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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &ac. FBIDAY, January 1. Theatre.roYal-7.30 P.3. ioyal rrinlcess' Theatre, Nicolson Street-7.30 P.m. ?rince or Wales Operetta House-7.30 P.M. EW ClHURCH, ALDERSHOT. A JUVEVNILE MISSIONARY NEW YEAR'S ODyVFFRi-N, in behalf of the Church, now nearly com- j .t .j!dershot, is solicited from the young people of the V[-iitced Prestlyterian Church. ef leetin Cards will be sent on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE AMERICAN WAR. COlRREiSPONDENT OF TEE CALEDONIAN MERCURY AT SEAT OF WAR. Tins Proprietor of tile CALEDONIAN AMERCURY has much pleasure in intimating to the reiilerm of his Journal, and to tie Scottish public generally, that, in order that they mnay have F ull and Faithful as well as Indepen 'ent and Inpartial Reports of the *leading Miilitary aund Political Eventis arising out of the great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6.oal, &t. C OALS-CHEAP AND GOOD. BENIIAR JEWEL, 11s ad; VIRTUE DIAMOND, l18; CHAPEL HOUSEHOLD, 9s 6d per Ton. Cartage, Is Extra. JAMES M'KEIJVIE, leaCd O~fiCe-II1AvseAarT. Br-zch OQkicc-7 SOUTH ST DAVID STREET F INE HOUSEHOLD COAL, .F at 9s, 1Os, and IOs 6d per Ton, Cartago includei. ]3LACKBAND, BALQUHATSTONE, ZETLAND, an WISHAW S'WOAL, at Current Prices. DIXON & SON, 57 ST LEONARD STREET. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * te tMj atdiouw..:- *. BUIST'S IE SALES. R. BUIST will DisPosB or TO-AMORROW (TuxsDAY),I on his Pas1311sEs, ADJOIN INO CATTLU MAIrazr, at Tw'o ,P.5y,--. 300 to 400 FAT SHEEP, comprising upwards of 100 First-class. Blackfaced We'l'lers ; about 200 superior Half-bred and Cross Sheep, fine quality; Cheviot and Blaclfaced Ewes, &c. 50 to 60 FAT CATTLE, consisting of Prime Bullocks and Heifers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?far NA11# guzbIlij. MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &-c. MONDAY, January 4. (eneral Meeting of Contributors to the Royal Infirmary _Council Chambers-1 P.m. hieatre.Royal-2 P.M. and 7.30 P.. prince of Wale-s Operetta-House-7. 30 P.l. TOEMSDAY, January 5. meetuig of tho U-P- Preshytery-12 o'clock. ylecttng of the Leith Town Council-2 P.M1. rOIN.DING F OR T HE C'LERICO P ~~POLICE-TAX. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eitztS (a ' RAILWAY SUPVEYS, PLANS, and SEC.. ll TIONS; TOWNS, PARISIIE3, ESTATRB, I and other SURVEYS; PLANS copied; TRACINGS made; the ORDNANCE 25 and 6-inch MAPS Reduced or Enlarged, to stit parties ; LAW and FEUING PLANS and LEVELS given, and ENGINEERIN(i PLANS of every otber description neatly and accurately made, and on the most Moderate terms. By hlr Roasa! THORNTON, 20 Cockburn Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILETINU3S, AM1UaEMENT.;, Ate WXD1zoJDAY, January 6. ~.t eiiiial-2 P.M. and 7.30 p.m. ol Pre-ince Theatre, Nicolson Street-7.30 P.M. pince of Wakl. Operetts-House-7.30 P.M. TnURSDAT, January 7. geeting of SjcictY for Promoting Christian Knowledge 49 Queen Street. Pft rison Board-46 George Street- 2 1-.M. ThI VOLUNTARY'S CONSCIENCB RELIEVED. ALECTURE will be delivered (D. V.) in At NE S-o1ET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dreS: A11tX gllrishiag. ~~~~~~~~1 EW CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS. 1\R GUIJLLAND would reepectfully direct 1Vtaftention to the qreat ariety of Fqmnc Scarfs, Ties, Ladies' and Gentlenzen's Silk Umbrdltd4, Ladies' t Line)& Sets o Collars and Cuffs, BeautifuZ NeAW Wrist Links, Perjfumery, Knitted Goods, Glove Boxes, Collar Boxes, Best Paris Kid Gloves, &c. &c., exceedingly Suitable for Christmas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A~lo by Autio. EXTENSIVE SALE or FARM CROPPING. H ENRY COCHIRANE hIas received instrue- H L tions to SELL by PUBLIC ROIJP, on the Farmu of WVHEATLANDS, Parish of KIURLISTON, On MONDAY, 11th JANUARY 1864, the WHOLE CROP, coflsisting of- 19 WHEAT STACKS. 7 BARLEY STACKS. 49 OAT STACKS. 20 BEAN STACKS. A Quantity of SHEARERS' BLANKETS and DAIRY UTENSILS. Also, the STACKS' STATHELS. 500 Bolls of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~r - , SEETINGSx, AdJ SlMETS, h&. THUIRSDAY, January 7. Meetin, of Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 49 Queen Street. meeting of County Prison Board-46 George Street- TicitreitoyaI2 p.Mt. and 7.30 P Mc prince of Wrales Operetta Eouse-7.30 P.M. , -1lE XOLUNTARYS CO/N SCINC RELIEVED. LECTURE will be delivered (D. V.) in NEW 9SREsT CEUnRCr, Canongate, THIS 7th January, at 8.15. Subject ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETING, AMU~S'RNT7S, &to, FRIDAY, January 8. TbeotretR~rsie. OpcrettO5HouOO-i.30 P.M. ELECTION OF MANAGERS OF THE POOR YLE ~~FOR TOIR1 CITY PARISH OF EDINBURGH. Interm, of the Act 8th and 9th Vict., cap. 83, and of the Board of Supervision, the Person Assessed for oth Suport of the Poor in the Five Wards of the far c Iaerequested to meet for the ELECTION of bf.trN'A(.~ltS of the POOR for the ...