Advertisements & Notices

... OnEoNS, MUEMETS &. IfoNDAY, February 1. jleetill, of Mferchant Company- Hall, Hunter Square Iletig f cotih rae Protection Society-Cham- ber f conimrce3 o'clock. ~eeis ofRoal ocety-Royal Institution-S o'clock. ;Ietiit~fArhiecural Institute-117 George Street P. 50. TurSnAY, February 2. eeigOf Town Coutncil-Council Chlanib;r-noon, ofei~ tile U. 1' P'rebytery -Upper Roomn, Queen ~retio f lthTon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ULSTER CLUB BALL, THAVE JUST RECEIVEDI I sloo sobOfFANS, MY NEW AND Of Newest Designs, Also, the largest and best Assortment of FANCY COMBS, FINE GOLD BROOCHES, BRACELETS, AND EARRINGS, And, a large Assortment of theveyFns FRENCH JEW1ELLERY, The above Goods, having, been carefully selected by myself in the London and ether Marhets, arc, therefore, the Newest Designs, and quite fresh. HUGH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Xjpalltoo to i B~2 THE NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION TH COMPANY (Limnited). JLoadilg berth west ride Bramldey.Mooro Dock, ThoeurodefllOted or ot het lrt-cirO ~tieanshipe aro intended c LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK ALTERNATElS 'UESDAY, a.iisng at QUEENSTOWN on the day following to embark Paruengere:- Tons, a LOUISIANA . 219 ?? Capt. SX LLIE. VIRGINIA ?? CaPt. GRACE. PENNSYLVANIA ?? ?? Capt. UItLLilURN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Frol SALE,, IY 1?ItIVATI. BlARGAIN, TIOP RTY bclhind (iorporatioi 6halle)iite, ~~el~trr ?? Three, Feuw', flud 1iole nioosarn K~lctrO wih al Ietlnt aovliitieiO.Ta irnpean is eub-vin 1-01 ~ALEl Ar LANUIIANK. P1LYifE VILLA co .:nsistime ?? Prinrlicipl RevRooms, Fire lie IZootni, Ij;ath Roons, Ktlclerl, Wasir &lot.W c.. he -c. Also, ViYFtl~ IlLIA, ronslst'tig of Two PrlniP~ on 'Fivo lied l~oonts. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (IRYSTAL; PALACETHIIS DAYOpen romi Heau 9tifuldisla f amlies.HyithS, Tulip.,an ohe lJlowers. The Model of thue Asopoalel5 noRle~w.One Sillng;~ Children under 12, Sipence. QACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY, Exeterha1U. Az9 ConvcTOR-Mr. COSTA. Mendelssoln's HYMN Of PRAISE and Resunt's STABAT 31ATER wilU be repeated on MONDAY next, Feb. S. Principal vocalists: Madame Lemmens Sherrington, Mrm S. IL Smith, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCES. T AW UNIO.N FlIRE AND~ LIFE: .L4 ~INSURlA1NCE COMPANY. (CIora or'rrtcca-120, OIANCrIY-LANE, W.a. Subtcribed Capital-One dillion Storling. Ihe Flrc nui Lifo Departments are under on0. nanagoement, but ?? repaigate Funda and Accounts. CuAlaiAlf--ir WILLIAM FOSTER, Bart. Dinitrir Cs srlarb Ur, Serteent MANNING, QA-S. - 9R&nARY-FRANK N'ORDY. FIRE DEPAIITMIENT. Capital £760,000, In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ttTT) OLES,` at the MUSIC ~i* ~ ij~ Al'..Oo xt't', atull every corning durling, tilt I1OA ?? (lhS lHV E 'l t iI K .iN iN A( II(NDAYa. For; Ft ?? I ir a F. d' NKEiI.t. i,- totei b~iutatll Drainal, 'Witill,%I RtIlLLl.Y with' for itti lirot ffine. 5 ni~iv FuriesquIt PAN8')31XtIAE, `TlT 1 VIlf) MO I ?? IiMSAGt'Il. , Yi L in..5 UNVI II witll appear. supported byth1w Wi': ty ble OtLD LEi'tDt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... URTVFIDAY Y7NING CONETS S011CERTHALL, JOal)E LON-S)THREE. 10?4 ONE NIIHT ONLY. THIS DAY),,,.EVE3~r~NING, FlB. L FE D. F ENNA il ;AnD mU8i1'AL SITERTA'tNKENT LNTITLrD piBDIN AND HIS SONGS. D1 8 *ven onrlosti,l HM.N8 Britannlas), IRecitaton, DIB1N aes Poet, ?? ,,itl ti°trer of I tlsnsrd Vioterlour Na d y. Mg Ii'Ailu-.UIt;E -- MadausePENNA. Bod, Id, fii.e OSleallerfes, 6d.; Reserved Seats, Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LADIES. ht. PQAPRRIEW STOC1K of Fine KID ' Y* ' a: Stout LATEE EOTS, with Elastic shies of IS ?? sltldis MalstrN. is very Large and Well-Asssrtod. 1.forXdi :1 ?? S5tri tY t' :;011 rt frolti at tile ?? lslg Pfice9: 5s, 1.. v. ?? 'Is. 6s1_ Ba. fd., I9sC. 10.. l0.Gd 6 Equal to MoCA- Raced1, 1 X, lidt (Iltsena vl aretl hlines in le virt VO~riOety ?ficea t.ordi:t, to. S,. 255 AlR;Yt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sui4 ygamfoer waaftg4 ..~MlTD a SOP inParkerstree, Dal-street, or lv gasessreetAddre~~~.M~s~rli-ffice. 29jalo4 ~,4~.D~aOUSL5I5G Gon ?? B AE ' 10S.or Promises Atl'for thc &~iee.AdfO F900, Mercury- AIVO ?? Sfce . ull 1ANTFED a good FIOUSE in the neighbourhood of A1Ljoer10l (LaneasliirO side), with Goadonuanl(rounds Addreps F 85,r Mexcryol'.liCe. 29jafel hdoress -stitig ptil.XF8 eruyof-fice. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REGISTRATION OF piRTIIS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. NOTICE. AVING RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS FOR tbo farnislling of Engraved Brass and Zinc Platesg with legistlars' llname, houra3of attendance, &e., parties can be supplied, at tho shortest no- leel'Y Q GEORGE L. HILL, Ex:on WrEl, &A., 9, CASTLE STREET, BELFAST. eattY orders from Registrars will please have tbe bours of attendance written distinotly, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOLLIDAY, LEWIS, AND Co., UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL FURNISHERS. WARWICK HOUSE NEW SrEHT. 1r11 rWI AM. 36 IB I O N H O SE A MOURNING DEPARTMgEN.V GOOD EATBAND SILKS, Is. 6d., Is. 9d., 2s. per yard. GLACiESITiS, 2e, 2s. 0d., fe. lid., warranted, to wear weU. yARD-WIDR PATENT aRAPE9, Is. Id., a yard upwards. BLACK FRENCH MERINOS and PAR&MATAS, la. Did., 2O. 6d par yard. BLA CN COBOURGOS Old., 9d., ...