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... STrOxESTewx, TuSDnAY EVeNsUM-The quarterly fair of this town took place to-day, and I have not wit- naesed larger quantities of stock for the last twelve montba at any fair in this county than was offered for nale to day-in fact, tbe fair green, which is allowed to be a very large one, was not able to contain all the stock that was offered for sale. The number of jobbars that arrived in this ...


... I_ F~seION AD VA4RTIES, I The Comntess of Caledon has suoceeded the Marebioness of Ely as lady In waltlag, Lord Oremofrli and Colonel F Seymour, 0 B. have euceded Lord do Tabley and Colonel the IUon A. LiddeU u lord and groom in waiting. lie Solieltor-General has returned to town from London. Mr. Edward and MrT. Evans have arrived at the Grebham Uotel from Manchester. Captain Heawee has ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIES i Althughhor TllE qUEENl* Althonl her Mroleety haa not decided on the day of losy 9ra the Castle for Otbiloo ?? Will bo either on ?? neat, Iho 17th loot., or on the Mauday following. It to nderetood that the Queen Will not return to Windsor Castle bolero srili s latter cndoflc February next. The Queen has given directions for a tablet to be pieced In C lowor church to the ...


... ROYAL DUBLIN 9 CErTrS WITER SROV| I ZV-t-S k.b An l- . I. Iepterday horned cattle, sheep, and swine, in o na W condition, arrived by the various railways from all ports 1s of Ireland, and were classifted in their eoveral eectione ly under ths able direction of 54, Andrewr Caurrigin oe Notwitbetanding tho heavy and every day increasing ts demands made on grazierd and stock feedors far the E11 ...


... FASHIONS AND VARIETIES, I- AD , ,A .. 'His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant' gave a grand ball le[t night at the Castle, The attendance, wee most brhlant and numarooa, and dancing was kept up Glil a late hour. Major and Mr. Middleton are at present.etay- ing at the CastlO, PAreenatown, on a vislt to the Earl and Countees of Reesa, Viscount Guillanmore arrived on Tuesday last at qahirguillamore, ...


... FASHION AND VARIESX8 I - 2 _1AT a .1 - , ?? I }niHi oyai Ikitgnuess the Prince of Wales ?? Louis of Hseso landed at Torqusy on Friday, at eya pm., from the Victoria and Albert yacht, and preceolod rn a vialt to her Impirial H1ghliossa the orand Duchiess ?? or ilneela. The Marquis and Marcbioneis of Lanedowne the Euel of Kerry and Lord Goorgo ?? are at pre- aconl staying at the Bilton Hotel. ...


... IhR U I The managing committee met on Saturday tlat at hail-peat three o'clock, in the Royal Hibernimn Academy, Lower Abbey-etreet. There were present- .ic WALTER SW METAN, Esq, J.P., in the chair; pu Cattereon Smith, Esq., PRH A. ; George F. Mulvany, im Eeq., R.HIA.; and BMr. T. Henry KlIlingley, Assistant fez Ercietary. el The minutfe of the last meeting were read and con- du firmed. The Hen ...


... I FASIION AND VARilETIES. The Count and Countess de Jamac and galte have arrived al Hayeas' Royal Uotel, isgotown, from Bluton. The Marquis De Laetyrie and suite have ar- rived at HyeaD's Royal Iotel, llngastwn, from Paris for the Lseason. Viscount Lismore and suite have arrived In town. Lord and Lady Caetlemaine and suite have arrived In town. The Right Eon. James Whiteside, U.P., ar- ...


... DUBLIN INTERNATIONAL EXRIB3TION, io | The Committee of the lnternstlinel Exhibition for 1865 have great gratification in publishing the ?? correspondence, conveying lier Majesty. the Queens gracios to esurance of support to the undertaking:- Dublin Castle, Nov. 11, 1801. My DRAR DuacR.-After the interview I had the honor of holding with the deputation ropresentinn the Committee of the Dublin ...


... I .f rm _ . -. - I The. Queen and the Princess of Wales have boen pleesd to grant their oepeolal patronage to i baiiLar, Ito be hbld in Juuenext, In aid of the 6uilding fond of the Pemai1 Sehool of Art. The infant son of the Prince and Prinaesis of Walet IS progreahlgiun a mont eatiofactory way, Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Prriceal of Waloee and household are likely to remove from ...


... .1.* ~ aIE:9L - ?? Len'tOU5asng, Mr. D)4`ijou~f~tsit' diainhe. , 2Vecal~edn .irn as 3 iso ile4' ltlhh'o a 1,,12 eproeo cohlfowjib the admirers of the old legitimate echool of acting will find the6 bbee.tRIM i ts~*a one of tenqaiedeoee'& tho; (Jay, and thereforo Ito reproduction ait the natiooal theaitre ofI iclaQAt4AMA1Qdb. 10mv notice Ateu1r aude., As regard. th~ 4tylp ?? piepe wak peut ...


... i | The Countess de Ludl and suite are sojouw. Ingat the Inktrnattonal Hotel, Briy. Mr. and Mrs. William Johns have arrived at the lnto1r3otlonal Hotel, Bray, from Joymonat Hones, CArriotfergine. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald have arrived at thc Jrternatlosni Hotel, from Itoscree. Mr. John Heory Master and the Migses Meeter hare left the International Hotel, BrAy, for )Enls- CoOthly. Mr., Henry ...