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... P 0 E TRY. SOMETHING LEFT UNDONE. BY LO5GitELOW.* Labour with what zeal we will, Solmoethitg still remains undone, Something, uscompleted still, Woits tho rising of tils sun. By the bedside, on the stair, At tho threshold, near the gates, With its mesace or its prayer, Like a mendieant it waits; Waits, masd will not go away,- Waits, and will not be gainsaid. By the sores of yesterday Each to ...

Leterary Notices

... T,:vtcrarjl Ilotites. ON THE ARcus SENILIS, OR FATTY DEGENERATION - OF THlE CORNEA. By EDWIN CANTON, ?? President of the Medical Society of London, &c. London: Robert Hardwicke. T.His hook is both interesting and curious. It is scarcely within our province to pronounce upon its merits in a professional point of view; but we may observe that it seems to be the production of a gentleman who has ...


... (IARLOTTI PATTI IN TUE 3 MUSIC 11ATIL. A very large aadience assembled in the l Music Hall last uilht to welcome the new soprano of wxl'nsc gifts so much has been said. The interest exhib;ted was kindred to that shown now more than a year ago when Adelina Patti came and sang aud triumphed. Her sister Carlotti will have to retail similar experiences, for a more un- nsistakeable triumph never ...


... I T E P, AT U RE. f-o 157c tr d~FritC c.Dy a PBilroker. London: Jobsn Maxw eil & Co. 1833:. (p 4. AO~r'IEW I~ £1is-, the ti broker, and tells his own story iiifathe dis hopeessl isolvent, on his death- t)ed Piously rerommetidic, his son, before the condition of Lis estate becomles known, to marry a girl whom he had i-scm courting, and with whom he would be sure to get a ban~deome do in. ...


... L IT E R AT U R E. CET~lE SCOMaff CxAALiMS, AnnD Ornf ae.B Ednionstoune Aytoun, r&C.L., Professor of i~l~ and EnglIish Literature in the UniversitY Of W~ee ,ith Illustrations by joseph Noel Paton, ,Vio.6dWalter H. Eaton. William Blackwood &- cers, £diceburfh and London. dopc IOPOSe, at this timle of dlay, to enter upon a criic ac~erttin iithp Poems of Professor Aytoun. a ogreat countrymen may ...

Literary Notices

... , itcr 151, IQ flotices. THE JOURNAL OF SACRED LITERATuRE AND BsaLI- CL RECORD POIl OCTOBER. London: Williams and Norgate. Taz present number of this theological Journal is not inferior to any of its predeeessors, either in the judicious selection of its subjects or in the abi- I lity with which they are handled. The editor is fully aware of the tendencies of modem theolo- gical speculation ...


... The third annual Exhibition of Works of Art, under the u auspicesof thisflourishing society, was inagurated last tho night, in the Corporation Galleries, by a full-dress convey- tal sazione. The doors were opened at seven o'clock, and from that hour till about ten the rooms were crowded by a, liant aseembpage, comprising the elite of the city and nei,;lr ag bourhoed. The hand of the ...


... TUESDAY, Nov. 10. This important annual market was opened to- day by the Lord Provost and Magistrates. There was a' considerable number of buyers on the ground fromn all parts of the country. Amongst the sales mnaiae were the following: - Mr Baist, cattle sa-lesman, Edinburgh, sold a lot of twenly two-year-old bullocks at £11, 10s. to Sir Hew Dalryniple a lot of fifteen do. to Mr £10 ...


... ALL-HALLOW FA.AIR. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11. The weather to-day was again of the most favourable description, A pretty large number of buyers were present, but even with their pre- sence the sales were dull. The number of cattle on the ground amounted to 2213, as compared with 1326 on the second day last year. Two- year-olds were selling at prices ranging from £10, lOs. to 213 each; stirks from £G, ...


... p 0 a TRY. SONGS OF THE AUtUMN NIGHTS. I. O Night solnd up the harvost moon To Nwalk about tlo corn To make of midnight mngio noon, And ripon on till morn. In golden ranks, with goldon crowns, All in the yellow land, Old solemin kings in rustling gowns, The witoh'd sheaves whitOning stand. Skv-mirror she, skoat in space, eholds our coming morn: Her heavenly joy liath such a grace, It ripens ...

Literary Notices

... 0 .MEMOflS OF JANE CAemBRO, FEMALE. COWVO. By a PRISON MATRo;, - 'iAthor of Female Life in Prison. ?? Volumes. London: Hurst and Blackett. - i Tnas is a very iteresting ?? as readable as a first-class work of fiction, it, atthe same time, has upon every page the stamp of bruth-startling and painful truth. It is an authentic memoir, dealing with real persons and facts, and disclosing to us a ...


... P O B TRY. SUNSET. Away far o'er tho distant hills, Rleap]Iedeilt sinks the lingering day, See, floating on a thousand rdls, The orimsou shadows of each ray. Soo, all along the western skies Her burnished pathwvay shines Soo, on the glowing heavens riso The deepoDing lustre of her lines. Liko fairy lands the clouds so bright Sail o'er a sea of golden light; Whilo on their lee the darkening ...