in this month's part is entitled Peter Drake's Dream, which is a forcibly written anecdote of very considerable interest, and calculated both to entertain and instruct. EatherInc and li1er Sister's. By Lady Ponsonby: Chapman aod Hlll. This is a story ...


... If the French drama is as much indebted to the intellect of England as the English drama, or rather the modern English drama is indebted to the intellect of France, then Frenchmen have scunt right to laugh in their sleeves, as we suspect they do, when they come over here aud for the first time witness original plays by the leading Eng. lish dramatist of the day, played in the leading English ...


... The following particulars respecting this eatab- lishment have been received from an authentic source :-Three more of the servants, two brothers and a young woman, have escaped out of Prince's hands, The family of the former were at one time all inmates of the Agapemone, but only the father now remains. The mother left some years since, and afterwards succeeded in rescuing her children from ...