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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TL On THItSEVENING (ilionday), January4tb, the per- forreances will clorfmenae wltb the favourite domestic Drawa entitled A HARD BTRUGGLE-Mr Trevor, Mr Od1ll; Rlsa- ben ilolt, Mr Huntley; Forgue Gralhan, rtr Sydney Bancroft. Lilian Trevor, Mims Katherine Rodgers; Amy, Mlas Smyth- ien. To conclude with the new Christmas Pantomime, entitled PUBS IN BOOTS, and tho Faiirls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. To BF, SOLl) for ;£1,500, a Profft Bent of uL £110 per ennum, payable out of PrraSeis attuats I12 Pambroec-place, County of Deblin, bold for a term of ISO years, and subject to a Ground [tent of C0 g, pear sTIOOG Application for further partidalari to be nmad2 to J1AN8 BANIST, SOltoitoc, No. a9 Lower Ormond qnoay ulin.! HOUSES AND LANDS. bAG LAN ROATDAD first-dags DE. .1TACUED PESIDENCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. ERMAN LANGUAGE1. CT7 Dlt. SCIIULTllEIS, frocu Hamburg, Professor of thra Goiman Langu,%ge and Literature. bogs to Inform that Card of tcrms and all particulars reapecting Private LosoariS fin attending Schools may be had atbtlno osidence, NO. 30LP ?? 6RAVE-STREET, KINOSTOWN; * r at Mr. Tilomrfs Webb's, Bookeolhr, 47, Lower Sackvillo.atreet, Dublin. ?? DAY and EVENING CLkSSRiS meat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLANKETS AND QUILTS, Purchased B previous to The advnuced Prke, at SUFE{IDAN'8 CARPET WAREHOUSS. dc, 22. sud 21. PARLIAMENT.STRECT, DUBLIN. Wealher Beds, Holaters. Pillows. and Mattrasam, KoUftacW tuted Oc tile Premises. Superlor Iribh Linean Sheeoings IW Cherilablo Institutluos supplied at Wholesale Prices. -HOTELS. R 0 YAL ARCADE I OTBL, (Opposite the Bank of IrelAnd), St and H, COLLEG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T BEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TEI1S EVENING (Friday), January 29th, the per- lormrfncea will commeneo with the admired Comedy, In two .Ct. entitled NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS I-Admiral Kingston, Mr Oranby; Lieutenant Kingston. RN, Mr Bancroft; Mrs rontifez, Mire E F Saville; bliss Mortimer, Miss Katherine fodgers. To conclulo with tie ComicClirlotmas 1'inntomirpe entitled PUSS IN BOOTS, and the Fnaries of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE FORTY HOURS' ADORATION of T tbc MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT will commence in Cbe CHURCH of ST. ANDREW, WESTLAND.ROW, en SUNDAY NEXT, 24th Instant. High Mass will commence at Twelve O'Clock on Sunday; at Eleven ?? on Monday ad Tueaday. Vestry Room, Seturday, 1tth January, 1884, ' iPORTANT NOT IC E.- The Holders of Tickets for the GRAND DRAWING OF PRIZES In aid of St. Brldgid's Orphanage are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrpEATHE ROYAL, DUBLIN. S1IHIS EVENiNGi (S~lutday), Jaunary 2frd, tba ?? will commence with ?? favourito Drama colitled A HA1iD STRUGGLE.-Uc Trevor, Mr Odell; oau. bea ilOlt, Mr luntley; Fernu3 Graham, Mr Sydney Bancroft; Lilian Trevor. Miss Katherine Rodgers. Amy Mlis Smnyth. son, To conclude with the new Comic Christmas Pantomime enitled PUSS IN BOOTS, and the Fairlo of the Gossamer Crove. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flEATHE ROYAL, DUIBLIN. TTIIIS FVFN1NG (Wednoerlay), January 20th, the par' r II nion cow CII moiriencu with tire lavouritar Draititr entitledT rLOT AND I'ASSION.'-Fourthe, M~r fluintloy ; rtDilsorloeC C0~ Air Orlcll; the Sierquts de Caveonnc, Afr Blonu; i$306rle, hit EVI Bleorie; D~o NeuItllie, ir Sidney Is~nrorft; J~tbot, Mr Lftwls; D Orlisbaile, Mr Dlyng ;Mdarno de F'ottangids, ?? IC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN, T THIS EVENING (Thursday), January 28th, the-por. formantee will commence witt, te addmired Comedy, in two acis, entliled NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS I-Admirai Kingston ir Granby; Lieutenant Kingston, Uif, Mr Bancroft., Mrs pontlfex, Mrs E$F Sarille; Miss Mortimer, MIms Katherine Riodgter. To conclude with tbe Comic Christmas rantomime entitled PUSS IN H00TS, and the Feilries of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ad.1. 1a. TN l M ANND Cf.'S V S lvi1'1.1'': 1'01.1,'im.) l'lCI ?? SUE (vwil iiidrue on1d CirtaInN) .1? GUINEAS. C(IMI'LEI£ MATliO0ANY PAYLOULt SUITE, 13 GOINFAS. CU1PLETE WAI.A4UT DiIAWINGRlOOM SUITE, (I'pit kirtry WOTk in Velv :) 276 GUIFNAS. ALL ENOAUE.D. fotopetiiotj invltcd. 4 a, up; r tli.ep. OUjILIWN.ta LEGAL P~OS TIN GS. IN OTICJ' is hereby given, pursuatnt to the Baulkrtptcy atud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?0 ?? THEATRE ROYAL, D)UBLIN. TilitS EVENING (Saturday), January Id tb, the per- forlroiceua will commence with a now Drains entitled MIlRIAMi'S CRIME.-Uuffin, Mr Odell; Bernard Roynolds, MrS BanerOft; Ciarkson Bllaq, Mr Willmot; Scumley, Mr P lluntley; Miriam West, Miss Katharine Rodgers Mrs Rahsy, Mrs Hiuntley. To cancinde with ?? Christras 'antstnime eutttled PUSS IN BOOTS, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIS EVENING (FrIday), January 15tb, the per- formances will commence with a new Drama entitled )IRIAM'S CRUME.-iluadn, Mr Odell; Bernard Reynolde, Mr S Bancroft; Ciarksou Bliss, Mr Wilhmot- sermley, Mr F ituntley; MHiiam West, Miss Katherine Rodgere; Mrs Baby, lire Ruitley. To conclude with the Christmai Pantomime entitled PUSS IN BOOTS, and the Fairics of the G8ossamer ...