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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. N PALM SUNDAY, 20th March, 1864, 0 at Halfpact Twelve o'Clock, the ANNUA O AiTI SERMON will be Preached In SS. Michael end Johu'5 ahntch, LOWER EXCHANOE.STIbEET y tte Very Rv. T. Cnon POWER, B. in ii fI adof Sg IICUELedJOEEN'S NATIOdAL SCHOOLS, at presmnt affording £ literary and moral Educe. tion to above Eight Hondred Boys and Girls, of whom a eon. sidorable number are Clothed, In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. TTPPER BAGGOT.STRE-MT.-TO BE F LLT, an excellent HOUS, In this fsslY ?? R lclity, containlng four large RecepelOil Bof *nd fve prin- t cipat Bodehambers, with every convenlenco ead good servants accommodation ai long Garden At rre s ?? perfect B orderhaviOI been lately papered and ?? ard ready for 1 11 ?? accapatlon. TO 1O LET, at 00 gnineas per anb - ?? pying share of Taxes, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYALO DUBIIN. THRIS EVENING (Saturday). March Otls will be per- formed T. Tayler's celebrated DrAwa, entitled THE TICKET- OFPLEAVE MAN.-(Tho blew Scenery by Mr. IL Craven).- Robert Brlerly, 'Mr Sydney Bancroft; James Dalton, Mr L Winmot; Flawksbow, Mr F nmiatley Melter Moss, Mr Odell Green Jones, Mr Gwyevette; Mr Gibson, Mr Sedgwick- Sam Willoughby, Mrs Burklshaw; May Edwaryd, Miss K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- T AiR. HlAliltlS has the ionour to announce the Engage- mcut of PIll. AND M11.3 DION BOUJCICAUilT for a limited period.-EASTER MONi)AY, March 281th, the performances wvll CommeMOcO with the langhable Farce of TIIE LITTLE1 SENTINEL. After which will be revived tle ?? Dramn, In three aete, by Dion eIicicanlt, Rsq, ?? COLLEEN BAWN:; or, Tho BrIdoa of GOaryowkn-Com mncing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEYQ~ - ONEY TO LEN~hLOAN- 1 LiUdupwards grantqda for a torm fyastBW rate of Interest. Apply to Mers O, No. eB, Cheotry. Isae London.2 , PUBLiCATIONS. - rr E NoVBEA; or Nine Day , ?? Pr ysyry to the Foast of St. Patrick, with Oil He1 ?? wovena Sktc~he ~#Of ZouPatriarch St. Joseph ?? 2 NoThen, i Cthuealioroely W.y of the Cross ?? Sd Flower' of March; dli mo uth of Holy St. Joseph- d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. B VERY REV. D A, aPRATT and the TCocia itioe of St. paiera o rphatt Assilara, Atioglor. otreet, bega'eapectfully to annnice Cthat the ANNUAL0CI1A. Rl7Y SERMON In aid of that Charity, in which 60 poor Orphlna are entirely aintained od edcatd, Alind provided for In every respect, and when Itt Apprcnticed to Ueeful trades and amployrnovt, Will he Preached in .he CARhIELINri ClU8Cf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 3.THIS EVENIG (WedendAy), March bth, will be per- fored T. Taylor's celebrateo Drama, ontItio4TME TINE- OPLEAVE IKAN.-(Tha Now Scenery by Mr. . Craven),- Robert Brierly, Mr Sidney Bilagatt;- Jsatres teJaon, Mr L Wumot; Hawkshaw, Ur F Huntley ; Melter Moss, Mr 0411; areem Jones, Mr Owlenstto; Mr Gibson, Mr Bedgwlck; Sam Willoalibby, MrsesBrklusbaw sy Edwarld, dloK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. EDUOCATION. BAIDING, ANDIDAY SCHOOL, B eERRYBANK ARKLWVw ?? WIca~o~w° On thaue cosa ?? -TheO Misses CAHILL and O'tfgILjL beg to Acquaint the Public that they recelvO, at tbis Seminary at limited number Of Boarders, who have Iii ?? boing inttruoted ia the ordinary and advesee~d IbII of Education, combined wit eeryatentonto 119,t sldcomfort. Aifew ?? T~erms, 20 Guineas per an- num. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cl ATHOLIC UNI vEaSITY J CIUROB GOOD FRIDAY. The THREE HOURS' AGONY wil be PREACHED by 1ev. W. U. ANDERDON, M. ff52Ir'se~lvS till ThreeooClock, With choir Accomnpaniment An EVENING SERMON by the CHURCH,. -J gn SuDAy NEXT (E~ter ndAY), thcte will bt HIGH sbMAlSS fr te CATzOLI UNIVRSrrY CIURCTH, tlle7en o lock no Sermon by Rev. W. H. ANDIRDON, MEELIT}3 CONVENRT, LOUOHREIA tv BAWL-Ed FOR TBE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBEATPX ROYAL, DT' BUN mn etuse o R N NpuaztIS. DOhn 21h fec oret an limiede ?? MONDAY, March 78the. of o toldtmtd will Commence with thre laughable F' Ateahof gr. LrBo eilt SENTINEL. After which will he r e fT2LTL Drasi, In three rat., by Dian Bond, Iu D the celebrathe GiOLLEEN CAWN ; Or, Tha IiI e otilt, S eq, ?? ToE ,nencbtrg at a Qwrtoer to.Eight. A of PGarco.wo-Con. ?? Ton,01411 tS 1.~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of WIno, Brtandyj?'05, iAJ CTION . ld Por At Wie, S ndY AccontS s Oa lltED2WF~~tAY of rsech, 1831, 7 Ehf mo and Ce exOporto, from Oporto, scptember,18b7 1 Qr casks thrrrY-i'J paid, On account of Ofliclal As- ilgnee. do ox Alexandra, various qusittien, 12 Do 0 cx nokoby, Sptember, 180S d do do Augult, 1869O ?? C ahs do lx Emma, November, 1857, 26 Cansh Brandy, et ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. EDUCATION. OARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, Br FBRRYJANX ARKLOW, COUNTY WICKLOW, On the sea uoast The MIAe# CAHILL and O'NEILL beg to acquaint the Public 01's they receive, at thib Sominaryalliaited ?? of Boaerdtr, who have the advantage of beiag Instructed In the ordinary Ind advanced branches of Edocation, combined with ?? Attentlon to health and comfort. A lowr' Ameldeeat present. T'oms, ...