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... THE POLICE COUR1S. MANSION-HOUSE. James AMoore was brought before Mr. Alderman Stone, who sat yesterday, the Lord Mayor having to preside at a c Court of Common Council, charged with having been con- cerned with three others in breaking and entering the ware- c house of Messrs. James Franks and Son, of 40, Queen-street, t Cheapside, on the 12th September last, and stealing a quan- tity of tea, ...

Law Intelligence

... gai_ 1nteIupnce. NOTICES-THIS DAY. COUkT OF CIHANCEI&Y, IINCOIL'S-INN. AT 10o.-BxFoRo THE LORD CHsui.Lwo.-Appeal motions, &c.: Carew v. Cooper (2) part Iheord- Jackson v. Duke of New- castle, part heard. 1oinirrpt appealsa Johnson and Johnson- Robertshaw and Kay-Crow and Cotfee-Stebbing, and Anglo- French Agricultural Company-Biancont and BianconL-Lees v. Emberton-Southamspton Steamboat Compan ...


... CENTRALD CRIMINAL COURT. I ?? - 0 (Before the Common SerjcanL.) Thoma3 Smethat, 17, a wood carver, was indicted for felo- f) niously attempting to murder Lucy Russell, a little girl aix a years of age. Mr. Houston proseuted ; Mr. M. Williams defended. This cm wae one of rather a singular character. It a appeared thot the prisoner had beeD in the habit of taking .I the proecutrix out for a walk ...


... ' LA - I--TLL- HOR. i I NIotne .-TRys DAY. aOUBT Of RANJKBUMlO BASINA BuosI MR Rwll LAa WINSiOs (as Commisloner).-Appll- ons and motion, at 101. Last examlnations and discharge: ELms, atl-. ohnson; at 1l-J. E. ?? at 14-B. H ward, at 11-W. I Dod, alV II1-. A. W illgAson, it 1'W.b W. Kennedy. at 12-W. Freeman, at 125-H troft, at 51i-C. ArDold, at.12-3.ii. Lander, at 12-J. T. Hagreen, at 12-Cos. ...


... POLICE INTEUGEUI . I MANSION-ROUSE. Edwoad Burni, who was brought up last week charged with forging the name of Josiah Macey to two transdes for stook in the Bank of lEngland, for 501 and 21. respectively with iutent to defraud the governor, lo., of the Bank a England, was yesterday placod the bar on remand before Mr. Alderman Philips, andwas committed for tra upon that charge. Alfred Wells, a ...


... ISCANDALOUSV REATMEKT OF IJRSH I PAUPERS. Yesterday, at the Thames Police-coirt, John Sherman, an infirm old man, a pauper belonging to the Greenwich union, appeared before Mr. Paget to answer a summons taken out by Msr. Thon as BabiDgton, solicitor to the Cork union, in Ireland, and which charged the defendant that be, being a person employed in the execution of a war. rant duly issued by Mr. ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COUaTs The Febru e siton of the Centdrl CimDinal Cour wst opened yesterday by the Right ]IOn. the Lord ?? t~ie Recorder, Alderman Sir J. Duke, M.P., Alderman Si F. G. M[oon, Alderman Carter, and Alderman J. CI. lw vance, the Sheriffs, Unader-Sheriffs, &c The firt edition of the calendar contains the rea ci 106 prisoners. The Recorder, in his charge to the grand jury, soid the ...


... TOWNLEY'_CASKe TO TO E3DrrOR 0 SuE DAMIY NWS, Sm,-When on the 20th inst. I addressed myself to reply to letter signed by J. 0. H. F, I had not the remotest idea that the writer wa a lawyer-or etome there appeared neither intrualnor external evidence of that fact -wheres in his rejoluder of this day I perceive that he is ctually one Of ourselves, dating his cominunation from the Tempil Some ...

Law Intelligence

... laW nteUtgtRC. I IZOTIOES-THIS DAY. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY, BASINGHALLSTRM. BIWOit5hi. ColiMUe15O5ER FAcE.-F. S. Jackson, ad.(ourfled sx-ainatiorl and discharge, St I1-Bennett, dead (mDioI), at U-Iauge, reletase, at 11-3. Carew, adjourned examination aua1di dshrg~e, at 2. BEPOBTs MR. COXXISIOiiNR HOLROh.-H. B. Ceathupe pitt n- -E. Stern, pbrsy&*tlrivatie, att-G. Phtll ps, adjourned hxmtnrti Rard ...


... (Before the Amistant-Judge.) RAihardLangord, 17, Alfred Gooding, 23, and William Clark, 35, wole indicted for stealing 1S yarda of cloth, value 41., the property of Edward Tipper. Clark and Langford pleaded guilty The prosecutor is a draper, in High-street, amnden-town, and on the night of Saturday, the 9th iust, he had a pile of rolls of cloth at the shop door. A chimney sweep, who was ...


... The Court of A Rdne of the Seine tried Mazzini, by default, on Wednesday, for his share in the plot against the life of the Emperor for which Greco and his acoom. pliss were condemned in February last. Aflter reading the indictment which was In substance the .me as that against the others, and which was given in etno at the time, the Avcoat.O6nral, M. Merveiileux-Duvignaux, addressed the ...


... l TED POLIE CoUETs. BOW',TREiT. A lean bsggard loldng elderly woman, who calledherself Mre.lHerammac but did not give ay Ohritia ? ame AS bro b fo Mr. augan A. wanderia g luatc, in or tcdto' dig er removal to. anam -Dr~. Bcnustt I the vnedloal officer net.41lcAS, ltbtd that I Ms* had been an Inmate of the wk,; since OutplaD 9th Of Jrly, when she was ?? thereby th ..e mfagitate. ue ws ? ...