Advertisements & Notices

... AN EFECTUAL REMEDYI. T A)MIERT'S ASTHMA'rro BALSA t,,ticly effl.] Ii acious and pleasant, without confirning the bowels 91 or affecting- the bcad. IT A few of the many thousand Testimonial1s of cures of in asthma, consumption, coughs, colds. shortness of breathi at and aill disorders of the chest and lunge, by ataing LAM- BERT'S ASTHMATIC BALSAM. Sufferers from Asthma, di of however long ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE SHifLLING ADVERTISEMENTS. The oharg, for A vartlateiflof cooming under the genera heseA of Wsnt41'I ONE SHILLING for twenty-four Word~t and SmlENC% for every additional teon words. Jimo rites arn strictly oonfiiied to such11 sdverdwamelxts - , ,aa Remittances may be made Ini Postage ~Og dvetlssaets I th Z~~oaPort, must do so In EW BRITIS IRn COMPANY.-Twonity-five SHARES fat ths(mas~o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pnbic Entice. THEATRE ROYAL, BEqRMINGHAN. Under the Management of Mr. M5. H. Simpson. MR. J: L. TOOLE AND MR PAUL BEDFORD. EVENING (Tuesday), October 25, T 'Wi'lliam Brough's and Andrew Halily'e avew comedy of 'TIEPtETtY H EHRE&KE ater which, the DOPular Ad iphi farce of 101 ON FARLE FRANOAX t onld wih the Aldelpbi verelon of the favonrite drama of OLIVER TWI9T. Lower iloxee. 3.,, Upper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... b l i gubic Ainuotmentos. THBATIM ROAYL, BIRMINGHAML UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF lAIl. M. EL SIMPSOI ggE THEATRE ROYAL., is now RE.OPENED lI'BIS EVEAiIG llMonday), September 12, Dlon BoualcaS5ic3 Drarna f *FiAU8T AND M&ESUEEBII':. To conclude with the Darleslue of KUNILWORTH. Illustrated with entirely New Scenery. T Lower Dozes. le.; Side Boxes. 2s; 'Upper Boxes', l. Gd.: Pit. ; GallryGd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... public fioticto. THEA1TRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM Unader the Management pl Nr, M. HL Simpson. LAST NIGHT of Messrs. TOOLE and PAUL BEDFORD. THIS EVENING (Saturday), November 5 STEPHEN DIOGGS. Etephen fleece After which Iby desire), TUE SiITALFIELDS WEVERi. Simmonrie ?? TOOLE. 'Wio will, in tho course of the piece. sing. 'A Norrible Tale, and Hoei e,ansd tho Postman.- To ?? Drama of -,TEL WRECK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE HIhLIdNG A [)V i-TIS EX& TO. The charge to Asdvertl~letflmts 001erc1i ng der th iutl beald of Wanted, Is Octi SILLINGi fo wuytu words. sari SIX~lOczox for ovary atirlttlosaj ten worctas These ruaise ore ?? 00nilod to ouch adverthemeants as ae pepal Bmittenhe'es sner I,* rande in Foetiage ~ AO~rIIWO. 10 te i~alh Poet, incst do Iso in the ?? g~ge20ucaio mut b maL byleteracd in no other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RYLA.DS' IRON TRCADE OIBIOUL&R iA Oinlon hos been for some te pust Iprovdent A in ate Iron Trade, that It is desirable to lnattute aimt dm for comminlcating information of importance, which migt be Is. pendde upon as an unbiaesed authority. To this Intent I have myself been frequenty applied to ty indueitll arties in the Iron Trad who expressed a etreen deo that I should undertake the Iesaing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DENTAL SURGEONS. BIEBSSR OWEN AND SUTTON, 14 AND 15, COZcE SRIORZ, WOLVERHAMPTON, AND 16, JSENNETrS HI1rZ, BIRMMINHAM IMPOR2'ANT PROGRESS IN DENTAL MECHANISM ME1ESRS. OWES and SUTTON bog to direct sVI. epecial attention to an improved method of ad ut ing their Contbluoun Gum In csciible AiMwral Teeti, entirely new,,on[ known to, and practised by them, which ie fo nmarveilousll ueoccsi as to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jlubltb Futice. PRIXCE OF WALES THEATRA , BROAD 8ST'REET, BRMINGHAXM. Wole Lessee and Manage Mr ?? ., W. H. SWASBOROUGHL 912!T ATTR&CTION. Last Night of My. BUOKSTONR, and the HaBmarket (0zali. Bu'wer'PFlay, T THE LADY OF LYONS' * nd la ?? ot ita ueusua auccesa last aight, THE BFdBODY. will b repeated this Evening. T HIn~S (Saturday) EVENING, September ?? THE LADY OF LYONS; To conclude with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fIANTLES, JACKETS, AND CLOAKS, A SPhC[ALITZE. WALTER LANCE AND CO.'8 EWJACKETS, MANTLES, and CLOAKS N ecilpee al others for style.lebauce, quality, and cheapness. They are eeple frm tho Perle M aya fashions, ansI are/as *similss CI Jacketsanwd Mantles whica eost In Paris fromD ive to tswelve geinese.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?? ELICGANT BLACK SILK JACKETS, in a varicty of Patters, OnD Guinea. THE LATEST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONE SHILLING AX)V1LSEM1NT8, The charge fo Advertisements comlng under the geuet, head of Wanted, to ONE S1ILLING for twienty.fot words, and sxiMP9e1 for every additlonlw ten word These sates ae strictly conf6ned to 51ch advertleemen u me trepatd, a WaY be made In PosItal Btaimp. iartleu answering Advertisements in the Daily Post, orset do so the mowoig ennr:- Address fcapital ...

01zblie Amu2mento. I

... ERATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM Under the Management of Mr. bL H. Simpson. GREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIE CATTLE SHOW. MISS ESTHER JACOBS AS ENDIIION. ,gITS EVENING (Monday), November 28 Balconer's admired Play of EXTrEMES. To conclude with the glorious Burlesque of DNDYMION. ?? by Mids ESTHER JACOBI. MisEes BAR& and TISSI GBQNNISS, and a Corps de Ballet. f rices-I owe! Boxes. IS; Upper Boxes 2s: Piti ...