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Advertisements & Notices

... 3Y. HcER k JF: ST Y'S ROYAL LETTERS rATENT. C THE TEETH. OsteoEidon, Messrs. Gabriel's Specialite. HE numerous advantages, such as comfort, T purity of materials, economy and freedom from pail- obtainable hereby, ale explained ill Mcssrs. GABRIEL'S pamphlet on the Teeth, just published, free by post, or gratis q on application. Messrs. GABRIEL, THE OLD-ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, 27, HARLEY STREET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... buifc Notices. I5EEDpIS CAS LIGHIT COMPANY.- J 5O,1CI; is bereby given, that thle Ordtioaay GIENJRAL MILKT- thle jPre)prit0r, cc the Leedol Gas Lighct Cjompany will be held INC( he, j,~ej,,-,cvn lap cif Fcebruary instanti. cat twelvo 00. cdstt I ?? 01~licEI3,No. ll Boati-laneo, Leeds, I, i coco at Lire -c~ice i j~iserof 'faxisr will be closed On the Ith instant, a~~~ ~V. 0. RAPIER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCT'ION M31ARTl Calttle ~larketq Cftilhestel' G. i. SE'XT'ON. ESTATE AGENT, AUCTIONEER, AND SURVEYOt. IONTLY SALE of JIOlRSES, and WEEKiLY 1IN SAIE of Cvrrl,i. SIlEEIp, anti SWINE, T'1114 D ' (W t urdaly), Febr'ititf Y , Extrias till the hour of Saie-one o'clock. (Top of hligh Street. Colches- OFFICES: ter ; Cornill, and Whserstead llall, [Ipspil. IPSWICII CATT.LE MARKET. AlMssrs. SPUitLIN& & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTEW THEATRE ROYAL, ADELPHL Sole Proprietor and Manager, Mr B. WEBSTER. Twetnieth week of the great Tragedienne, Miss Bateman, 'ihe hihlY successful Drama of LEAH. 0 Mlonday, February the 5th, and during the week (Ash J1ed Ta epexcepted) ICI ON PARLE FRANCAISE. Mr At Eight, LEAR. Miss Bateman ;* upported DbYr Msrs A- Stirii2g, R. Phillips, Billinsgtou, Situart, Ste- t bsrne, and Liss H. Siems ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TfE1ATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN- TTIVS EVENING (Saturday), Feb ¢th, 18C4, the per- vswill commeoneo wlit .he petllto Comedy of Tire ,,TETTREASUiE,-SrChailas ili~ward, Mr F Unntley; V01l Welter Mayderblush, !ir Wil'lrot4 Mr Alleonbourne, I TrPld; iFiuttormoro, Mr S Bancroft ; Lsdy Howard, ?? IonteguoI Ourtrude, Miss ?? Rodgers; I Mr ir cdleta, Mfrs Saville. To conclude wilth the Paniomli titled PUSSi IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Royal Engineer Office, Portsmouth, 17th January, 184. . TO BUILDERS. cjUCH PERSONS as m'ay be desirous of undertaking the several WORKS and, REPAIRS that may be t required by the War Department to the Barrackis at Ii Chichester, from the lath March,,1864, to the 31st March, A 1865, furnished, by Payment of seven shillings aud' I sixpence, with the printed schedules of prices and condi- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 9 17NOW THYSELF ! THE ORIGINAL GIEPHIOLOGIIST, a KN MARIE COUPELLE, continuq& her vivid and useful delineations of character from the ?? of indivi- duals, in a style peculiarly her ownv Persons desirous of knowing n their own characteristics, or those of any friend, should send a specimen of writing, stating sex, age, or supposed age, &c., with 14 uncut penny stamps, and addressed envelope, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R1A'~1OYAL, MANCHESTEIL ) IA)RIME.EVERY EVENINO. PS BEAUTY EVERY EVENING. It 1'A~da)EV NNG, atba1f-pgitdsx o'clock, - BEREIARNWEL 4. After which th Now DramD !BuRl ANMS OR IH ME f1 To conclude with the Pantomime, 8 SLEEXP I NG BE9A IDT Y. 4 Doers open at six o'clock this evening. Box-offiee open daily, from Cloetn til two. MDE HALL-TO.2NIGIIT (SATURDAY), Fiut. &. 081OS~TIVELY THE LAST NIGHT OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. TH0OMAS F0OWLER, Land and Eatate Agent, and Auctionleer, 11, IIIGll STREET, B]ANBURY. ESTATES & COUNTRY RESIDENNES Messrs. GREEN, ESTATE AGENTS ANT) AUCTIONEERS, 28, OLD B O.I) S'JJg1 E 1, LOSVDO . jj{AVE numerous npplications daily from' Genl- J tlemen sekl inig to ?? or 11'rehase tile above descriptionl of l'roperty. rln, Particulars of Estates for Sale, and of Mansio. laS, Sportings,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QARONY'S STUDIO, 15, Park-plwe Leeds. ior, BARONY, PhotographSOrto the Queen (of Svarborough and 'II Leedr), bas the honour to intimate that ho hoe re-opened hie Studio May rnd Gallery of Fine Art, at 18, Park-place, Leeds. haviug jast arranged 6I~n his light on a principle entirely hilo own, to give greater softneoa and delicacy. From his excerience In photOgraithy, aeqirurd durfing the groat ...