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Advertisements & Notices

... BTIqcK! BRICK! BRICK. ! or, FOR SALE 150,000 SECOND-HAND l lFCgE, n, largo quantity of. CUT ST(5NE, and Fome IIGK , ot superior quality4 at very low yiell. GEO. M'AULIFFE, 14, Calender 2041 S~~~~treot. -LiiiLAND via LIVERPOOL, 0 B ,tP R IL, 1B64. bsT BELFAT F.TTA-M-SlUP COMP0ANY'S TY. Ne piro-Olcs lcon Steatu-Shi;P, of Inrlie ca- Yleet:St 1g AWNET'lC, ELEXCTM^Ci,' I~ieit SEr~tFEO'37' r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEATRF. ROYAL, DUBLIN.- MR. HARRiIS hee tbehononr to Annionce tbo aEngage. rnent of Mit. AND MRS. DIoN BOUCICAULT for a ?? period. -TIS (Wednesday) EVENING March 29, the per- formanceee will commerco with the laughable Farce of TiM THUMPINGt LEGACY I After which will be revived the celebrated Dram8, In throc acts, by Dion Bouciacilt, Eglq, entitled THE COLLEEN BAWN; or, The Bridesn Of Garry. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE CONTINUED THIS DAY. The Salo at WARREN COTTAGE, near Lisburn, will bo CONTINUEID THIS DAY (b'ridily), 1st April, at Eloven o'clock, IITHTIlE REMAtAINING BED-ROOM FUR- W v NITURE, complisill, Sitz. and Slippor Bat1hs; Bedsteads, Feather B'cds, lslei blaatiresse, eud Bed- ding; Chests of Drawers: tnl,'e, Wasil Stnnds, Oc. 2214 GE0. C. RYNDMAN, Auctioneer. SgALE THIS DAY. ]DESIRABLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. r0 BE LET, or tbe titeW i tbe Leae : SOLD, of the HOUSE and PREMISES 65, MAIItY- STEtur, at the corner of CArel.etreot, long eetotlished in the Tobacco Trlid. It was Occupied up tj a tow yesrs Ago by the lte Mr. AOamm, who aroused a conoiderable fortuno In It The Situetion at the eorner of the two streets, which are two of tho greatost ?? In Dublin, for any burierss, needs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRB ROYAL, DUBLIN,- MR. HARRIS ehs tbehonor to afoniot e ibegngago. raeut of MR. AND MRS. DiJN BOUCNI CU4l ?? 6-11thitod ?? (SaturdAy) EVENINZ April and, the pOr- formances will commeaico with tbo langhafe6 iseo of GTIE T7UMi'NG LEOACYI After which Will be 'revived the celebrated Drama, In three acts, by Dion Boneleault, Esq, entitled THE COLLEEN BAWN ; or, The Brides of tirry. uwen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Base by Auetlono lour, o isoulou Brnds- and QualUties French, TrIeate, AItous. andi rialt rpo BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on FRI` DAY, 5th Aptill 184, at thoeBROKElS' SALEROON6 CORN-EXCHANtE, DUBLIN, At alf-.pat One ?? predciy, About 2,000 Sckes FLOUS, COealUDs o0 FreuchGozanxTuslr |aret5SGrO k1x S AItOen, Ptras; S h'ow sm few sackr orft y.LOI. Watalop@5 ill, be : a-mpling ord ers, * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BARRINGTON LEOTURES. COURSE OF LECTURES WILL BE DE3- .A LIVERED in the MUSIC HALL, Belfast, by ANDREW MARSHALL PORTER, EsQ., BARiISTER-iT-Liw, Barrington Lecturer on Social Science, On the following Gubjects, and on the days BpC0(lle, viz. :_ WEDNESDAY, April Cth-Ou soune Plans for Im- proving the Position of our Worbkpeople. FRIDAY, April Sth-Government Annuities, and Post-Offico Savings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oSvrPHl ANDERSON OFFERS THE Jfollowing priced TEAS. The majority, hatving been recently purchased, Wfll be found sterling value and choice in quality, 60odnto price: 2l 8d, 2S 1Od, 39, 39 2d, 39 4d, Bs Gd, Bs 8d, Bs lod and Finest Black Toa, truly choice in the oup 4s per lb., This Conoelr closes9 at Six o'clock, Saturdays in. 0Iodod, JOSEPH ANDERSON, 1M1'02111 OF FYINVT CHINA, ASSAM, AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTIIEATRE ROYAL1 DUgiUN1- N. MC HAR SIS baa8 the bonorir to aaredunoee the '3agage- ment bf MUlj AND MRS. DION BOUCICA/ULT for a limited period-THIS (Hondiy) EVICHING April 4th, the per-' ?? will ?? with the Comic Drema of TilE IIVAL PAGES I-Louis X1II, King of Prance, Mr i Rentf Ity; Marqulse Previllie. r d Bond Count do Cornichosn, H O'Dell; Vietolre, Mrs BuriraihowF Jolle ?? Montague. After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO 'FAMILIES FURNISHINflI. IAMES G'IRDWOOD BEGS TO ANNOUNCE tY isreturn, fuomathe vor ionse ofariouts whaserels has completed his purchases for the Spring Trade. Hle bogs to say that, having iSade large contracts earlyin the Season, bLos enabled to Sell all his Goods at old prices, notwithstanding tie late coDslderable advance. Parties furnishing will, therefore, find it to be their interest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FISH! FISH!l F ISH!1 - T. pI'O I N NE SS,FISHI,OGAME, ~ pal/PY, ndl RABBIT Salesman, ST. I lA S MA KE ,Liverpool. Nii. R ii Iis ta e on Co ntract, A-c. All 'ord ers pr ~ Y 'ate de to. 1 7 IM 'IAT TO EMIGRANLTS FOR QUEBEC AND\J ST. JOHN'S, NW.B rVIlE UNDERME'NT1OLNVED FijrST.CLASS and foniin~tO Pas~ ti er Ships w ill sail direct frmDeriVias under:- Nnbia., For Quebec, sni April. Doector Kenac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIERCANTILE SALES5 OIf(IjjCB,-The Sale of OANNS, Nur d, NA4,roltlaed for Ibe 15111 i1si1l1i wz&L Nor TAKE n7,15 JAUEU FOXALL. Broker, Auion eg Jfi Cocca Shell OR SALE By AUCTION, at the ?? erOter'S SaletOOfli, COgIEicCIIAL BUILDINGS8, On WiDNESDAY, eth April, 1884, At One o'Olock. 114 Caeas KelAg4 cocoa ShOll. JAMEcS FOXALL, broker. Co~areroclul BuldiOngs- A7tiof of Whisks)' Brandy, Wino and ...