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Advertisements & Notices

... NE OYEAR'S G IFTS. - PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM I, in ail the New Pattern.s, just. rceived by ALEXANDER MAYNE, pt T21AND 9TATrIOlqa, Noweaslo, . ?? 2 19A 21rct Belfast jOOKST ALBUMS from One Shilling -each. 2189 ?? R-i MI')WTANGES _TO AUSTRALIA TETTERS OF CREDIT ON THE MEL. ii BOURNE and Sydney Braudheis of the Bug. lis S ott a b a n A etr li n C ar ere B a n k a re s ed t o n t he mo st b ao rable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIiS DAY. ST. JOHN'S C HSURCIHl. IVINE SERiVICE WVIUL 1 VE t HELD (GOD JD willinv), in the above Chureb, on NEWV YEAR'S DAY, at the usunl hoar. 7859 2 NOTICE O REOERELVA J. BOY RCRITCT, AU S RuEMOVED his O hlia neirs from York Street to No. 2 WELLINGTON PLACE. 7884 Belfast, Dec. 31, 1803. (let 789t The Toreign Ob GiGrand d Model PianoMore, Th-Ohord, 7 Octaves; A1.YO, The ImproveIm Medel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On TIllS EVENING (Friday), January lat, tbiaper- folmaneen will commence with Bacatone's Comedy, In two sots, entitled UNCLE JOHN.-Tocl, John, Mr Granby; Noe 11e1W Jl~wh, Mr G I Stdgwlek Friend Tlomnaim, Mr Byng; Xdwrd L.aheli Mr S Bancreft; Andrcw, Mr Trafordi , Nione itawkr, Mrs liuntley; Eiizan Miss Montagne; Mrs Comfort, M-s qaville. To conclude with the Christmas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIAZAAR A1I) GRAND DRAWING o of pjiriS In SlOd oI ST. MARY'S IINSTIIIAL TRAINING 8CHiOOL, SANHiPl'-STREET, to be bold in the O)TUNIDO ou ?? 4 oind 5, 1881. #.0 Holders of Tfelkite are reeapetfully requoeted to for ward tbe Dnplicates on or before TO-MORROW (34tarday), to thbtltetrs ct Charity, etanbopc stroot, or to John OBrion, 11onrary Becrtairy, 9, Daone-htreet, ST. BUIG(ID'S ORPHANAGE, tz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JANUARY, 1804.1G CLOSE OF THE SEASON. M ILIXNERY DEPARTMENT. THE BAZAAR. PATTERN AND COPY BON NE-TS TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS, IS BEAVER AND FELT, &c., AT OnRATLY RIED UCE D PR IC ES. T IHE BAZAAR l 82 0 BFE SOLD, A BAfL INS , TIE ENTIRE FU3 NITU F of a1 houseasnisuittblo for a newly - maied coulple or in am ll fily, by the propritor, who is about to leave the country. Address, DD. C., Nes' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jUST PUBLISHED, Under the Speoiai Patronage of the ALPINE CLUB, VI W OP SWITZEBL'AND; Photographea by W. ENGLAND. RAX 112 EAD AT HENRY GREIR'IS, 81, 11mwH. ST unE r. 7 3 fr EGLAND via LIVERPOOL, TA JANUARY, 1884. The BELFAST STEAM-SHIP OOMPANY'S Fleet of New First-Class Iron Steam-.Ships, of large ca- pacity and power, 4MAGNETIC, 1ELECTRIC, and 4iBEMApHORH, or'other suitable Staes ,wil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUIB LIN. f Os THIS EVEBItiG (Saturday), Jan lt, tire per- foiancea wlsl commence with Bcksltones Cemuly, Ls two sets, entitled UNCLE JOUN-Unelt Johnl Mr Ormilq; Na- phew iawle, Mr 0 H iedigwick: Friend Thoineij, Mr Jisng; Edward Ea&oL Mr 8 Bancreft', Andrew, Mr Trea ;Nim,,i, lawk, Mre Huntley; £lza, Miso Montagyne; Mri Uorafei Mre Seville. To conclude with the Ci tni as, P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ectime de mler. T EGS-Bl ,OOllMER'S LEGS. 1J AItIhough little credit Is given to Advertisaments, VANNERTH and CO. being Agents for VIENNA PIPES, and not seeking ?? profits, confidently aesort cormpa- riodin Itill 7pvoe, 10, GREAT BRIUNSWICK-STRiEET, the cheapest and aeef l)ubits lHouse, tilhoul any except ffo, ttr purchasing genrinte Mderrscalum, 1 eluding the NEW BLOOMER LEG PIPE, also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TL On THItSEVENING (ilionday), January4tb, the per- forreances will clorfmenae wltb the favourite domestic Drawa entitled A HARD BTRUGGLE-Mr Trevor, Mr Od1ll; Rlsa- ben ilolt, Mr Huntley; Forgue Gralhan, rtr Sydney Bancroft. Lilian Trevor, Mims Katherine Rodgers; Amy, Mlas Smyth- ien. To conclude with the new Christmas Pantomime, entitled PUBS IN BOOTS, and tho Faiirls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWTOWNA1IDS HORTICULTURALi SOCIETY. r~HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ABOVE 1. Socioty will be lielil in thfe ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Nowtowniards, on TUESDA-Y Evening, thle 5th inst., at Six o'clock, when thle Offlc-boaeatoi for the present year will be appointed. 153 JA)MES WHITE, Secretary. BO(tOUGII OF BELFA ST. FIAX MIARKET. ~1IMARKET COMMIPTTEE' OF THE TOWN T `ECoUNCIL hereby give Notice that, en and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ad.1. 1a. TN l M ANND Cf.'S V S lvi1'1.1'': 1'01.1,'im.) l'lCI ?? SUE (vwil iiidrue on1d CirtaInN) .1? GUINEAS. C(IMI'LEI£ MATliO0ANY PAYLOULt SUITE, 13 GOINFAS. CU1PLETE WAI.A4UT DiIAWINGRlOOM SUITE, (I'pit kirtry WOTk in Velv :) 276 GUIFNAS. ALL ENOAUE.D. fotopetiiotj invltcd. 4 a, up; r tli.ep. OUjILIWN.ta LEGAL P~OS TIN GS. IN OTICJ' is hereby given, pursuatnt to the Baulkrtptcy atud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE WINTER REMEDY FOR CHILBLAINS, BROKEN OR UN- BROKEN; Abrasions of the Skin, &ea., &o., price ls and 2s. PECTORAL COUGH DROPS, is asd 2s per bottle. Cougbhiozenges in variety. M'EWEN & 00a, Apothecaries and Chemists, 6921 7, Donegall Place, Belfast. AL B I O N H1O THE L-, 69, Yor7 Street. ILBERT TAYLOR BEGS TO INFORM THE G Pttblio that lhe is now supplyig Sotlps, Steaks, and Chops, with ...