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Advertisements & Notices

... IC - - _ __ 11JFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. |BENEFIT OF Mit. N. IDLDYARD, Clown. THIS EVENIEQG (FrIday), February dtb, 186e, the per- forralicen will Commence with the petite Comedy of THlE LIlTLE TRHASURE,-Sir Charles Howard, Ur F Huntley, Captain Waiter Maydnblanch, lrWillmott;, Mr Allenbourne, Mr Trafford; Fluttermore, Mr S Biancroft , Lady Howard, yhs iontegue; Gerltrude, MISs Eathorine Itodgera; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S PECTACLES to suit all defects of vision; the lenles, free from impuritielf, are carefully se- betel and fitted b-y JOHN MEARNS, OpTICIAN, VATCUMAHEEI, AND JEWRLLER, 241, CORN MARKET. CARTE DE VISIT3 PORTRAITS, Whoh, for Brilliancy, Artistic Effects, and Delicato Manuipulation, are unrivalled, at lB.S NS PORTRAIT STUDIO, *20, CASTLE LANE, BELFAST. ix CoPIES, . s.CB, TWEVISI.E CorisP.. 103 Wd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERIMO NS. loat taons, the. ANNUALCHRAITY SERMOl(N wiln be t'roiscltd 7 intlie Church of ST, TERCESA, CLUiENDON STREET, by T tito Most ARVW DR WiiliLAU, Bishop Of fiumbiy, In behalf I of tlb. Terociatn Orplant society, In which a nuuobar of Des- L titutis Orphanso :tro provided for. T110 Governors of thill In' L stltution roly with O'infi'Nettc 00) thte iiterality of thoeir fol* iow-ctl~zneot- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,: 1ate bjlttdOt, _ SALE THIS~ DAY. HORSE IN DISPUTE. T B13SOLD BY AUCTION, AT MR. liING'S 0 T YΒ’ERINAR REPOS~l0RY,108, Done- gall Street, THIS DAY, at Ono 'clock rn4.., a Bay GESLDINGin dispute betwveen Buycr and Seller, of wvhich the parties concerned wil! take notice. JOHN CRt.NSIE3, Auctioneer. Belfast, 5th February, 1804. 90 - S A L E1 T H I S D A Y. SHIPWRE CK AUCTION - (O1t ACCOUNT OF ...