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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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... IN our advertisin; columus we give the programmnie O0 the music to be performed at the opening of the Cathedral of Down, on Thursday next, the 10th itist. The selection is made from the best school of Cathe- dral music, and promises a great eujoyment to the lovers of that divine art. As very many of our readers will be present on the occasion, and as the knowledge of the words is essential to ...


... LAST night,;Mr. G. V. Brooke, prior to his departure for Australia, appeared at the Theatre Royal in Othet o-a character which he has made his own. The house ia every part was crowded to excess, and a good number of people were unable to gain admission, so great was the anxiety to hear and see the eminent actor. The performance commenced with ,The Duel, a farce without much to recommend it, ...


... jimbiomir. I VI CEREGAL COURT. I His Escolleney the Lord Lieutenant and suite at- tended Divine service on Sunday at the Chapel Royal, Dublin Castle. The Rev. Dr. Abeltshauser preached on the occasion. The King of Prussia has been suffering for some time from a slight rheumatic attack; but the latest reports are to the effect that his Majesty is progress- ing towards recovery. The Crown Prince ...


... ?? - - - - f - . M ES A ?? A1ro0NST the materials in favor this Winter plush will decidedly bold a high place; not the old- fashioned plush, bat one with a shorter pile. It is used for bonnets, and also for dresses, so that one may have a whole toilette to match. We do not, however. advise oar readers to adopt this fashion, for the only result arrived at is one of monotonous uniformity, ...


... EXTRIORDINARY STORY OF A DEVONSHIRE ERIRE S. , TuE Icstler Morning Nezcs vouches for the truth of the following story :-The young, good-looliing, and accomplished daughter of a Devonshire rector, fell violently in love some time ago with a stone- mason, who was employed in repairing her father's churo', The lady, who is mercifelly protected under the disguised namne of Miss Nemo, was ...


... ART, LITERATURE, ANRD SCIENCE. flL± Xt1 1, a s m a 4VLW, . _ . _ Mn. BENEDICT'S opera of the Crusaders has been given at Breslau. A new edition of Chaucer's works, in form and plan ?? similar to the Cambridlge Shakespeare, is in preparation at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. Mr. Smiles, it is said, will stert in January a voted torailwsayeu tiledthe Rcilhray ANews, de- voted to railway aud ...


... TiHEATRE ROYAL. LAST night, Mlr. Webb, the talented and enterprising lessee of the Theatre Royal, took his benefit, and if his popularity as a judicious caterer for the public amusemnent was to be measured hv the extent of the attendance, then he is most indiubitably one of the most popular mcn in Belfast. The house was re- tartably well filled; the upper ?? and gallery were absolutely crammed ...


... C H E I S T Al A S. , by . 1- -l l A ?? Old carlo is Ciitue Yon cannot find liil fellow! ?? me thle hale red rse in his check, Or the heart so tlai& nnad mliov.- The glitter of glory in his syce, ?? the Wassail-CttP lehe ?? ivrinliles, or the humor tha vtitilee taint fiewinls As helplessly le laughs. And of all ?? 'tie Christmas Mlost richlv crowvns the venr; ?? throatil the land theic Vipples ...


... - f',IfIr.5. BaTaLIBAs CIIRIST5rAs FAir.-S.turufAY, DEc. 19.-- This celebrated fair was hel,l to-day. The weather was ?? fine, and the attenalilnce of pur- chasers numerous. The slow of stock on the whole was the largest we have had at even a Christmas fair for many years, and the transactions were on a very brisk and exteusive scale. Prices in thc beef and store cattle marts were ...


... SPo;sonRInL relations in literature are nearly as ex- tinct as the impertinence of patronage and the servility of dedications. Literature has shaken itself from these trammels and pretences, and literary men take an honest place in the world, standing on their merits. The public is theauthor's true patron, and, as chaplains no longer rise from table when the dessert is served, and are not ...


... F AI R S. Iu o Tn ?? 7 _Thi.. . nnl,_ -_ , s_ _, BALaxYBOT ?? monthly fair, hold on IOU day, was largely attendled _cic cows sold from £20 down to £6; of this descripion there was a good show forward, nod a large numb(r of animals changed hands, at itgurcs ranging between the pric quoted. Of young cattie there wevs On1V a moderate supply, and even thuev were not of a high quality. Competition, ...

Court and Fashion

... ltoll?rf laid If.15biGIT, v ?? T II E C O U R T. Oscon1Ne, SATOnDA.Y.---Th5 Queen, Princess ar Helena, Princess Louise, Prince Leopold, Princess B Beatrico, end Princess HobenlohlO arrived at Osborno es from Wi ndsor, yesterday afLernoon, at three o'clock. SzsavA.-Priico Alfred and Prince William of Hlesse arrivedat Osborne yesterday. Lord Stanley L of Alderley also arrived, end had an ...