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Belfast News-Letter


... 3 EXTRAORDINARY INCIDENTS IN MAR PED 3 LIFE.- - - ti Tajlr folloving case was beard on Monday at the Baudon Petty Sessions, before the Earl of Bandon, Colonel the lion. EI B. Bornard, M.P.; Captain Wheeler; CI. B. Teulon, C. B. Alsrtin, asld Henry Htacstt, Esqrs:-It was a sunmionS at the suit of mlr. MDargtaret Spillor, of Uplands, ngainst Mr. WV. A. Spiller, hlir husband, for having, on ?? ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-SATunRDAw. [Before Dr. M, tLrE, J.1., Saud EDwmrD Omnira, E~q. ABSENT ro02 A croese: AND CAPT. Thomas ]ailoy was fined in 1OR and costs, or to Ie n imprisoned fourteen days, for being drunk in Bally- maacarrett whilst in charge of a horse and cart. : Thomns Richmond was lined in 5s and costs for a similar offence. MISCONDUCT IN SEnVICE.. W William Kelly, Felix iI Cool, and ...

Legal Intelligence

... V?t?af ?? MASTER MURPHY'S OFFICE. DuBIIN, SATUnIDAY, III)DMMAN V. 11RllNAN. TucD case was speciallv fixed for hearing to-day. It was one for the administration of the estates of John Hordman, deceased, of Belfast, and to settle ques- tions arising on the will and codicil. I The case occupied the greater part of the day. Master TMuinirY said there was a didfliolty in this case which should be ...

Legal Intelligence

... Xpmat ?Ilf d I iPytt, - ?? ROLLS COURT-DUBLIN, PEIDAY. SAUNDERsON V. 5AUNDEIiLEON Thie SOLICITrnaGe\ERAL, at the sitting of the Court this morning, handed in thle heads of the ar- rangement entered into between the parties, which his lordship made an order of eonrt. BIr. O'DON aLn, Q.C., stated that, th ease beig noW concluded, ho wished to say a word in referenco to the Rev. Mr. Cnhen, who ...


... A WOULD-B'E IIIGI{NAyMAN AND PIR&TE -R13EMDING CHEAP NOVELS. AT the Clerlkenwell Police Court, on Saturday, Win. Roseblade, aged 1, a Sharp, intelligcnt-looking boy, residing an 21, Norfolk Street., Islington, wats charged with stealing nat 5, Pe1civall Street, Clerkenwell, £10 in gold, the in'iicy of his employcr. The prisoner malde the following extraordinary statement. lie said he had been ...


... I EXTRAOR.DINARY LIBEL CASE r COURT OF COMMON PLBAS. DUBLIN, MONDAY, SITTINGS AT NISI PRI0B.j [Before ChioE-Justice MONAIIAN and a SpeCi&l Jury.1 L [raoMi OUn1 SEnCIAL nnEPOItER.] lTAVyRaS v. WILDE. Tuis was an action for libel. The plaintiff, Mtary Josephine Traverp, is the daughter of Dr. Travers i I sub-librarian of Marsh's Library, and the defendants are Sir William Wilde, the oculist, and ...


... UNDERGRADUATE NEOESBARIES. S BIISAMPOOING ONE ? TmIs question was decided last week at the last sit- ting of the Cambridge County Court, before Mr. JOuN JonLLRn, judge, in the negative. G. Welder, an undergraduate of Caine College, was summoned by Robert Alderton, hair-dresser, of the Roso Crescent, for the suma of £3 17s, for hair- cutting, dressing, shampooing, shaving, &o. The defendant ...


... THEE MURDER ON THE NORTH LONDON i EL WAY. DISCOVERY OF THE MVURDERER. London, Wednesday. At length it seems probablo tiat Lnou poece aue in the track of the murderer of Mr. Briggs. A Ger- man, named Franz MIller, left at the house of a cabman named Matthews, a jewelhkr's box, which bore Mr. Deatlti' name. BlMttlhew's deposed ae fol.- lowe, at Bow Street Conrt. yesterday:-I Inow Franz Muller. ...


... COMVMISSION OF INQUIRY. - ~TENTH DAY. a C ~pi YEST211DAY, at eleven o'clock, Messrs. BARRY sand sc -DowesE, ?? again sat in the Record Court of the s County Court-house, and proceeded with the inquiry t ordered in reference to the lnte riots, Mr, Exham, Q.C.,andlfr. John M'Kane (instrucetedIn by Mr. W. E. Armstrong) appearedI on the part of:m 0Dcertain owners of property in the borough. inl ...

Legal Intelligence

... goes[ COURT OF, QUEEN'S BENCH. ga DUBlLIN, WEDNEST). suj [rno OURSPIWLL RVORTR.]docum [e~nod cn sCPOAL ?? [Before the Fall Court.] Iquiet, THE, BBLFAST RIOTS. that flO 1 . JANICH M1coRITHK AND wILLIAM COMAN. Offt Tusi Court sa at eleven o'cloak to deliver jnuglguenit 11 on the application to admit to bail jamnes MCoermich nm5Y I and William Cowan, at present prisoners in Belfast inenti Jail on ...


... BALDIoOAN, TuEsDRAY.-A murder, as horrible as has ever boen recorded in this country, was com- initted yesterday evening, at about four miles from this town. The crime was as atrocious as the mur- derer must have been brutal. From the ciroum- stances that have transpired concerning the dreadful deed, it is clear that two inoffondiog women wore hurried without a moment's notice, without the ...

Legal Intelligence

... gitgl %lteh 2ipl COURT OF BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. DUBLIN, TUSDAI. [Before Judge LYNOH.j FFeROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.] II1 2e4 WBI, AND A. aIHOe. Tan bankrupts were linen manufacturers, oarryin on business at Ballymena, in the County of Antrim. Mr. JoHsS applied to his lordship to. sanction the acceptance of a private offer of £240 made by Mr. Win. G(ihon, juD., for some house property ...