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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Fkbruary 26, at Lahore, Lady Lawrence, the wife of Sir Alexandel Lawrence, Bart., of a son and heir. April b, at Mohinu, the wife of bir.IJohn Whelan, merchant, cl a. eon. April 8, at Thorn Hill, county Tipperary, the wile of W. B. Thorn, Esq. of a eon. Mareh 26, at Corfu, Lady Wolff, of a non. Apt It 6, at Wellfugton-road, the wife of John K. Ingram, Foq, ?? of a t00. April 8, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHeS. Jrne 2, at 619, Oberry-street, Pliliedolphis, the wife of J Doyle, Esq, of a daughter. Mahy D1, at Brompton, Kent the wife of Charles Slsdden iEog, Assisteot-Suriggn Royal Artllery, of a son, June 8, at Walmserthe wif qf Captain Spencer, 2d qeaa Royalo, of a daughtt e ?? ;Jnno 17, at Coilciastor, tbe wife o'W Br. It, UDSllI Skoy, Hoe4 38th Rogiment, of a daughter. Juoe 21, at Cork, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF TIE COMTE DE PARIS. (firom the London Telegraph.) Once more the Catholic Chapel at Kingston has opened its doors for a marriage-train chiefly formed of the eons and daughters of the Royal house of Orleans. It is scarce a year hince the young Duke of Chartes espoused bis cousin, the Princess Francolse Marle Amelia, kneeling in the same place whore on Monday knelt the Comte de Paris ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTHS. October 1, ut liiereene Lodge, tie wife of John Smith. with, Etq, J P, of a Bon and heir. October 7, at Marybrouagh, the wife of John H'Evoy, T , i Boteleoeper, of a daugbter, Ootober 8, at Eaher House, Ratbrulneq, the wife of Milhael . T Crean, Esg, barister at-law, of a daughter. e October 7, in Builaft, the wlifo of W Et Hisboy, Eeq, of a , daughter. October 0, In Cork, the wire of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... L llt Ilb. December 18, at Notttinghm Houie, North strand, iu this city, the wirf of It M Lien, lEbq, 116ter Ba il, of a Run. AtNo 5, Sheriff-streot, the wife of E J iloro of a dinghtir. December 15, at 16, Llitrence street, DroghedE, the wife of Mr llugh Jamisol, proprletor of ?? Reporter, of a dhughter, Vrccrobor 12, at liostrevor, the wife of the Rtev.Thomas Morgmi, of a deughter. December ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Novamber 7, at Pnolezse, Lily Oc kburn, of a Bon. Se=tember 8D, at Agro, East l'ndies, the wilts of 1I. E. Stoliey, Eeq, 23rd iloyal Welsh Fasillare, of an on Sovember 6, at Edinburgh, tio wile of Walter Bentifcir, intb 15th Hauttare, of a non. November 6, at Oheltbcibnham, the wife of Ciptina Farqtuhir, loso lotb Regt, of a daurilber. November 8, ?? reed, London, the Hou. Irs. L, Agar Ellin, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHSi ?? lo, at Longilold, county Tipperary, the wife of Charle Bioni, Esq,:Junm-of twin daughters. Jenna [ie at Damastowni, Cloee, County Heath, the Al We osqBsa, of a eon. January 14, the wife of Mr. Samuel H, Strain, Magherafelt, Al Jenuawty 14, at Hacrourt terraoo, thelow tof ?? Clarke Cal~lne, Resq., of B 0011 and heir. Jencaty 1R, at Vallombhrosn, Dray, the wife ofilobart Orme, Esq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TUE LATE J, P. SOMERS, MiP. The information contained In the eubjoinod para- grAph, which we extract from the Evsoing Maeil of last ,Afght, will be received with painful and melancholy feelingsjby a numerous crcl; of the Irish pubUc. That the widdw and daughter of John Patrick Somers are 4 wholly unprovided for is an announcement which 3shouldelicit the liveliest sympathy from every man wbo ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. May 21, at J, Medley-torrace, Saudynaount, tho wito of Mr George S Sheridan of a daeghter. At clifton, BrIatol, the wife of Major 0endwith, Dombyl Stiff Corps, of a eon. At Boulegneneaur.Mer, the wife of Colonel W. H. 0, Wel- leeloy, of a daughter. DEATHS. ray 2i7, Ur Andrew Bropihy, of 7, North-waPl, In his 891h year. ie IG deeply regrottod by biafrleds aid sallwhoknow ?? he ro6t In ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... May II, at 138, Jamees-streut, the wife of Peter Byrne of a daughter. May 7, at 6, Heddington-road, the wife of Charles S Clar1e, Esq. of a son. May 0, at Stephen's-grcen, the wife of Mr. Sergoeant Arm- strong, of a eon. May 10, at Sprinsgleid, King's County, the wife of E, W. Cohtello, Eaq, of a daughter, May 9, at Wllienmsten, county Kllidara, the wifl eof flory H Williams, Esq, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. July 1, at 14, Old Kilmalnham, the wife of Thomas Beggi, of a aon. June 25, at Dawlieb, Devon, tbe wife of G. Oliver, Esq, Oth Royal Irihh Lancers, of a daugbter. June 20, at Brussols, the lady of Robert Peroz French, of Mcnivea, county Galway Eeq, Secretary to Her Britaunic Majeety's Legation, of a daughier, May 01, at Newcastle, Jamaica, the wife of 0 . E, Galen, Surgeon eil Royale, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -31 ItTas, February 1, at Cloyno 8o0Ue, county Cork, the wife of R. Cried, lerj, of a daughter. Eebruary 8, at Waitham-terrace, Blackroet, the wife of tbe Rev. William Henry Cummins, of a eon, stillborn, February 2, at Derry, the wife of the Ray. Joseph Ratwlus, of a eon. FtbruaRTy 4, at Lower FltzwilIlenmaitoet, the wife of- John Trant, Esq., Dover, county Tipperary, of a eon. Januesy 22, at ...