Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f IMARRIAGES. _ On the 20tb inst., at St. Peter's Church, Derby, by the - Rev. W. Hope, vicar, AMr. RICHARD AsPDxNt, of Wakefield, t to MARY ANN, fourth daughter, of JOSEPH DYCHE, Esq., d Sitwell-street, Derby. d At Brighton, on the 21st instant, at the parish church of St. Nicholas, by the Rev. J. Wasner, DAVIT COALES, Esq., of London, to FANNY DAVIS, eldest daughter of MIr. WILLIAM e GARBUTT ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Godfrey-March 28, at Glaniniro, County Cork, tho wife of John F. Godfrey, Esq., of a son. ?? 23, at Fern Hill, County W'icklow, the wife of Win. Magee, Esq,, J.P., of a daughter. MARRIAGE S. Hammond end Jardine-March 29, at the First Presby- terian Meeting-house, Banbridge, by the Rer. Samuel Ferguson, Win. John Ilissnuend, to liza Janue, daughlter of lYm, John Jardine, both of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.C Browne-November 29, at Ktingstown, the wife of F. t Browne, Esq., R.N., Commander of H.M. cutter a: stag, of a daughter. t Fitzgerald-Decernber 8, at Itinneigh, County Kerry, 1; the wife of John F. Fitzgerald, Esq., J.P., of a eon, g IIamilton-December 9, the wife of the Rev. A. Hamil. % ton, Rector of Monseetarvan, of a son.I HnowaeDecember 8, at Fern Hill, Mallow, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ef BIRTHS. . Busbe-Docoimbor 4, at DuIluce Cottage, Glenarm, the wife of William Hamilton Bushe, Esq., of a son. Coates-October 18, at Cuttack, Bengal, the wife of John ,t 1. Coates, Esal., M.D., of n daughter. e Nugent-December 2, at Rosemiount 1-ouse, Monto, Co. Wostmeath, the wife of John J. Nugent, esq., J.P., of a eon and heir. '0 Pennefather-November 24, at Ballylauigan Rouse, Co. t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. I ?? 7, at Markot Street, L urgan, the ife of Mr. J.Olin Flemingu, of a 9so. ?? S. at Alma Terrace, Monlistonu, County Dublin, the Wife Of E. IV,. Maunsell, asq., of a son. Mognaughlin-D ecember 5, at Gortmerron, Dongannon, the wife of Mr. James Beglaughulin, of a danghter. No ?? r, at Onslow Crescent, London, the wife of the lIon. Roden Noel, of a daughter. 1'urcell -Dec. 5, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Carroll-November 2, at Union Hall, Leap, County Cork, the wife of the Rev. E. C. Carroll, of a daughter. Cartwright-October 14, at Toronto, Canada West, the wife of the Rev. Conway E. Cartwright, of a son. Do Burgh-November 1, at Furnees, Naas, the wife of the Rev. Maurice T. Burgh, ?? of Naas, of twins-a son and a daughter. Louch-November 3, at Saclville Street, Derry, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... All Notices of MMars, DEBATHS, and MARRIAGES rmust be authenticated by the name aond addrees of the sender. 4 BIRTHS. ConatXNE-At 10 Bucclaueb Place, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr James. Cochrane, of a son. RUTHEnFuED-At Middleton Terrace, Paisley Road; Glasgow, on the 19th inst., Mrs Andrew D. Ruther- ford, of a son. M'NICoLa-At Craigie Knowe, Dundee, on the 19th inst., Mrs C. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DurE or NEWCASTLE, K.G., died on Tuesday, at Chlmber, in his fifty-third year, after a long and painfal illness. As a record of his political career is giver in another part of, to-day's Examiner, ?? con- fine this notice to a mere enumeration of dates and domestic facts. The late Duke married, in 1832, Lady Susan Douglas, only daughter of the Duke of Hamilton, by whom he leaves four sons ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0 btuann. MAJOR-GENERAL HARvEY died on the 11th inst., aged sixty-four, at Chester. He entered the army in 1825, served on the British staff in the Syrian campaign of 1840-41, in conjunction with the British political agent, Mr Wood, collected the cavalry levies of the Emir Bechir, and was present with them and the Turkish forces at the affair with the garrison of Gaza, near Ascalon. For his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hiufarLI. LIEUT.-GENERAL R. C. MANSEL, KI.., colonel of the 68th Regiment, died at Sandgate on the 8th inst., aged seventy-six. He was an old and distinguished Peninsular soldier and was severely wounded at the battle of Toulouse. He served with the 10th Regi- ment in the Mediterranean, and subsequently with the 53rd in the Peninsula. THE HON. AND REV. FITZROY HI. B. STANHoEr died on Monday, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? LATE ?? -- I A WVAIPP)ll- -- I A IVATEt~Loo -.5, It Li only a few weeki since, i I p tice of the late Captain Joli`5t0a8 in tsg hiS old friend and fellow ?? h n 3 Mr. Russell. We have now tolalileat hi5 As annouicetd in, our obittaln deat yesterday at Ruthergle a o t0.d bed 82. Mr. Rtussell was a nati\. aced By the early loss of his Inareinu0 of Shei UPOn the wvorld, anrd deprived aof 5555 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGE S. The following is the Registrar General's return of the births, deaths, and marriages registered in the eight principal towns of Scotland; with the causes of death at four periods of life, for August, 1861:- During the month of August, 1864, there were re- gistered in the eight principal towns of Scotland the birtbs of 3067 children, of whom 1568 were males, and ...