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Freeman's Journal




Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... BIAZAAR A1I) GRAND DRAWING o of pjiriS In SlOd oI ST. MARY'S IINSTIIIAL TRAINING 8CHiOOL, SANHiPl'-STREET, to be bold in the O)TUNIDO ou ?? 4 oind 5, 1881. #.0 Holders of Tfelkite are reeapetfully requoeted to for ward tbe Dnplicates on or before TO-MORROW (34tarday), to thbtltetrs ct Charity, etanbopc stroot, or to John OBrion, 11onrary Becrtairy, 9, Daone-htreet, ST. BUIG(ID'S ORPHANAGE, tz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. On TIllS EVENING (Friday), January lat, tbiaper- folmaneen will commence with Bacatone's Comedy, In two sots, entitled UNCLE JOHN.-Tocl, John, Mr Granby; Noe 11e1W Jl~wh, Mr G I Stdgwlek Friend Tlomnaim, Mr Byng; Xdwrd L.aheli Mr S Bancreft; Andrcw, Mr Trafordi , Nione itawkr, Mrs liuntley; Eiizan Miss Montagne; Mrs Comfort, M-s qaville. To conclude with the Christmas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUIB LIN. f Os THIS EVEBItiG (Saturday), Jan lt, tire per- foiancea wlsl commence with Bcksltones Cemuly, Ls two sets, entitled UNCLE JOUN-Unelt Johnl Mr Ormilq; Na- phew iawle, Mr 0 H iedigwick: Friend Thoineij, Mr Jisng; Edward Ea&oL Mr 8 Bancreft', Andrew, Mr Trea ;Nim,,i, lawk, Mre Huntley; £lza, Miso Montagyne; Mri Uorafei Mre Seville. To conclude with the Ci tni as, P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ectime de mler. T EGS-Bl ,OOllMER'S LEGS. 1J AItIhough little credit Is given to Advertisaments, VANNERTH and CO. being Agents for VIENNA PIPES, and not seeking ?? profits, confidently aesort cormpa- riodin Itill 7pvoe, 10, GREAT BRIUNSWICK-STRiEET, the cheapest and aeef l)ubits lHouse, tilhoul any except ffo, ttr purchasing genrinte Mderrscalum, 1 eluding the NEW BLOOMER LEG PIPE, also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TL On THItSEVENING (ilionday), January4tb, the per- forreances will clorfmenae wltb the favourite domestic Drawa entitled A HARD BTRUGGLE-Mr Trevor, Mr Od1ll; Rlsa- ben ilolt, Mr Huntley; Forgue Gralhan, rtr Sydney Bancroft. Lilian Trevor, Mims Katherine Rodgers; Amy, Mlas Smyth- ien. To conclude with the new Christmas Pantomime, entitled PUBS IN BOOTS, and tho Faiirls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ad.1. 1a. TN l M ANND Cf.'S V S lvi1'1.1'': 1'01.1,'im.) l'lCI ?? SUE (vwil iiidrue on1d CirtaInN) .1? GUINEAS. C(IMI'LEI£ MATliO0ANY PAYLOULt SUITE, 13 GOINFAS. CU1PLETE WAI.A4UT DiIAWINGRlOOM SUITE, (I'pit kirtry WOTk in Velv :) 276 GUIFNAS. ALL ENOAUE.D. fotopetiiotj invltcd. 4 a, up; r tli.ep. OUjILIWN.ta LEGAL P~OS TIN GS. IN OTICJ' is hereby given, pursuatnt to the Baulkrtptcy atud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. BOARD AND RESIDENCE to be had on ModoTate Terms at 115, LOWER GARDINER- STREET, Reforencen exchanged. 14,0 VljURNISHED) LODGINGS-Wanted im- .2 medistely, in a quiet Protestant family, where there are no children, and, if possible, no other Lodgerm, in the locality of Rathgar or Bathmllne, the former preferred Terms for a permanency, B20 per year, advertiser harlg their own bed and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEBATRE' ROYAL, bUBLIN' TSECONlD GtANN JUVEN;2LIC NlGHIT For tho c onvenlopcoe of persons rea ldinaw at ab distatnce an D lhe J uvenilo branches of Families, the performances will Co'11- menee at Seven, and be so arranged that the PantoMime will terminate by Ialt past Nine, eod the perforanco tO concludo by a Quarter patt Ton o'Clocek. On THIS EVENING (Tuesday), Jnuo4ry 601, the per- formanco ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBiLIN.| THIS ZVENINGX (Wednesday), J!anuzary tth, theopor- I rmances will cornmenco wvith the favourite domestic Drama entitled A HAJID STRUGGLE ._iMr Trevor, Mr Odell; oeu- ben Molt, Mr Huntley; Fergus Graham, Mr Sydney Bancrolt; Lilian Trevor, Mias Katherine Rodgers; Amy, Miss Smyth- son. To conclude with the new Comlc Chrltmas Pantomime entitled PUS8 IN BOOTS; and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. F ORK AND KINSALE JUNCTION XJ RAILWAY COMPANY. MORTGAGE DEBIENTURES. ?? Directors are prepared to Iissue a limited amount of Mortgago Dobtritures, in Sums of £100 and upwards, for throo or five years, to replace sums falling dus. Application to be emade to E. Fox, Esq,. 51, Damo-streot, Messrs. BUITU and DuntDAr, 11, Collegs-green, Dublin; or to H. WILLIAMS WOOD, Secretary, Ofices, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIISATRE ROYAL DUBLIN. ITllIS EVENING (Thrr day), Ja,0narr 7th, the per- atratmnece will commonco with (firot tlime In Dnblint), a w * D1rm. entitled MIIRIAM S CIuIS,-allafn, Mr Odell Ber. nerd Reynolds, Mr 8 Banoroft; Clarkson BSle, Ur Wiiansot - Smatlley, Mr Huntley; Miriam West, Miss Katbherine toigers, To conclude with the new Comic CbrIstmas Pantomime eatited PUBS IN1 BOOTS, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLANKETS AND QUILTS, Purchased B previous to The advnuced Prke, at SUFE{IDAN'8 CARPET WAREHOUSS. dc, 22. sud 21. PARLIAMENT.STRECT, DUBLIN. Wealher Beds, Holaters. Pillows. and Mattrasam, KoUftacW tuted Oc tile Premises. Superlor Iribh Linean Sheeoings IW Cherilablo Institutluos supplied at Wholesale Prices. -HOTELS. R 0 YAL ARCADE I OTBL, (Opposite the Bank of IrelAnd), St and H, COLLEG ...