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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, N SUNDAY, 0TH OVExBEr, 1864 0 Immediately after Ulgb g, Which w ii commence S Twelve o'Cloch, the ANNUAL SERON will be preached In the OATHEDIAL, MARLBOROUail.8aTgEE by the VeYC Bov.Canon POWER, President of Holy Cross College, 01011 life, on behalf of the Charitable Soclety for Rellof of Sick and Indigent Roomkeepers of this city, of all Religious Per- ruaslons, founded A. D. 1790. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND LODGING. RAY~ht Proprietress of QUINB- ,3 sonoR'lOUSI beo tbo honour to Inform bar Friendh ,no the Public that she bhe been enabled to carry out sUit- abloe rrangetmentr for the coatfort of her select Boardorn, tudepedeaut of the ?? she cmn supply to the occasional Tourltt, who cao have Diners and Lunclieoi s ou the lowest terms and moot improved Sod Addrox the ir-w1pal, Qtsinaboro' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATaE. |T Continued Success I-Second Week of Mr. Hender- Sena celebrated Dramatic Company, from the Prince of Wales Theatre, LiYerpool, under the direction of Miss MARIE SIDNEY-Last Fcur Nights of ' lalont ?? Man at the Wheel.-THiIS EVENING (Wednesday), May ,5th, the per- formances will commence wlh the Petite Comedy, in two Acti, entitled NAVAL ENGAGEMENT4 I- Admiral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IHATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- MnR. HARalIS has the houour to announea the Engage. ment of Mr. and Mrs. DION BOUCICAULT for a6 limited poriod-THIS EVENINQ (Saturday), April 16th, the pgrfor- mances will commence with the Comic Dreinaof A PRINCE FOR AN HOUIR-PrllOc LorTnzo do Mednief, Miss F Clifford; Boppo, Mrs Burkirishaw; Colonel Pazzi, Mr Bennne; Geromine, Mr Byrig; Carlogt4, Miss Montague, After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. ?? ALE air WOOD GOOD)S. Jjx JpIIO MAI1THN and1 SON'S Neil ~tierdtdrel SaleofI Wood GoodE -Wlilt ?? place on THURSDAY tha 2trd day of June 18ff. At the TIMBER STORES, NORTE WAL whea they will offer, ia Sddition to th large I toeh ot Wood Goods at present It Store, the ebolcelt asserted Gergo by ' Bus i from Quro, just drrdnnd ?? of:- * ,500 pieces Spruce Dasi, ia and rw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. C iVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. Cu On the 118th nlt, and two following ilays fivo gentlemen lating competed for a clerkship In the Chief Secretarye 011eo, Dublin Ca tle. Mr. P. F, J. Colilnan, son of Doctor Cuilnan, TIaronony House, Ennig, obtained Firsf Place, -d passed a highly creditable examination. Mr. culilinal Was prepared In the GREAT BRITAINI MHLITARY, CONSTABUt- LARY, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. -Auction 'of BrbaDee Sugar. ENRY BOYD will Offer by AUCTION, HEI at the Broker's Ofteec, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, On THIS DAY (Wedneaday), the loth Insitot. At One ?? precIsely, 120 Hbds. Barbadods Sugar, 10 Tierces ,, JAMES FOXALL, Broker. 6, Core street, Dublin, 9th November 1804, Auction of Tea-In Bankruptcy. t In the Matter of I;OR SALE BY AUC- ra W. B. Cordnor, F TION, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rI'PlE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE Creerled and Fashlonablo Hlouses I-Enthusiastie Re- fpgluin of She New Burlesque, Rnmples!Itshin I'-Third if (,1 M1. Henderson's celebrated Damarirte fompany, from tl p I'rrce of Wales Tieatre, Liverprol, under the direction of p iMAitIE SIDNEY-Tlil3 EVENING (Friday), Juno 3rd, tire pferiormencei will commnence w lh (secend time in Dnb- i), Watts Phillip' aist neor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. TProduction of DIon Boucicaulas great DramI, THEI OCTORCON (with entirely new scenery), in which Mesdames FANNY and CARPLOIA ADDISON, Mr. F. DEWAR (of tho ?? London Theatres, and late of the Theatro Royal, Dublin), aai Mr. EDWARD SAKER, the popular Comedian, (from the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh), who are expressly en- gaged for the production of this pleco, will ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE FORTY HOURS' ADORATION of T tbc MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT will commence in Cbe CHURCH of ST. ANDREW, WESTLAND.ROW, en SUNDAY NEXT, 24th Instant. High Mass will commence at Twelve O'Clock on Sunday; at Eleven ?? on Monday ad Tueaday. Vestry Room, Seturday, 1tth January, 1884, ' iPORTANT NOT IC E.- The Holders of Tickets for the GRAND DRAWING OF PRIZES In aid of St. Brldgid's Orphanage are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. t CAFI'TALIS3TS X~nea zespeotalble F r pABINER with a SMALL CAPITAL, In a remune- rative Indestrial Pursuit Addraes A B 6, Coiloge-strot, 3E Dublin. I~efCT~r~rfl required end gion e J3 7 BOARD AND LODGING. 7BAY.-The Prf treSofQUINS- B BORV HOUSE has the honour to inform hor Frlends and the Public that she lim been enabled to carry out snit. able arrangementa for the comfort of her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Last Night but Five of the Ergagament of Mr. and Mrs. DION BOUOICAULT, and the Irish Drama of Arrab- na-Pogneul-THIS EVENING (Monday), November 28th, the performance will cormmonco witb the laughable Farce of NURSEY CHICKWEED I After which tb3 origisal Drama entitled ARltAHlNA-PO3UE; or, The Wicklow Wedding I- coonmencing at Eight, concluding at Halfr past Ton-Shisun ...