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Freeman's Journal



Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... O OELL 0JMONUMENT SUB-CO1Z- MITTEES FOB CEREMOVI&L OiD I3&iqUuT on sire ath of August. 'Tbe merabors of both these Committees are raspectfullV requestedtoaesemble In tibo C1tY HALL, on T'11S DAY (Frildn). July lt , ot Three o'tllock, for the purpose of miking Immeiliato preparations in reference to the detalis necessary Sor that interesting occaslon. R|}: beg to call purtloular attention to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TB~ QUEEN'S ROYAL THEJATHH. TBF.N11FIT and Latt Appenran~o belt Ono of eamdamea YAlNNY and CARILOTT~A A..,b;4JiS-tlndor distinguiebed la41teoaF e..-TIIIBL.VENINO (FridaY), july lbt, the porter- mannms will commoence wil;til ti now DrainaoentitledITILE SILVRvit LINIEG 1.-Artbur Merlivelo, Mr Warden; Frank FOUrl IOh. Mr 1i etgnnhraory Ffr101 Idal~rvrm, 11i89 C Addf- ronl ; Mrs Malirevet, lira ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. C0ON VENT OF 1LA ST. UNION5' C HIGIiG&AVffR19U, Near LONDON, N. W. Under the SpeciaiPatsonege of his Eminence Cardinal Wiseman. Th. Ladles of ' La St. Union having lately pfrchas0d thl magailicent Eotate of Charlton Honue, betveen lf4mpatoad and Highgate, offer to families a ?? boeathy restdeOnO for young Ladlei. About soven acres of grounds, laid out In pierks and gardene, are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t7HE; QUEZ;N' PROYAI, THfATKE. 9 Continoed succeos of tho Sietera FANNY and CAR- LOTTA ATWDISOl5-i7lidS AiVENINi tSatarli1y), July 2d, the ieltromllncea will commenico ,itill ,he Dremin otiitlid TISE SILVEil LINihG I-Archur C1erirolfl Mr VWarialc Frank Firitilh. Mr hlowgirmeryI fladro flnY:rtOvel, M!ej C Adol. 0o0; Mrab MaltravoreM Uro Parker ; Mrs rorrington, !di, F Addison ; Dora Merivelo, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Sugar. jjoNAS BEWLEY and CO. will offer by 1 AUOTION, At our Offles, CommerCItS1 ]UIaldig9, On WEDNESDAY NEXT, the sth July, at One ?? preoligd, 6s BHbdsCuba t S t 60 llhdsBarbsdoes.JR JAlGtS STOKES, WIDOW, and SONS, Brokers, Commercial Buildinge, i9tb June, 18604. Auction of Wine, rO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, .IL At our Office, COMiMEBRCIAL BUILDINGS, On WEDNESDAY, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. T -Ile-egagomemt for Six Nights Mots of the Misses i'ANNY and CARLAITA ADnISON.-Oh THISS EVE.NIN4G (Blonday), July 4th, the porformncab Will COMMenc ?? (rat tim)the b autlful Tratih DrbSeatIaOiltd TEll fEIGN- INGI IAVOUIIE -Princo do IIoNilia0n, Mr Leoy; ?? Abbe Ciluuceeuti, Mr T M Faaily ; -IaMarroe, Count Do Ssxo, Mr J F Warden Prisces Do fItetlien, Miss L DiddeDr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr3 0E Q1JEEN2S ROYAL4 HiEI-AT13 * Mr. ADlnIiON hbving renovred from hi; Xin4dipotli0fln, iliII ppeal Tie Invening -_plriivoly IhO Leasi Five Nigtis of :ioe Xi4ebeii FgAX X Md CAIELOTPA A'iJlSOK-tItS, LVENING tint(l66y), July 01i0, toil ilero~imancoBoS will coin. rleice with 'the boiatlutu now Couitidy entitled LEADING STllINGS.-Frankc L, roe; : -Vlardoe irinnioga Mtr Addl- ren; Mrs I evr,Lr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCES. NON.TAR1FF FlRiE' tSURANOR N 11 OYFICE. The 1sRUCANTILE UNION ASSURANOE COMPANY Is now prepared to grant Insurances on Stockln tredo, MA0h.- nery, Utensils and Flitnres, at the reduced rate of duty. ah risk rated On Its own sorits, irrospectiva of iny tariff; and Flour-millo, aud other risks ot a special nature, accepted At equitable premimsB EB. D. KING, J, Grafton street,Dablln, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UE QUEEN'S ROYAL TrHIEATRE. T Positivilly the, Last Foulr Nights of hfondramee FANiNY ADDISON. GARLOTTA ADDISON, and Mr. ADDISON (of tbe ictrees lRoyal, Drury.lano, and Olympic, London) -TĀ£IlS ErENING (Wedimnday), Jnly oth, tile perform lncoo will conn- inenee with the rtow Comcity ceititled LEADING STiIINGS.- .. ?? Lovseon,ltr Warden in lnnings htr Addison ; Mrs La. .r,D, MitsIt F Addison; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i3EAKEY'S CABIN5T AND 1UPHOL- zi glSRT WAHER00Oi8, BTAF~ORD-STREET. PAzTIIICK BEAKliEY respetfully begs to ennncunco to bl1 IDIy kinfd Prlendr, and Patron, that hc baa completed his arrengeonenta tor ?? on hsi Bsainal In theo Uon~ee ges. 44, 46, gad 40, STAFFORD STREET, where his Office and Warerooms will be riled till the new building ia finished. Do has aleo engaged the extensive promnises ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEArRE Posltively the Lot Thres Nights of Macdames FANNY ADDISON, CARLOTTA ADDISON, and Mr. ADDISON (of the bheatres Royal Drury-laee, and Olympic, Lodoon,).-TlIS EVENING (Thursday), July 7th, the performances will corn. mencr with the now Comedy entitled LEADING STitINGt9- FrYak L' ovfso, Mr Warden; BDinning, Mr Addison Mrs Lo- veson, ltiss F Addison- Flora Mackenzie, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND LODGING. BAY._ Tba Proprietress of QUINS- BOINO HOUSE has the honour to Inform her Friands nd tepobhotht habhl boon enabled to carry out suit. aliet rrangements for the comfort of her seloct Boarders, ineyondent of the accommodathon she can supply to the 0ocasiOnal Tourlat, who can have DInners and Luncheons on the lowst ?? and moat ?? Scale. Address the I rinelpal. Qutnaboro ...