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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. C LONTABF SCHOOLS.On SUNDAY August, 21at, 1864, the A iNU.L SERMON, iD Did of the Funda for the support of tho Schools of tbo Parish of Cloutarf, will be preachea by the Rev. JAMES OAFFNEY, ?? In ihe Catholic Church of Br, JO3 r TUZ BAPTIST, CLONTARF, immediately after list Mass, which will commence at Twelve ?? preclecly. The numbor of Children attending the above-naned Schoola ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. DENEFIT OF MR. LLOYD, and ?? hid last opprarnce, on which occailon the celebrated Comedian. Mr, I'll Z.i:OY (of the Theatre Royal, Glasgow), Mr. F. DEWAR, alid Miss C ADDISON have kindly given their valuable sor. viceh for this nilgit only, It being positively their last appear- ance-IDA IDALIE, the greateost Danonsso of the age I-THIS EVENING (Tuesday), Angust 16th, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. ^ 1 U)LAND GREAT WESI'ER.N ?? RAILWAY. LAYING TIlE FOUNDATiON STONE OF T1iE OCON6NELL MONUMENT, On MONDAY, the 8th of August. TIR3T, SECOND, and THIRD CLASS RETURN TICKETS, at a SINGLE FARE for the DOUBLE JOURNEY, will be issued from all Stations on tho Midland Great Wertern -sid Great Northern and Western lAstlIay, to Dublin, as 101- low:- From Statlons between Galway and Athlona. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. ANTEDv, iui tbhe city or suburb,, a emaill H FOUSE 0r COTTAGE. Addreaa b. K. n., otice of thit Paper. INOSTOWN.-TO BE LET, by the K Year, Month, or Sosson, a DBTAOHED HOUSE, on One Acro, ?? the sea, to which there In acrsa from tbe grounds for private sea bathlog every modern coMfort. ,tablea, grcoDboueo, abundauce of soft and spring water; six family rooms, two servanteo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.. T MR. HRABIS baa the honlor to announce the produc. tlion, en THllS EVEIENG, Atgnst 81, of the great NAttoznal Drama PIEEP.0'.DAY 1 or, S&VOURNEEN DRELISIL In Ordir to give effect t9 Its performance the followihg Artistes, in addition to The esthblished favourites of the Theatre, have been expresnly engaged :-Min Rose Leclerq, of Ueo Theatre Royal, DrTury-lan; Miss Pege ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OCONNELL NATIONAL MONUMENT. SPECIAL NOTICE. in COnDequenco of the length of time that will be oocae pled in the Procession, the Committee hbea UNANIHOUsLy IfESOLVED, that, On the OccAfIon of Laying tho FlretStono or the O Connell Monument, NO ADDRESS will be received by the Lord Mayor, save the AddieBeof the O'Connell Manu- ?? Committte, and that NO SPEECHES be delivorod In Sackvill-atrot, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE. ROYAL, DUBLIN.- M ElHAN lTS has iho boner to announce the prodne. flDM, on SATUIBDAY, August 27, 1804, of ?? iraroa rIIEP-O'.-DAY or, SAVOURNEEN DEELISIL In oiTd, r to aivs effect to Its performance the following Artistes, in addition to the eatabllahed favourites of tho Theatre, havd Wtn expressly engaged :-Mlas Rosoe Leclerq, of the Theatre Boyal. DrfTy lane; Mlss .Pgo, of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.- liR. HtARRTSbas the bonor to announce the produn. lien, on THIS EVENING, August a0, of the great National Drama I'EEP-O'-DAY; or, SAVOURNE3EN DRELISIL In order to give effect to Its performance the following Artistes, In addition to the establlshed favouritee of the Theatre, have been expressly engaged :-Mse Rose Leclorq, of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane; dles Page, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. ONEY.-£25 W n ted temlporarily by ' If I guntleman for ono month. For the immediate advance £0 bhnos will be given, and ecearity value 100 will be depoatted with the londer to guarantee the punctual repaymont. Address by letter to B n n, Office of tist PFpar. _19,17 JOONEY ADVANCED DIAMONDS, rLATE, WATCHES, JEWELLERY, CLOT9, SILK, &o., by JAMES RISPON, PAWNBlROKER. 9, CIARLEMONT-ST'RET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TB~QUEENT ROYAL THEATRE. Enthus~luatio Reception of IDA IDALIS, tba greatest Danfeieuo of he 498 t-8ixth Appoarauco of the celebratedt Comedion, Mr. LLOYD (of the Thoatres Royal, Edinburgh and Glasgow).-Last Four Nighte of TONl OCTORoozS.- On THiS EVENING . (raeeday), August Otb, 181i ?? bo repeated the now and original Dfama entitled THli OCItOROON; or, Lile In LoulaInL-9Sleta Scredder, MrFi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. EnthELimaetlo Reception of IDA IDALIE, the greatest Panseona of the age ?? appearance of the celebrated Cornedian, Mr. LLOYD (of the Theatres Royal Eiinburgh Ard Glisgow).-Laest Five Nights of THE OOOltCOOiq.- On Ti'ls LVENING (Mindla)), August 8th, 1811, will be repeated the now and original Draima entitled TiE OCIOROON; or, Life in Louisitana-Salem Scudder, Mr F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE, TEnthUNIS600 tcaleeplllE of IDA'IDALIS, the grecates Immnsese oft {e age I-Tbo Celebrated Comedianr, Mr. LLOYD (&S tho Theatres Royal, Edinburgh and Qlsagow).-Lail Weak ol TIlE OCTOROON.-THIS EVSNINO (rhursday), August Itbh, will be repeated the original Drama entitled THE ocTOiOOOM; or, Life In Louislina-Salem Iluidler MrI F powar; Picaynno Paul, Wasn t Addison; Zoe, ...