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... FASHIONS; rF:OR OCTOBER.. ,. - Aqo* LEO roaLrT.): Now that the autumn has decidedly made ita appearT ance among us, all our toughts and energies must' be directed to the study' of~hemoi becoming and appro- priate styles of dresses and materials for the season.- Te'npw skirts are made from five and a-half to six and a-half yards round the bottom, and are trimmed with ribbon, braid, ornaments ...

Literary Notice

... siterarg - ? Reirt, ? ? TIrF PRINCIPLES OF CncssrfI- UnIoN As LAID k DOWN IS THE WORD OF GOD. By the Rev. v WILLIAM WHITFY Knox's Free Church, Had. s dington, author of Providence, Prophecy, ,,,I Popery, as Exhibited in the First Seven Chapters of DanieL. Edinburgh W. p, e Nenuedy. Tue contemoplated Union between the Free and It the Enjitel t'rcsbyterian Churches of Scotland is t, likely to ...


... t0 tv v. THE IDEALlTY OF LITERATURE. WIIAT CONSTITUTES A STATE! Vigat constitutes a State ? Not high-rais'd battlement and labour'd mound, Thick wall or moated gate; Not cities proud, with spires and turrets crown'd; Not bays and broad-arm'd ports, Where, laughing at the storm, rich navies ride Not starr'd and spangled courts, Where low-bred baseness wafts perfume to pride. No-men, high-minded ...


... Under this heading there will appear in our I columns, occasionally, a series of selchtbI gems from the Poets, ancient and modern, in illustration of our title. The following is a night scene in a camp, from ' The Iliad :- The troops exulting sat in order round, Andl beaming fires illumined all the ground, As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er heaven's clear azure spreads her ...


... MR NV. F. WVATSON'S ART COLLECTION. In that portion of the programme of the fmeet. ing of the Social Science Association intended to serve as a relief to the graver matters which are to come under the consideration of the different sections, no item probably will be found to have greater general interest, as illustrative of the his- tory and antiquities of the city and the country selected ...

Literary Notices

... xV ittraq Raticts. TiiE MusEM for October. Edinburgh: James Gordon. BEGMcNIS;G with a careful analysis and estimate of the Committee of Council's Report on Educa- tion, this number of our established scholastic quarterly treats us next to a capital paper on S1ermnon Ileading, by Professor B]ackie. With a light and graceful play of language, and a thorough earnestness of purpose, the learned ...

Original Poetry

... I . i I Ir II ?? : :eI I tCOLUM5BIA'S SCOTIIGE-.EETRIBUTIQN. .- BY P!SIEsIDEST GROSVE5SO, OF ?? AXN 0EiTRAL COLLEGC. . ?? gdi`d-faepd treason 'sprung fron her adulterate .joy.-Bnmos' ' e' MIen fall by squadrons-crowded ranks are thinn'd- Birigaodes dissolve -divisions struggling die, Through valleys vast, amidst the dense copse-wood, Up dizzy heights and on deep rivers' banks. (ThY unaided ...


... 'I IT E R AT U IR E. , ?? ,I: . ?? v PVvESc. ATaleoftheDis- I inheritee. GnstaveAimnard. Iondon; John- axwell & Co., 122 l n',t Street. ?? ll to a captivating title, whether it may be for a story. a dnmioa, a poem, a new speculation, a public com- parny, or a pair of new-fashioned pantaloons. It is all non- s,-eree to tlk about nothing being in a name, when every day,. expe-i ce ...


... [FIRST NOTICE.] The Congress of the Social Scieace Association has opened in this city under brilliant auspices. The Association is presided over by a man who, while yet living, has become historical-who stung Byron into a poet at the beginning of the centssry, and wvho, when the century is nearly three quarters run, can address to his cotempo- raries words of waarning, counsel, and ...

Literary Notices

... . ilitim gr,3 , : : 9 I ?? I . TanE ScoAraH :nfrIoN; or, the Surnames, Fami- lies, Literature, Honours, and Biographical History of the People of Scotland. By WMi. ANDERSON, Author of Life and Editor of Works of Lord Byron, &e. Vol. IIL Edinburgh: A. Fullarton & Co. THE subscribers to this truly national and un. questionably vahlable work will be gratifiedl to learn that the third volume has ...


... Lovers of the Fine Arts will find Mr Hill's Galleries worthy of a visit at present. Air Noel Paton's illustrations of ' Slavery are exhibited; fu and while we do not think them quite worthy of b his reputation-not nearly so fine, for instance, as b his illustrations of the Ancient Mariner pre- f paring for the London Art Union-they are well n worth spending half an hour over. The most 2 ...


... LITER AT U RE. l~~.c ~ -ta Ill nthree volomes. Hurst &Dimlcket', IN Grea arbrough Street, London. asymater i tesedasto keep pace with nov;el t Each day, as the story runs, and almost. her, their work,' fromt numerous Presses Pour, and e'0isn tye.Ldemrescil, are forsaking 'It ne~edle and taking upl the~ steel Peu, and to all appearance tbyare n1~,irkin a cood thing by thle exchang'e Of ...