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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. ow Rexady Is Mo10., laney cloth, FriCO Nd. THE FLOWERS OF JUNE; or, MO ITI D 1 OF THE HOLY 01{08T. Id _ ?? The i LIfE OF O'CONNELL, Will be Bound In 2 vole, by D the Pibhllser, on the following terms:- Cloth, Boards, Lettered, per voL ?? ?? Ia 0,1 fr Half Calf, Library Binding ., ?? .. Is 8a R NM Back .Nturma*r can be supplied, lt DUBLIN: JOHN MULl.ANY1, I. PARLIAMITSTREET, m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE, Oreatl and Attractive NoveltO I 1-MeOnamies FANNY and CARLOTTA ADDISON, and Mr, ADDISON, of the Thea- Ires Royal, Drury-lano, and Olympic, London.-Pasitively the Last appearance of the Honourable LEWIS WING- FIELD for sonn ?? appearance of Miserse MiZNRY and CHIARLS WEiBB.-THIlS EVENING (Thurs- day), June 23rd, the performances will commence with the extraordinary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ~ ~~ - - ~ - : £50 U R E W A R D.- CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC, FORGERY OF NAME. WATERHOUSE ad COMPANY havog8od ?? to lenow that Watches ire now being Msd5 In England and Geneva, and-old In Dublin as of their manufacture, and having 4heir Name, . Watarhonse and Company, DnblIn,' engraved lvon them, such watches never ?? been manufactisred or soeld by slien. rle genulnO Watches of their make Cem ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O'CONNELL NATIONAL MONUMENT. The Members are respectfully requested to attend a Mdeeting of the Sub.ComOnittOc, appointed on the llth of Novtrmber 1868, to coneider the beet mode of arranging to lbvr a soitablo DESION adopted for the O'Connell National Monument The Mie.ialog to be hold at the hour of Three e Clocr on THIS DAY (Friday), June 10, In the CITY HALL lEMUIIlS OF? THllE UB COMMIrTEE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rrq4E QUEEN'S ROYAL THE&THR. ebrley of TDlentai-moidamee FANqNyaDd ARLOeTIA ADVI~soN, and Mr, ADDISON, Of thle Theatesa Roayal. Prary- gi and elmpic, e London; end ?? L. WINGRLD - TWjs EVENING (Saiturday), juane8th, th ~(Perforig!,snjoo wjll oronmence with ?? entltlad CAMIlLLk',. tIUSBAoD ?iA6rlre Warner, Mr J F Warden; Myooli~u Jonquil, Ur yiFedyvn-; Vegbriar,MrFPRob0en. LadyQ. Hj&ailst~on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. ?? ALE air WOOD GOOD)S. Jjx JpIIO MAI1THN and1 SON'S Neil ~tierdtdrel SaleofI Wood GoodE -Wlilt ?? place on THURSDAY tha 2trd day of June 18ff. At the TIMBER STORES, NORTE WAL whea they will offer, ia Sddition to th large I toeh ot Wood Goods at present It Store, the ebolcelt asserted Gergo by ' Bus i from Quro, just drrdnnd ?? of:- * ,500 pieces Spruce Dasi, ia and rw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rI'PlE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE Creerled and Fashlonablo Hlouses I-Enthusiastie Re- fpgluin of She New Burlesque, Rnmples!Itshin I'-Third if (,1 M1. Henderson's celebrated Damarirte fompany, from tl p I'rrce of Wales Tieatre, Liverprol, under the direction of p iMAitIE SIDNEY-Tlil3 EVENING (Friday), Juno 3rd, tire pferiormencei will commnence w lh (secend time in Dnb- i), Watts Phillip' aist neor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. t CAFI'TALIS3TS X~nea zespeotalble F r pABINER with a SMALL CAPITAL, In a remune- rative Indestrial Pursuit Addraes A B 6, Coiloge-strot, 3E Dublin. I~efCT~r~rfl required end gion e J3 7 BOARD AND LODGING. 7BAY.-The Prf treSofQUINS- B BORV HOUSE has the honour to inform hor Frlends and the Public that she lim been enabled to carry out snit. able arrangementa for the comfort of her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction ot Barbadoos sugar. H ENRY BOYD-will offer by AUCTION, At the Broker's Offico COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, On WEDNESDAY NEI,XT, the 29itb loutant, At One ?? precisoly, lo Hhbda BsrbadoeSL1Sar, 10 Tlerc l,. . 21 Barrels , JAME1S FOX&LL, Broker. 6, Cope.atreot Dub'ln, 92S June, 184f, Aneilln of Whiskey and Brandy. F OR SALE BY AUCTION, At tbe Broker's Saleroom, COMMEIRIIAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrHE QUEEN'S ROYAL THSE:TRE, I Crowded and Fashionable Houses I-Lest Five Nights of Mr. Henderson's Dramatil Company, from the Prlnet of Wales Theatre, Llverpool, under the direction of Miss MARIE SIDNEY.-THIS EVENING (Tuoeday), Juno 7, the perform- ADC6 Will commence with the celebrated Petite Comedy, entitled PARENTS AND GUARDIAN&-. r Swish, Mr W Blekely ; Mons Tourbillion, Mr A Nelson, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. TJ'X'1'NSIVE BALE; air WOOD GOODS. ?? JOHN MAReTIN and SON'S Next Periodical Sale of Wood 00941 Will talo place on THIURSDAY, tioo 28rd day of Jane, 1804, At the TIMBERi STORES, NORTH WALL, 0 When they will offer, in additiln to tits large Stock of Wood OO6da at Dreaoent in store, the choicely aesorted Cargo by EUOXUIB. from QnErec, datly z exected, and ionsisting of i,i00 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rmlfE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. I C'i3' C-tnce,-tsvIng to tho overflow of persons unablo to obtili ,:dmi,slet last eveling, Miss Marie Sidnoy has much ],,,tflT in b6ilig ebie to extend her Benefit ?? Evening bn sile some performances will be repeated, Lost Night of the present Compary.l-BENEFlT of ,N55 ,IhlltIE SliDNEY, uinder the dittingaishlo Pa- t,,,rcgo if COL(NEL PiRE9STON and tht Ollicors ...