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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. Y I MONEY I 19ONEYI1i lYIL c t1, MOORR-SmTu (Heat Bonry-stret). MoUey I liberally advanced, tn lale or jssus 5 150, on all mr.des of valosble property, GOLD or SILVER PLATE, EwLERYL aL , at the Licensed Pawn omw, 10, ?? (aean _roar .Oit Sn. A Prie sOmfe. isaptsach~sd A ?? douy confidential. M01 ~~~p GRAT ET~ ,ftiJ RAILWAY. ENNIS FAIR, SATURDAY, 2nd April, 18i4, on MONDAY, the 4t1 Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. 1 8 I 0 N T ?? P The underaigned beg to draw the attention of theb Trade to their present Stock of New SZOKCD IfIDDLY9, 8AtlS, OAMSJOLES, BFEEP, PORK, 11LADDERED LARD, CHEES, &hc, &c., ill of which they offer On the ?? reutonable terms, IdNALLY, BROTHERS and CO. (Late liehael Smith),. Provilbn orcbsatst COPPER4LET RSAIMBLE 8TREEr. mall,2t lPFIN D PETROLJE UM._ P TURPENT1i0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrIJEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- M5R. HARRIS bo9 tishhonour tea ?? the Engage. ment of MR. AND MRS. DION BOUCICAULT for a llrolted yerlod.-TJIIS l fend4Y) EVENING March 28th, tho perform. ances Will Comcetrte with the lagilhable Farce of THE LITrTLE SENTINIL, After which will be revived the celebrated Drems, ithree *ctl,by Dlon Boucicault, RsQl,ertitledTHiE COLLEEN SAWN; or, The Drldoa of lGrryowen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kt ITCHEN-.-RANiGES sFLAVELL'S PRIZE KITCHEN EANGI ?? Celebrated for Bimplicity of Ceutruclton, Econroy of Voal, Ability in Workieg rower. Sole A gen for Dublin, HODGES and SONS, la, WESTMORELAND STREET. RAILWAYS. IDLAND GRWEATT. HASTfR) MOUIATS, First nd Second olas Return.-Ttaket. - o sue- frp, 51HURSDAYs 94th, to MtOb~lG, 28tW Maci (both days in- clui wvlill bo *la'iblO for lot' turu en u ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN THIS EVENING (Friday), March lftb, ?? be per- formed Colmsua's Comedy (eompressed Into tbree aets) of HE HEIR AT LAW (with the Original Epioge).Daiel DOW194, Mr Odell; Dick Dowlas, Mr Bantroft; Doctor PAu. gloss, Mr Granby; Henry Moreland, Mr Bond; StMast slr lluntley; ZOkell HoMespunD, Mr Wrilnott Deborah Dowlas, Mrs Seville r ?? Dormer, Miss Montague; aicely Home- spun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYALO DUBIIN. THRIS EVENING (Saturday). March Otls will be per- formed T. Tayler's celebrated DrAwa, entitled THE TICKET- OFPLEAVE MAN.-(Tho blew Scenery by Mr. IL Craven).- Robert Brlerly, 'Mr Sydney Bancroft; James Dalton, Mr L Winmot; Flawksbow, Mr F nmiatley Melter Moss, Mr Odell Green Jones, Mr Gwyevette; Mr Gibson, Mr Sedgwick- Sam Willoughby, Mrs Burklshaw; May Edwaryd, Miss K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEATRE ROL AL, DUBLIN. T THIS EVENIN (SIlturdRy),'Mareh 22th, will be per- termed T. Taylor'e oelabratel bretm, entitled TbHE TIOKET- OW-LEAVE UAN.-(The lew Scenery by Mr. H. OCaveOu) - Robert ftirly, Mr Sy~dQy Bancroft Jamee Dalton, Mt L. Willmot, Hsawksbaw, Mr P 1huntley ; Melter Mo3s, Mr Odell; Green Jonea, Mr Gwrieette; Mr Gibson, Mr Sodgwlelt Sem VldronfbbMeEraurkinasbaw; May Edwards, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLINW. ON EASTER MONDAY, MARCH 2d8T, MR AND MRS. DION BOUCICAULT In Mr. Boncicault'S celebrated lbrtam ot TilE COLLEEN BAWN.'- ¶beir First Appearannc theno Tbreeyeoars Boxr-ofmcepen from ElOveO til Four dilln ?? maiy besecurtd, 4 More open at a Quarter to Seven, porformicoil to CorMA mereo at a Qoarter past Seven o'Clock. Priveto eBoxes, Three Guineas, Two-and-s.Half GItiless, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S SERMONS. (N PALM SUiDAY, 20th Mareb, 1864, 0 at allaf.pelt Twelve o'Clock, the ANNUAL CBAUITf SbltlON viii be t'ieechtd In SB. Michael and Johnelihurch, LOWER EXCHANESTREET, by the Very Rev, T. C91104 POWEB, L B., in aid of S9. M3AI L and JOnN'S NATIONAL SCHOOL, at presealt affording a literary And moral 2d(1c* tion to above Eight Hundred Boy0 and Girls, po ?? A COO- olderableo number are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- ON EASTER MONDAY, MARCH 28IT, MR. AND MRS. DION BOUCIOAULT In Mr. BioCaulvt'e celebrated Drama of TIlE COLLFEN BAWN. 'their Firat Appearasc= thee Three Years. Box-oMee open from Eleven till Four daily, where placca may besecured, Doors open at a Quarter to Seven; performance to com- mence at a Quarter paat Seven o'Clock. Private Doxes, Three Ontnou, Two-aud--Ialf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE .0AL, DUBLIN. fortm T Taylesr'O 0eebrated Drams, eratltled TlE TIoRZT- OF-LAVA MAN.-(The Few Scenery by Mr. IL Craven).- Robert BrIerly, Ur Sydney Baneroft; James Dalton, Mr 1. Willmot H stwksbw, Mr P Huntley M velter Mons, Mr Odell I Green Jonec, Mr Gwyonette Ur Gibson, Mr Sedgwlok i Sam Willoughby, Urn Burklnshaw; May Edwarft Min X Rodgirsi nmily St Evermond, Miss Montague- Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHOUSES AND LANDS. T° BE PERE MPTORILY SOLD OR T1 LET, Tbe very Valuable INTiRRST in the LEASE Of that splendid Elsablisbment, known as the MEiTROPOLITAN AUCTION HALL, and MaISi WOOL MART, N. 10e (fnrmcrly 16), LOIWER OflIMOND.QUAY, DUBILIN, In which the late Mr. CHARLES O. FARRELL o UctfS P ?? carrted on thb Auctioneerltg and Wool Bsieas for liuy yuers. It consists of a orsleto ...