... to the Captain, occasioned much merriment; and it is re. lated that as-long as Sempill remained in Glasgow he and Cromwell's whig captain were always to- gether-the latter declaring that Beltrees was the cleverest gentleman in Scotland. Now, if the land ...

Our Library Table

... the parties to that alliance must be on equal terms, neither must be secondary, much less subordinate, to the other. But the whig ministers, at one time, placed their country in this dis- graceful position, and at others acted with a want of courtesy and ...

Our Library Table

... the parties to that alliance must be on equal terms, neither must be secondary, much less subordinate, to the other. But the whig ministers, at one time, placed their country in this dis. graceful position, and at others acted with a want of courtesy and ...


... more pregnant by the weight of the name of the Roman Catso- lie Bishop of Killaloe, Dr. Kennedy, who was a highly infuential Whig. The priests were loud in their praise of the Protestant inspector. Deb, Mr. B-d, said the archbishop, twisting about th ...


... agrieultocrista sirovold show that they were not a divided betly, soparatoill into hostile parities, one saying 1I am for lbs Whigs, and another I am for the Tories ;55 hbut when they ahoueld show that they were for tire cause of agriculture. (Hear.) Let ...


... good at the town by the Exe. a I at With power irresistible, the author of Christabel, she He Used long since to sweep the Whig-Radical decks; car it- Though kin to the poet, his actions don't show it, cor ad This renegade Coleridge who flies from the ...

Our Library Table

... This is true enough; and we mnay add that, Palmerston also lent the Anti-Jacobin the aid of his pen, and keenly satirized the Whigs in more than one eff,- rSion. The utmost mystery was observed in the issue rof the Anti-Jacobin, says the correspondent; ...

Our Library Table

... This is tyue enough; an d we nu ay add that Palmerston also lent the A ?? the aid of his pen, and keenl y satirized the Whigs in more than one effu- sion. The utmost mystery was observed in the issue of the Anti-lacobins, says the correspondent; the ...


... humour. It is 3bard to meet Corneliusl O'Dfowd's delightfnl banter with a severe countenance; wemust take h sayings about Whigs and Liberal, about reform aud progress, as we do his conments upon foreign land andpeople, as the outpouring of a full and ...


... tbe boiler. The damage, which is covered by insurance in the Royal Insurance Company, is estimated at between 8001 and 001- Whig, PIER READ, DOtLIN, Up o 9 sam,, September 2, 1864.-Wind, sW. Scptember 1-Iron Dube, Star, and Trafalgas, stesamers Liyerpool ...


... against the Utilitarians, spoke never- theless on fixed principles as a Whig, that in to say, as a professor of High-statesmanship, and naturally and consistently grew into the Whig of 1832, the pleader for a cause which Somers and Halifax would have espoused; ...


... used and well enjoyed. Mr O'Dowd writes on his title-page,- I care not a fig For Tory or Whig, But sit in a bowl and kick round me. But he likes hitting a Whig better than he likes hitting a Tory, and he has his individualities of opinion that save him ...