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... THE WHIG-RADICAL CABINET'S ACHIEVEMENTS. lb* THURSDAY, July 21, 1664,. seems the fate of the present Government to | estrange England every people with whom they ! relatione, to be successful in no single Whether a Power is inclined be Iriendly hostile ...


... his speech at Congresbury, from first to last, marked him as an especially fit representative of a country long trammelled by Whig influences factiously exerted. It appears evident, indeed, that he and his fellow-candidate, Major Paget, are carrying the ...


... care about Conservatism. He did not think the Whigs contemplated the ruin of the Church, though was happy to say he never was Whig, and prayed God he never might be (laughter); for he was of opinion that Whig was a creature completely out of the pale of ...


... another decade, let us take a momentary glance at the position and policy of the Whigs since 1859, and at their position at the present moment. In the year 1859 the Whigs, having stifled a most excellent Reform Bill, introduced the Conservatives —a Reform ...

Literary Miscellanea

... mamma ia so foolish.— National Review on Sterne and Tliackeray. Whig Whig has dogmas ; the Tory has his traditions. The Whig a political doctrinaire; the Tory is a political devotee. The Whig believes in the divine origin of liberal measures, and is ever ...

Ladies will be interested in knowing that her Majesty's late Plenipotentiary in China, Sir John Bowring, ..

... British consumption, it would offend him. English consumers may know that absolute freedom from all mineral colour is insured whig Hornitnan's pure tea the demand for these teas is immense, they are without equal for strength and quality. Dr. Hassall writes ...

Mess?s. Bladwell and Ambrose commenced the erection of scaffolding, for the Abbey Restoration work, on Tuesday, ..

... and united Liberal party in this borough arc their wits' end. The W lugs hate the Radicals, and the Radicals do not love the Whigs. The latter are most desirous of ousting the present member, Lord Edward Thynne. ard to return Col. Boyle. To do this they ...

Deaths of Note. A Waterloo Veteran.—The death is anuounced of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Sowerby, one of the few ..

... word, who made many friends, and never made an enemy. He did his best to be good, honest, open-hearted Whig, according to the fashion of his time—a Whig who, with aristocratic tastes, had a keen sympathy with the populace who, loving ease and the refinements ...

correspondent of tbe Edinburgh Daily Review reports that the Dean of Dromore preached the anniversary sermons ..

... speakers it would seem that the controversy at Asbton assumes the form of a dispute between Church and Chapel as much as between Whig and Tory. Champagne fok the Races.—lf we are to believe the evidence case heard the Court of Queen's Bench, on Monday, tho ...

The lovers of artichokes in France have discovered the means raising that vegetable of enor > is a very simple

... while James himself * p 4jJ the throne, because he attempted ,g9 >. olt Dissenters, by the determined efforts of 0 now the Whigs have become the fIJJ d v indifferentism, and are thrusting Catholics upon the University o \rL oT ie3, c attempt which cost ...


... Scobell attributed the Whigs every virtue that could possibly be iinagiued,and claimed for them three great distinctions, three distinctions concerning which the gallant Captain's memory had grown sadly de°- ficient. He gave the Whigs full credit for Reform ...