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Lancashire, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aU he i , til i, 41 @ t . * No Notice of Birth, arriageor Death can be lniserted 'nles anthentioated byt name and address of the sender. The worda No cards,' or anyalmilaraddition tothe simpl announcement of a marriage or death, subjects ft to pay- ya mnent as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. BR OWNE-Oct. 5, at 35, Bedford-street North, the wife of Mr. T. G. Browne, of a son. GIeSON-Oct. 4, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAIJ OF A NAVAL ) OFFICER AT ROCK FERRY. The funeral of Captain Edward Scott, R N who died last week at the residence of his father. in-law, Mr. John Conpland, Rock-lane, Rock Ferry, took place yesterday. The deceased was the second son of the Rev. Wifjiam Scott, rector of Aldridge and Great Barr, Staffordshire, and was married no later than the 3rd of December last to the third daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LORD LYNDHURST. The venerable Lord Lyndhurst died at three o'elock on Mobday morning, in his house in London. The brilliant career of Lord Lyndhurst (sa the MoMn inp Post) amounts to a political and legalhistory of three reigns. It is a miracle of good fortune, anourious and unique chronilec of shrewdness, ability, and eonstunmate taot. The great lawyer who was destined to be three ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. W. WALLING. We regret to have to announce the death of the Rev. W. Walling, inculmbent of All Saints' Church, which took place last Saturday morning, at his residence, in Peel- terrace. The deceased gentleman had been in a delicate state of health for some years, but there had been nothing to indicate any immediate danger. E1e was out the pre- ceding'day, and in the 'evening ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 26th nlt at the Parish Church, IMr. William Berry to Miss Hannah ilaymond ; Mr. Richard Standing to Miss Ann Simmons; Mr. Jolhn Hammoud to Miss Eliza Riodn~n Mr. Thomas Ellithorh to Miss Sarah Ann Worthington. On the 27th ult., at the Parish Church, Mr. Thomas Shaw to Miss Ma Moss ; Mr. Henry Slinger to Miss Betsey Hougheon; R Mr. William Wilding to Miss Alice Whittle. On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ildo i Wariageop AU4 patu. ?? No Rouse ot Birt, Mardage, or Death can be Inserted U3anI- ?? brthe name end addreatof tbesende-. Thewlvorde No carde, or anysimlarsaddiftontothesnmple announcement of a ma.rrage or deatb, ellbjeeot It to DAPY- nnent as for an advertisement BIRTHS. DiC1SON-Oct. 8, at Dnmfrles, the wife of Mr. Joseph Dickson, of the Dumfries Sta),dard, of a daughter. LEE-Oct. 10, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W OX.0.the 0. ilgii. meat ~ ag4 fo ?? G REoTIiAce-Oc B7 the Mrife ?? DBeoatin bel tb' R.N., smoke inspector, of a son.Do s unlcess autbenti 3, at the Mark(eandaddZ c Ishe ofrdan the ards, orfany. deanM, subeetcts and drnugist, of a msn. or PYKE-Oct. 8, at 42, Copperas-hill, the wife of M.l Thomas Py pe, of a son. SLoAe-Oct. 7, in ManntfMtreet, Bootle, the wife Oef Mr J. B. Sloan, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Friday, INovemer = 0 42 a in Each day at 10 a pirtuot wardav i ot, fl4 pa~tTX%. y No Notice of Birth.beinaer=e unieassuthen~ticatedthr t~aaerni~mg e s td bsenof eh. The word. -No cards,' or flY ?? tO' announcement of , Marage or ment as for an advertisement. BIRTHSS. COCeAYNE-Oct 26, the wife of Mr. Williasm b7e, of a daughter. COx-Oct. 28, at Beech-lawn, Aigburthl, Mrs. A' RI CoX. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... % No Notice of Birth, Masrisa, or Death can be tseorted unless authentiated by the name and address of the sender. The words No cards, or may similar addition to the simple announcement of a marrige or death, aubjects It to pay. ment as for an adsvertleement. BIRTHS. BENNETT-Oct. 8, at Kenwick Villa, Tranmere, the wife of Mr. T. W. Bennett, of a daughter. DEXTER-OCt. 9, at Matlock Villa, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... girtbo wardiats Ad1X gretuo. ?? No Notice of Birth, Marrisse, or Death can be inserted unless authenticated bythen=me and address of the sender. The words I No cards, or any similaraddltion to the simple announcement of a marriage or death, subjects it to pay- ment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. HARRISON-Oct. 7, at Orchard Hey, Walton, the wife of Mr. James B. Harrison, of a son. STEVENsON ...

t N. Notice ot cirth

... , Marriac, or Death oan be Inserted unless uthent stedbthenam andaddlses of the mender, Thewords No cards,' oranysimlla addltfon tothealnple announcement of a marriage or death, eubects It to pay- ment as for an advertisement, BIRTHS. BUXTON-Oct. 15, Mrs. D. Buxton, Oxford-atreet East, of a eon. EBORALL-Oct. 13, in High-street, Wavertree, the wife of ?Mlr. Edward Eborall, of a daughter. GREEN ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *,o No otice f Blrtb, Marriage, or Death can be Inserted unless authenticated b thename and address of thp sender. The words `ocards,' ?? totheemplO announoemen tof 3 marriage or death, subjects it to pay- ment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. BAlmitc-Oct. 16, at 53, Grove-street, the wife of Mr. J. Railton Baker, of a daughter. HoLrses-Oct. 16, in Walmer-road, Waterloo, Mrs. L. Holmes, of a ...