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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... ]lVEBYONE intereted should inspeot the Nelw Pahnt Rotary' Vowevl' Wahing Machine. THIOMdAS. BRADFORD, 283 DAWSB)O TItECT DUBLIN. ,3~RCAf9TfIfE SALES. ~~ Wheat and Ame~~rloarn Maize. 1 T o B SOLD JIX'AUCTION, en ou DAY (Friday), 20th AprU1, 186t, At the BRtOKEits SALBEROOM, CORN.EXCHANOE, DUBLIN, At MIalfpaet Ono ?? procliol?, Abont 2,000 Barrelso the ?? qlity MllARICfi WHEAT, Arrived this day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'VERYOliNE interested should inspect the 1 ENew Pmt ont Fntary Vowel' Wf.hlug Machine.o, THOMAS BRADFORD, 21, DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN EIOUSES AND LANDS. 0 OBE LET ia a ready money Neigh bouu T bood, with or without a Flue, an Ol1 EJsibhilhd .GROCERY and SPIRIT ESTABLISUmFIUr, with Retell License paid op to October next. Filxtures, with gal Fitting, &o, complete, which will bo given in at a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? T z E1 I R O N Ai ?? CURAPNESSI DURADILITTI 0OWFOAT Steel Collars, ?? ?? 1a, ea. c steel Cuffs, .. . .. 2,. ed.a. pair Agent for Dublin-M. MORA, Shirt Matenftcturoe, 1osi1r wad Glovor, l, buTFrIIN§S GllUZN, OT110U, froram of DAweon.etreot) e4 IS RAILWAYS. ID)LA D GREAT WSTIJt1 | RAILWAY. ; ATHiLoNE RACPS. Go TUESDAY, 20, and WEDNESDAY, 1t1h AprilU 1i6t, lat, 2ud, and ard CIs,, EEiTUN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. -G1tA SOUTEN AND _E~i RAI AY DILDAnEH MUNT STREPLEHASES M AT PUNCIESTOWN, On 12th and l3th April, 1804, SPECIAL TRAINS (let end 3rd C~lue), toill leavO ?? Terminus each day from 10 M.m. to 11 a.m., for Galling, and wml lRetsur, ?? I romn a p.m to 7 p~m. Blisec a Fares-Return Tickete , rrom DUBLIN to SALLINS And BACKS let Clase, 4d ed; Ord Clues, S. Od. The Ticket. Will be available ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. ljn9ZARI (HALOINERS NEXTr 1'IUOI- ?? DICAL AUCTION SALES of Hlondurue and Mexican MAHOGANY and otbhr FPURtNITURE and FANcY WOODS. will take place on TJIURSDAY sad FRIDAY, the Ph nnd ith May next, commenting on THURSDAY, the first day, at Twelve o'Clock, at NOOD, precleely, In the WOOD SALES SHEDS, B5RUNSWICK and TOXTETH DOCKWh; and 0D FI. DAY, the econd day, at Twelve ?? , at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SA .IiEb Ucleegany b7 Auction.- T BDE SOLD) BY AUCTION, on TUES- T DAY, the 8rl ay, at One o'Clock, In the CUSTOM, llOUSE DOCI;S, 20,000 fect of liondurai and exle1n0 Oa- bogany, of large dimonsiens and superior qu3lity: also 20,000 tfst of Inch and Ilelf Ineb, HtAi9ganY ID Pllfn, r,,ngilg from 20 to as lrlebcs wide and iall eaosonOl. For further particulars apply to JAFIFRAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IHATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- MnR. HARalIS has the houour to announea the Engage. ment of Mr. and Mrs. DION BOUCICAULT for a6 limited poriod-THIS EVENINQ (Saturday), April 16th, the pgrfor- mances will commence with the Comic Dreinaof A PRINCE FOR AN HOUIR-PrllOc LorTnzo do Mednief, Miss F Clifford; Boppo, Mrs Burkirishaw; Colonel Pazzi, Mr Bennne; Geromine, Mr Byrig; Carlogt4, Miss Montague, After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTIIEATRE ROYAL1 DUgiUN1- N. MC HAR SIS baa8 the bonorir to aaredunoee the '3agage- ment bf MUlj AND MRS. DION BOUCICA/ULT for a limited period-THIS (Hondiy) EVICHING April 4th, the per-' ?? will ?? with the Comic Drema of TilE IIVAL PAGES I-Louis X1II, King of Prance, Mr i Rentf Ity; Marqulse Previllie. r d Bond Count do Cornichosn, H O'Dell; Vietolre, Mrs BuriraihowF Jolle ?? Montague. After ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ui rR ING A LTERATIONS .3) The Entire Stock of first-class GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, Drarizigroom, Parlour, Hall and Office TIMEPIECES In Bronze, Ormoln, Marble, and Alabaster .01 the neweat and moat elegant designs WILL BE SOLD At VERY REiDUCED PRICES. CHANCELLOR and SON, #5, LOWER SACEVILLE STREET. -(Established 1802). M RS. ALI,EN begs to announce her lI l PRETURN FROM PARIS With all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN,- T BENEFIT OF tilt. D1ON BOUCIOAULT. TI7S EVENING' (Frlday), April Stb, 1804, the per- formances will commence with the Comic Drams of THE RIVAL PAGES I-Lohis X111, King of France, Ur V Hant- ley i Marqnis de Previlie, Mr G Bond Count de Cornichon, Ir O'Dell; Victolre, Mrs Burhinshaw ; Julie, hisS Montague, Afier which w111 be revived the celebrated Drama, in three Bete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ERCANTILE SALES. Auctlon of New BarbadotSgar 'AMFRRICR, BROTHERS, wili Oer for SALE BY AUMor, On TUESDAY NEXT, Igt Inot, At their stores, PATBICKSTREST, At Two o'Clock, 100 Hhda. BARBADOES SUGAR, NOW landing ez Nimrod. Terms at Salo, N. S. ?? Broker. Limerick, April 12, 1864. 5OR 8ALE, at Low ?? while di- CL harging, - 500 Tons GlasgoDw SPLINT COALS, cz BrigsutneDV'irgluia, 90 ,, Newcastle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EV VERYONE interented ehould Inspect the H ewr Patentslotary Vorel' WasihlogU MCblew. THOMAS BRADFORD, 25, DAWSON-STREET DUBLIN, SE,RMONS. TJ NDER the Patronage of his Graco the U Most Dr. Cullen.-ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOLS, LA)WER MECRIENBURGII STREET, Thb ANNUAL CHARITY SERMON, in aid of these Schools, #IlS be Preaabed in the CATHEDRAL, MARLBOROUGH-STREET, after HigL Nua, on SUNDAY l1EXT, 17th ...