... SUSPECTED MURDER AT I PERTH. On the morning of Friday last, a boy named h Moors, while passing along the Ladeside, at the M; back of the Antiquarian Museum, Perth, observed n the dead body of an aged female lying in the water. n He apprised a police constable of the circumstance, and the body was taken out of the water and con- tl veyed to the deadhouse, where it was in the course u of the day ...


... CHARGE OF MURDER IN | COPPERAS-HILL. John M'Dermott, a shoemaker, who resided in Warren.street, and Michael and Joseph Clancey, also shoemakers, were brought before Mr. Tunni- cliff atthe Police Court, on Wednesday. charged- the former with having murdered John Kennedy, a shoemaker, who lived in Pellew-street, and the two latter with having aided and abetted M'Dermott in the not. Mr. (Cobb ...


... 0 BEFOBE MB. COMMISSIONER FERRY. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. InJ an JOHN PrGoor.-This bankrupt was described as a farmer, late of Skelmerndale, but now of Woore Hall, in the county of Salop. Mr. M'Culloch, instructed by Messrs.' Dodge and Wynne, appeared on his behalf, and Mr. Tyndall for the assignees. The accounts, upon which the bankrupt has at several sittings undergone long examInation, were ...


... I IORONER'S fLQUESTS. | - - -ora- I ?? -- - BEFORiE ni1. WILLIAM WYBERGiE, DEPyt-coONBE.~ On the body of Daniel Jones, a joiner, 25 years of age, who lodged with Lewis Parry, at 51, Uorn- wall-atreet, Everton. Decesasd Was in the employ .of mt. Evans, builder, and on Tuesday last was engaged with other. men in making alterations :at the warehouse of Messrs. Peek Brothers and' Winch, tea ...


... BiRKENREAD POLICE couT. THURSDAY, Sl EPTEMBER I. BE~FORE MESSRS. BELaSANS, SluG&R, AIND LuD\YAr,0. ISIUPLTCTING.-A macnurd YOMan, named th Nolan was charged with lav'ing Otolen a piece o et from tie shop of Mr. John, Deuckett, provis- ioodecO Watson-street. The prisoster wentint th udele shop, buit left withour. making S& purchase.Precl' having been missed frotu, the 'oner rho ban followed and ...


... CHFESHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. I -- ?? The adjourned quarter sessions of the county were opened at Knutsford on Monday, at eleven o'clock, before Le'e PorcherTownehend, chairman and a full bench. - h John Williams, a ship steward, pleaded guilty to stealing some articles of clothing from Thomas Bird, at Birkenhead, on'the, 5th July. Previous convictions were proved against the prisoner, and he ...


... BIRKENHEAD, POLICE COURT. I ~_ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. BEFORE MESSRS. SEGAR AND CASS. STEALING A DOG.-A man named Thomas Bennion, an old offender, was brought up on the charge of steal- ing a dog, the property of Thomas Foulkes, a marine- store dealer in Old Cheiter-road. It appeared that on Sunday evening the prisoner was seen in Chester-street by a little girl in the act of tying a, string ...


... I BEFORE MB. COMMIXSSIONBR PERY. we Ml THURSDAY, DECEMBER22. ap] IN RE HICICEY AND Co.-The last examination In this be case, which involved the question of the correctness of I long and Intricate accounts, was further adjourned to tin the 11th January. Mr. Martin appeared for the aS assignees, and Mr. Pemberton for the bankrupts. me IN RE RICHARD CrooL.-This bankrupt, described If as a ...


... ATTEMPTED MURDER AT OIRELMSFORD. The inhabitants of Chelmeford were alanmed about eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning by the report that a young man, namedlMunn, servautto Major Masters (who resides at Mr. Nicholson's, in the High-street), had attempted to murder Mr. Nicholson's maidservant by cutting her throat with a razor, and that the would-be murderer had effected his escape. Fortunately he ...


... ICOU;NTY MAGISTRATES' CO URT. I BEIOE JTOBN4 CAMPBELL AND T. D. ANDERISON, ESq4S. FiGoiTDGo-1toger Raflerty and .John Gordon vere charged under the followving ?? the statement of police-constable 718 it appeared that on Sunday Gordon was drunk, and fighting, In Derby-road, Bootle. The officer interfered to preserve order, and took Gordon into custody, when Rafferty interposed to prevent his ?? ...


... I * THIJRBI)AX, OCTOBERI 10. BlEFORSE 0515. T. S. RAFFLES. THE CASE Or, MUii a ANiD ATTEMsPTEn SUICIDE IN5 ToXTET11-P'n1lit.-.Catherine Da'wson, the woman who has been for some time in custody on the charge of murdering ber child, 'wits brought before the court. She appeared to be in avery weak state, andvae accom- mnodated with a seat. Full particulars of thin sad case have been published in ...


... BEFORE MR. WYBIERGI, DEPUTY-CORONER. On the body of Ellen, infant daughter of James Lawless, a labourer, living in No. 10 Court, Gay- street. The deceased was accidentally suffocated in bed on Saturday night, and a verdict to that effect was returned. On the body of Robert, son of Joseph Acton, a seaman, living when on shore in No. 7 Court, Blundell-street. On Friday afternoon the de- ceased, ...