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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEWS ROYAL THEATRE. Trom en dons suecssg ?? BIOD cl n t t, THE OCTOROO1¶ (wilth bttirely now scauery), ln whicb Me,- dames FANNY and CA9LOTTA ADDISON, Mr. F. DEWAR (ol its principal London Theatres, and late of ?? RoyeI, Dsblil), and Mr. EDWARD SAKER, the popular Camodian (from the Theatre Royal Edinburgh), who ne expressly ei gaged for the pr4otlon of thi3 piece, will appear.-THIS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O'CONNELL MONUMENT-The CE REMONIAL COMMITTEC and the BANQUET Os)l- MITTEliU Meet TIS DAY, a Thiee o'lock, in the CITY MALL. Members are parikeularilp requested to be punctual In their attendance. In future both Committees will meet EVERY DAY until the 8th of August Next. ^'GO&EELL NATIONAL MONUMENT O\ 'IC8gI6 FOR THE GRAND BANQUET At the ROTUNDO, On MONDAY. tbe 8th of August Next, Ate rtosdy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T H E QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATHE. I Trormendous success of Dlon Bouclcr ?? groat i ,ts fir ocrORoolq' (with entirely eW owcener), In which Mas- floet FANNY and CARLOTTA AODISON, Mr. F. DEWAI: (of a, plrlcipal Lorden Theatres, and late of te Theatra Royal, fbiiO) and Mr. EDWARD BSAKER, the popular Cnmediran, lporn the Tboatre Royal, Edlinburgh), who are exprossly On- ,sged for the production of thie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Damaged Roftaod sugar. FOR SALE BY AUCTION, FL At the Custom 11onse stores, On TUESDAY IIEXT, the 28th July, 18l, At Onoo' lock, On account of whom it may coseorea. About 700 Loaves Sugar (all faults), Ex Louise, from Havre, Apply to COIVIU and Shaw, 11 Ubleras-cqY. or JAMES FOXALL, Broker, Commnrla, Builidldngs, AUCTIONS. ToPrltorts, Stationer,, Bookbindersoani ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T E QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. Tremendous success of Dion BouCICAUI' groet Dram , THlE OCTOROON (with entirely now scanery), In which Mtes. dames FANNY and CARLOTTA ADDISON. Mr. F. DZWAR (of the principal London Theatres, and late of the Theatre Royal, Dublin), and Mr. EDWARD SAKER, the popular Comedian, (from the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh), who are expressly en. gaged for the produetion of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Dunged Retined Sugar. 1 OR SALE BY AUCTION, FAt the Custom HRouse stores, On TO-MORROW (Taeaday), the 26th July, 1555, At One o'Clock, On account of whom It. may concern. About 700 Loaves Sugar (li faults), Ex Louise, from avrre. Apply to Colvin and Shaw, 11 Ushor's-quev, or JAMES FOXALL, Broker. Corimmtclal Balldlge. Anction of Barbadoea Sugar. EN1RY BOYD will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE QUEEN'S ROYAL! THE1ATRE. Trensendoun ttccess of Dlon Bo t Slt'agroat Drsm %, 76iE OCTORiOON (with entirely now scenery), In wa ph f0e daones FANNY and CARLOTTA ADDISON, Mr. F. DE~k (of the principal London Theatres, and late of the Thoiia'ro oyal, Dublin), ans Mr. EDWARD SAEER, the popular Cemstdlan, (from the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh), who are expressly en. gaged for tle production of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BREMENDOUS VALUE IN TEAS, T WINES, AND SPIRFIS, The sing of allTeam, S.o ?? (treat Opposition, go Sd. Wines of choicest growth, IO to 8t-Cautle Whlkey is per Quart. Flnest Biscuits In 'lb, Tinr, Crisp and Fresh. BARER, SIMPSON, and CO.'S The Monster BottlIng Store. for Opinns'e Pa re Stout. larmaiadps, Od ; Jame, 9d ; Spica just Half-price. GRAHAM'S BEST RED LETTEB And SAXE BLUE. LONDON STORES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrE QUMN'S ROYAL THEATRE. 'TTremendous sunceegs of Dion Bonciosnlt's groat Dram 5, TiE OOTOROON (with entirely new enery), In which Meo- domes FANNY,-a4 CARTLOTTA ADDISON, Mr. F. DEWAR (of the principal London Theatres, gnd late of the Theatre Royal, Dublin), and Mr. EDWARD BAKER, the popular Comedian, (from the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh), Who are expressly en- gaged for the prodnotlon of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7~HE Members of the O'Connell General TCommittee Vill usaseble on THIS D&Y (Wednesday), J*y I7tb, St the hour of THREE O'OLOCK, In the Council Chambe r, (lity Hail. XA full and punctual attendance of the Members Is repect- fully requested. JOHN O-HANLON, CC., Honorary Seretory, 'UON NELL MONUMENT-The CE- U EMHONIAL COMMITTEE and the BANQUET C'Ji- MITTEE will Meet THIS DAY, at Three o'Clock, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. TTremfndous auceots at Dion Botilcaults groat Dram i, IflR OCTOROON (with entirely now scenery).- THIS EVENING (Thureda)), July 28sh, the performances will. commence with the screamiag now Farce (now performing for the last 100 nlights at tha Adelphi Theatre. London) entitled AREA BELLE,-Pitcher, Mr E Bakel'; Tosser, Ur Montgo- mery; Penelope, Miss Jenny Ballair.-Pas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. AYNu 00TH-On SUNDAY NEET, 81st July, 1864, Immediately after tho .ast Mass, which will take plece at ElevOno'Clock, thb Rev. TROMAS BUREE, O P., &c., ft, wvll Preach a SRWIiON In tho Roman Catholic Church of MATNOOTli, for the purpose of pay1ing off a debt lately incurred by the Building of the Now Tower, and also for the Painting of the Interior of the Church. Tickets, LI 108. ; 6e. ...